Why are Turks seen as such a villain even thought of now so badly...

Why are Turks seen as such a villain even thought of now so badly. How come there is such an unfair biased look on history?

Pic ver much related, I would appreciate your opinions on the picture.

They're not.

>fucked up the Balkans so bad they stayed behind in relative with the rest of Europe
>Armenian, Greek and Assyrian genocides
Only Europeans who never their countries occupied by the Turks would view them as anything else other than scum.

It was da Turks keepin us down

Why are you so hung up on the past? Doesn't Christianity teach to forgive and forget? Also look at op all those people look back fondly despite the same shit but mad at the Turks for the same thing.

IMO Mostly Balkanites & Armenians complain about Turks.

Probably because of the silly hats.

Because they don't have enough soft power to impose a good image of them to the world

When will the Balkanigger hate end?


I live in a country where every day I have to look at this when I go outside and you're telling me that I should forget and forgive?

1. They smell
2. They are loud
3. They are not Europe and never will be
4. Name 1 Turkish philosopher
5. Name 1 Turkish astrophysicist
6. They are Islam.
7. They are roaches
8. They are not from where i'm from, which is reason enough to go on a crusade against them desu

Vikings and mongolians where violent savages back in the day when violent savagery was ok.
Turks however are still violent savages.


Where the fuck is that?

How so?

t. Mehmet

Cyprus, the northern part has been occupied for 50 years.


It's funny. Can't you appreciate humour?

Their links to ISIS and the such, mistreatment of kurds, easing the movement of "refugees" to Europe.


Kek holy shit it's so painfully visible lmao. Banter kings I tell you.

Links to Isis were all hearsay and false propaganda which was easily disproven and laughed off.
Kurds aren't being mistreated. Easing the movement of refugees how?

This seems like a very RT educated post.

>Turkey dindu nuffin
>Kurdistan should never be free
>We good boys

That's all you got?

>massacre and displace people from their homes
>bring in their own mainland Turks and call them "Cypriots"
>on top of that make that abortion on Pendadaktylos as salt to a wound
And Turks wonder why no one likes them.

You have to admit it's pretty funny. You'd be laughing if the roles were reversed if you can't admit to laughing at this situation.

Only Turks would find this shit funny. I bet you also make jokes about the Armenian genocide as well.

> links to ISSI were all hearsay and fasl propaganda which was easily disproven

By what?

> Kurds aren't being mistreated

Ehh, no. They are, unless using tear gas, live ammunition, and sexual assaults against protesters whilst banning their language isn't mistreatment in which case I'd love to know what is.

> This seems like a very RT educated post

gee, why don't you call me a Conspiracy Nut, a racist, a kook, a schizophrenic and a fringe while you're at it. Better yet call me JIDF or anything-IDF and then disregard anything I say.

Tbh I'm not a Turk but I just find the situation so over the top it's funny. If it was just a few flags or something yeah whatever but it's a massive painting (?) of a flag so I find it hilarious and I'm guessing it's been there since Cyprus was taken so like twenty years ago(?) meh. It's just funny man don't get so angry.

Maybe because that region was always the point of origin for non-Christian people's invading Christendom?

Naturally they'd be seen as some great outside threat looming to destroy the western way of life, even though they've also inherited a lot of the same western customs other Europeans share.

Also, Turkey is technically partially within the continent of Europe and has been considered to and trying to join the EU for many years.

By looking at the retarded maps RT put out showing the oil was going through Kurdish territory Kek. The ones selling oil to Turkey are the Iraqi Kurds.

I'm talking present tense, they're not being mistreated.

What the fuck are you saying? You literally sound like you read RT and that's where you got all your info from kek

They hate us cause they ain't us. We ruled over the whole world in the past. China, india, persia, egypt, frankia all the big civilization we razed and/or conquered and ruled them all cause we are badass as fuck. Thats why!

>Also, Turkey is technically partially within the continent of Europe and has been considered to and trying to join the EU for many years.

And there's a 0% chance of it happening until htey admit the armenian genocide happened. France will never allow it.

Next you re going to say Erdogan is a peaceful and tolerant leader, who keeps his country laic like Mustapha would have liked


Honestly though right now they're viewed with suspicion for the left because of their steady slide into autocracy and viewed with suspicion by the right for MIGRANTSMIGRANTSMIGRANTS.

In a broader sense they're in a bit of an awkward spot, wedged between east and west and not really getting along with either camp particularly well.

Thsts because each side see them more on the other.

lol im american and this shit is banter gold

You can't knock their banter tbf

The Kurdish language isn't banned in Turkey. There's no need to discredit a legitimate argument about Turkey's Kurdish issue by making shit up.

9. I'm a middle schooler who just discovered alternative ideologies

Hey Cypriot bro, what do you think of diaspora?

haha oh wow that's pretty good

Mongols, huns, vikings and other folk were atleast seen as savage barbarians and they accept that image: "were da anglo women at?", and fucked off back to their country after a while, then started being kinda useful and integrated with the rest of Europe.
Turks have been doing barbaric acts well into the last century, continue to cause shit, and think they are doing everyone a massive fucking favour.

the armenian genocide is a pretty funny joke to be honest with you senpai

Because they are muslims. Because they are darker.
That's it. Only that.

If the individual is from the Balkans also because a history of conflict with them and nationalistic propaganda.

pretty sure its just another case of success breeds jealously, especially with balkan shitholes

>all those T*rkroaches ITT

Serious answer:

Because Veeky Forums has become flooded with crossposters from /pol/ and butthurt Greeks and Balkan slavshits from /int/

Haha the amount of butthurt in these thread.

Greeks: We used to be Byzantine emperors
Balkan: We were Kings
Turks: We were Ottoman Sultans

The only thing in common is that you all used to be something...

desu the Ottoman empire was bad at its final years but its evil doesn't compare to that of the British or Spanish empires or the Belgian one
People only hate it cause it was Christians being killed not native pagans

That is probably the most fucking obnoxious, chauvanistic thing I've seen in a week.


Pure balkanbutthurt because they admittedly fucked their shit up for a while.
Stormfags, Jews and Christcucks have disdain for foreign invaders and islam.
Even arabs are pissmad because the turk kept the sandnigger down for a few centuries.
The worst part for the turks is the fact that the groups mentioned are interchangeable for the most part

Honestly, I'm struggling to find even one group of people who actually like these guys. They have no beef with blacks or chinks IIRC but these guys aren't a lot on this site for obvious reasons.

Turks just incite hate no matter who they are dealing with.

hello tumblr

>I would appreciate your opinions on the picture
It's fucking retarded of course. It's just cherry picking unpleasant actions that everyone dislikes when they are the victim and presenting them as tho they're the reason boos like the subject of their booness. No one likes the romans because they raped and pillaged, people like the romans because they rekt other elite armies, because of their high culture, etc..
And there's an edition of that picture with every culture in the negative so it's not like the turks are any more reviled than anyone else. If anything people here have rather positive opinions of the ottomans (pribably a reaction against byzaboos being so obnoxious).

>byzaboos being so obnoxious
why the hell are they so obnoxious, I don't get that vibe from any other boos like Roman or whatever but byzaboos act like balkaniggers

>why the hell are they so obnoxious
Because modern (19th century onward) byzantine historical work has been so full of bullshit, nationalism, and revisionism that it created a group of extreme boos with a knowledge of byzantine history comparable to a chink whose knowledge of the three kingdoms period comes from the romance.
And consequently, the results when debating them are just about the same: extreme factional bias, incapacity to separate reality from propaganda and later periods myth, etc..
Not to mention extreme hate for any culture that came in conflict with the ERE, which means they hate three of the biggest boodom of Veeky Forums: Romeboos, Persiaboos and Veniceboos.

>no inferiority complex there

why is there so much revisionism and nationalism around the Byzantine empire? It's revered on here as a godly thing that achieved so much but from my understanding since WRE collapsed the only thing ERE ever did was a trebuchet? What is there that they can revise to make it sound good, all they ever did was slowly die the whole time.

Oh yeah, Byzaboos are very angry and toxic.

yeah, cause that's who the turks occupied in Europe. of course, lets say, Italians don't complain about turks when they never occupied them.

I don't know a single Turkish immigrant here who isn't a fascist or supports the gray wolves. The turkish diaspora organization recently had a rally here in the capital calling for the death of all armenians. They are the most chauvinistic assholes there are. And Turkey is a made up nationality consiting of rape babies with stockholm syndrome.

desu their whole history after heraclius was really pathetic and sad, i kinda understand why they would be so salty

>why is there so much revisionism and nationalism around the Byzantine empire
Same reason as for the vikings, or boudicca, vercingetorix and arminius: it was chosen as the propaganda forcus of 19th century orthodox nationalists like russians and greeks against their contemporary enemies: turks to begin with, and catholics (muh atheism) later with the USSR. Did you know for example that the soviets spread a total myth (literally no mention of it whatsoever even as just as story before the 20th century) that Venice and THE FUCKING POPE betrayed Poland in a battle against the turks by ferrying them across a river? The level of bullshit beggars belief.

Orthodox Internet Defence Force maybe?

turkish barbary pirate frequently raided italian cities iirc, so much there was an expression in italy "mamma mia li turchi!" everytime something bad happens

I should also add that while western european history in general has been commented upon by a miriad of scholars with conflicting opinions and agendas, ensuring that most bias gets exposed quick, western study of byzantine history is a relatively young field. Basically all major work until the 00s was done by slavs and greeks, with their humonguous axe to grind against the west. A lot of myths are coming down since western study started.

they need something to distinguish themselves from being basically "orthodox turks" after hundred years of cuckery, i mean just look at pic related

Butthurt over 1453

Mamma li turchi means kill the turks btw. It's not something that anyone other than sicilians say, and it's not about the raids, it's about the guard of a turkish admiral invited to dinner by a sicilian noble trying to rape one of the noble's maids, which (sicilians being sicilians) unleashed the whole city of Palermo against the turkish fleet. All turks on shore got lynched that day.

>it's about the guard of a turkish admiral invited to dinner by a sicilian noble trying to rape one of the noble's maids
And people wonder why no one likes them...


It's a pretty well known story in Sicily, just writing mamma li turchi on google brings out plenty of results.
All in italian tho, you're probably not fine with that.

I've never seen such hardcore revisionism.

>Mamma li turchi
>kill the turks

that's not what it means at all....

Slavs and Greeks sound pathetic

"mamma mia li turchi!" means something along the lines of "Mamma the Turks are coming!", i dont know how you got that

You sit on the Straits.
Yes, that is all. Russia would demonize and try to annex anyone controlling the Straits, as Russians are too big to have just half of Black Sea.

Other hatespeech is just memery from Greeks, Kurds and Armenians. Considering that ~95% of Turks proper are Greeks, Armenians and Kurds that switched faith and languages for gibs and glory (others would be Abbos or Bosnians or Caucasus Muhajir - seriously, Muhajirs from Crimea and Caucasus were perhaps the first genetically proper Turkic wave to visit Asia Minor), personally I find this amusing.

They pretty much Invaded Everyone and behaved like jackasses to everybody in the regions they can Project in untill Catherine and Napoleon turned them into a joke

Its like asking why Russians and Anglos are hated

topkekking whole country. turks on you m8.

Veeky Forums is filled with leftist shittters so of course they would like the turks, just look at this thread ffs

t. Byzaboo/Balkanigger/Armenian/K*rd

it's not being a leftist shitter you retard we like to discuss history properly and objectively, it's not about shitting on each other like niggers.

fuck off

>Leftists like Turkey

The fucks that like Turkey on here are fascists and conservatives who wish they had a leader like Erdogan who was willing to oppress a group of people, arrest those who exercise free speech, and just generally be an egotistical maniac

because of all the byzaboos and orthacucks

The only people that like Turkey on here are Turks or people who think shallowly enough about world events to think Muslims are an oppressed people

you're both retarded

i want /int/ out of my board

Please enlighten us roach

I liek the Ottoman Empire though. And I'm a Flip.

Pretty much the only Central Asiatic founded empire that didn't collapse overnight.

t. ex subject of the ottoman empire

>what is the mughals
>what is the mamluks
>what is the yuans

Nope, try harder.

Jesus Christ, I'v never seen T*rks defended so much here until now. I can't even tell if there has been an influx of T*rks in this board, just ignorant westerners who are trying to victimise Turks despite having zero contact with them or people who are being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.

>inb4 Greek/Slav/Armenian/Kurd boogeyman
Have you ever wondered at all why every single civilization that interacted with T*rks has a very negative opinion about them?

>explanations are defence

Didn't Napoleon have a favourable opinion of them.

>>Have you ever wondered at all why every single civilization that interacted with T*rks has a very negative opinion about them?
That's because the nationalism was based on fighting Turks to gain freedom or whatever that doesn't mean that Turks are eternally bad it means the strong sense of that nationalism lingers from generation to generation despite no real contact between the people.

>I'v never seen T*rks defended so much here until now.
stop browsing /int/

Hello fellow Cypriot.