Veeky Forums Tell me what you know about fascism

Veeky Forums Tell me what you know about fascism

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It would very much like to kill me and my fellow matzoh eaters

Shitty narcissistic ideology that never admits when its wrong.

It's the system of government favored by people who think everything would be perfect if they were in charge.

It looks like an aggressive ideology.

Fascism isn't necessarily anti-semitic.

Tell me more...

Beta ideology for people who feel a need to belong to something greater than themselves

Look up "revisionist maximalism"

Fascism is an ideology in which, through corporatism, totalitarianism, & nationalism, the state and nation become one.

An even more edgy form of communism

post the one where he spins his hand for like 30 seconds


Simple terms:
For the health and well being of the nation and people.
Fascism isn't one totally coherent ideology, it is more of a mode of operation.

Read Mosley's "Fascism, 100 questions asked and answered"

kek, thanks user

You're welcome user

The health and well being of which are dictated by an unwavering, unfalsifiable set of ideals.

This things are not weapons.

pretty much this

also read the doctrine of fascism, it won't take you 30 minutes

Holy shit you can tell so much from that footage.
He seems like a complete megalomaniac, like a child has been put in charge.

when you hit the ideology too hard

It's basically socialism but with nationalism instead of internationalism.

Sure does.

Much like all revolutionary ideologies it works much better in theory than in practice. Although compared to the more internationalist ones the gap between theory and practice is fairly smaller.

this dude is such a saturday cartoon villian i love him

do you have the pic of his HQ?

>be poor and oppressed nation
>need to modernize and repel your enemies, both external and internal, quickly
>adopt fascism
>get shit done

10/10 plan. Too bad very few countries manage to go through with it.

Fascism ideologically is more a radical centrist position, that generally manifests itself as far-right socially.

Fascists for example, while being totally anti-Socialist, Anti-Marxist do actually follow Marx's crisis theory. They believe in class conflict and they believe that Class conflict will result in revolution and Marxism if it gets out of hand.

So Fascists claim they act as a "mediator" between Capitalists and Workers, they take control of the state and use totalitarianism to stamp down the possible conflicts between workers and their bosses, using generally violence, fear and a huge sense of social cohesion and Nationalism.

In reality though, Fascists generally just side with the bosses and repress the workers, using Nationalism as bread and circuses for the people.

Fascism also still doesn't really do anything to deal with contradictions and antagonisms between workers and bosses unlike Socialists, they just stamp out any antagonistic action as it arises (generally from the workers).

If you want to see how Fascists view themselves, watch Metropolis. Hitler apparently saw himself as Freder. It was also apparently Hitlers favourite movie.

>economic neoliberalism

pick one.

He was right to to the consensus in Latin America (which was hard left). But by no means was Chile libertarian or anything like it.

Says ideology.

Those movements are intentionally exaggerated, for everyone in the audience to perceive them clearly.

The nazi's had the holocaust
The Alies had the atomic bombs and Dresden

What did Mussolini actually do wrong?


Well, as far as authoritarian regimes go, no, he didn't do anything particularly dastardly (maybe handing the Jews over to Hitler when the war started going sour, but that wasn't really *his* decision, it was more forced upon him by the Nazis.)

Of course, outside of that, people will take issue with the fact that he was a fascist in the first place, but he wasn't really any worse than your typical run-of-the-mill dictator.

There is nothing wrong with Fascism as such though. Just a different form of government. Based Mussolini.

Thanks for the answer

is actually a bretty cool italian ideology from early 1900s. but is today only used as an insult or a buzzword devoid of meaning.

It's Hitler's fault. That Austrian hillbilly covered in shit everything he touched.

>Marx anything
Pls go

Krauts ruin everything.
From the >H>R>E to the current EU refugee troubles.

We can help you learn more.

its basically if the whole nation was run as if it were a military. strict order, extreme violence and aggression towards your enemies, strict chain of command.

Just be sure to skip the second part. The first one written by an actual thinker, the rest of it is just propaganda.

He tried to stomp out Slovenian culture, for one. It was a pretty big clownfiesta, read up on it.

Italians have a culture that encourages flamboyancy. But your assessment remains correct, very much a child with a child's idea of "New Roma".

We sure know that is better than communism.

Fucker even wore the same mustache as Hitler. Like 0 subtlety.

>not Beria


You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

Don't have time for conspiracy theories, sorry.

So is nothing like socialism.

Allright dictators that turn progressively crazy marks most fascist states

It's an autistic 'reaction' to communism that only really ends up being as authoritarian and militaristic as the worst forms of communism. Communism is already pretty autistic, too, which makes fascism doubly worse. Mixed in with it are some of the most common spooks on the planet, i.e. 'family values', 'love of country', and, possibly the spookiest of them all, 'utter devotion to your country's leader'. No one ideology has more collective neckbeard hair than fascism.

Fascism=Political system
Communism=Economic system

why do we compare these two so much


The atomic bombing of Japan was completely justified. They should have surrendered when defeat was inevitable instead of being a bunch of bitter stubborn faggots.


Wrong but true in a way.
Some ideological components of fascism were capitalistic. It's some of its discourse was influenced by communist ideas but not really their actual policy. In a way, old communists put the realisation of economy at the center of their ideas (that is, its self-destruction, in hegelian terms). So they are a political ideology based on economics. The fascists really improvised a lot and the core of their ideology isn't that clear. So the difference in their relation towards economy still remains.
It wouldn't be so clear nowadays that most communists are either (for the good ones) engaged in a criticism of the fundamentals of their society, or (for the worst ones) engaged in the defense of their particular interests of identity or status even outside of economy - I know I'm being very basic but I could defend this.

>says fascism is good
>posts a pic of Pinocho
Make your fucking mind up, Jesus.

>implying Italian facism wasn't the same group of goose stepping thugs and demagogues

>Love of country
>Family values

Neoliberal detected


It was a reaction to both communism and liberal capitalism.

they certainly made a tasty exemplar for MAD though

Fascism is materialistic, though not nearly as bad as Capitalism or Communism. But it is still spiritually empty. National Socialism is where its at.

They are spooks, by definition. You may think they're important spooks, but they are none the less just spooks. They'll never have substance outside of your mind, and they'll never possess life of their own.

Gassing the Ethiopians.
But, to be fair, everybody else at the time regularly used equally horrible methods.
Italian fascism is just one form of fascism.
National Socialism is a form of fascism.

>Yagoda gets shot
>Yezhov gets shot
>Beria gets shot

You'd think the head of the secret police should see this shit coming.

National Socialism foundationally materialistic and "spiritual" only in the most cynical, manipulative way.

>Guys, loyalty to something as arbitrary to the State isn't spiritually rewarding enough. How can we make it more fulfilling? I know, let's make it about loyalty to the arbitrary distinction of race instead! WAY more spiritual!

Bretty cool, it lets me instate or remove reforms whenever I want. Plus it has some awesome flags.

>fascism is materialistic

>my opponents are just lying about their ideology, they don't really believe it
[citation needed]
Fascism is based loyalty to the nation and it's culture (not arbitrary), not the state. In the ideal fascist world, the two become synonymous.

Heil Harper we're taking over

is he beating eggs

fascism takes the best of communism. I refuse to take seriously anyone who unironically uses the "spook"

he took power

>Veeky Forums confirmed fascist holdout HQ on 'chans


Italian North and East Africa did have some pretty harsh attacks against the natives. Like the time the Italians killed around 150,000 Abyssians during the 30s, and forcibly relocated 100,000 Libyans into camps. A move that ended up killing most of the Libyans involved.

Mussolini also failed to assert his control over the military and monarchy, leaving both organizations to do whatever they wanted, which only made the corruption problem in the military worse. He also had a terrible habit of just letting companies get away with terrible decisions. Look at the mess that was everything Fiat-Ansaldo made between 1930-1945.

is dumb

rad aesthethics

Is that supposed to mean that all these systems are unhealthy? The Fascism guy is clearly pumped with steroids and hormones, has an unbalanced diet, about as much body fat as the guy next to him, probably takes diuretic so his muscles show perfectly. He is clearly not a healthy person, professional athletes rarely are.

>Fascism is based loyalty to the nation and it's culture (not arbitrary), not the state.
That's not true in actual Italian fascism. It's state above all, while the nation is a secondary phenomenon stemming from the state. The culture is important, but it's not a national culture, but the idea of Romanitas.
Because of this, you could have had Libyan Muslim members of the Italian National Fascist party.

>fascism is materialistic
Well, it's materialistic in the same way as Nietzsche's philosophy, ie. something one might call "heroic actualism", not materialistic reductionism of marxism or liberalism.

It's just a funny image, but there's some truth to what you're saying. The ideas of "health", "hygiene", and "balanced diet" is thoroughly liberal. Fascism favours aesthetics above all.
While it is concerned with physical health of its citizens, it's only as a means to an end, to make them fit to become heroes and soldiers.