has transgender/transspecies/transhelicopter
existed throughout history? or is this new?
Has transgender/transspecies/transhelicopter
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It's new.
This is what happens when people stop believing in God, they turn into animals.
No its not new, just more prevalent. Its like asking if homosexuals existed.
There are plenty of cases of transgender peoples recorded through history.
The only difference is that its accepted now and therefore you hear more about it. Also not as much of a taboo; if you were transgender hundreds of years ago you might suppress it and act normal, whereas now its generally accepted (depending who and where you are) to come out as transgender.
>quoting the king of 80's shitbag televangelists
We'll laugh as your ilk continues to be swayed by obvious frauds, child.
>evolutionist complaining about frauds
Oh the IRONY
>Its like asking if homosexuals existed.
except its not at all
homosexuals are extremely well documented. Why are they so much more represented then transgender if they were both hated the same?
There are and always have been more homosexuals then transgenders in history plus the boundry between the two wasn't always established as it is now so a lot of transgendered people through history would've been seen as simply gay
Well, there are cultures where even the IDEA of homosexuality as an equivalent to heterosexuality doesn't exist, and gays are unheard of. Even the subject of the recent "Danish girl" flick wasn't trans in the sense that we think of today, he was a schizophrenic with a crossdressing fetish, and an alternate personality arose which was "a woman" and it supplanted his normal personality.
Post one piece of evidence that even hints that the modern sjw conception of gender existed throughout history and that it affected the lives of real people. Just one.
There are people throughout history who've gotten their rocks off by wearing a dress and pretending to be a girl. As far as "I am actually a woman" however, no. That seems fairly recent.
>obligatory n-no u and le tip responses
[citation needed], how Roman aristocrats would've engaged in and thought of homosexual acts is very different than how someone today would, it's a flimsy argument to suggest that "it's always been like this, we're just now discovering it, even though we have only personal testimony everyone in the past was wrong and we're right xd"
18th century "enlightenment" thinking is to blame for all the degeneracy today.
its not a coincidence that the 2 most destructive wars happened right after europe shifted from christian to atheist
Not in the same numbers, at the very least. Given how much attention America gives to them, I imagine 20% of Americans are transgenders.
today in the western world i read there is about 1 or 2 trans for every 4 gays. The proportions still dont add up.
>after europe shifted from christian
Funny then how the Catholic church celebrated Hitler's birthday.
Roman Catholicism is the Whore of Babylon.
Papacy is the Antichrist counterfeit church.
Christians have known this for a long time.
>At one point in time during the Umayyad dynasty, a caliph, usually identified as Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik, reportedly ordered that all Mukhannathun should be castrated.
>Several sources name some or all of the victims (besides al-Dalal, who is almost always included). A number of these also report a series of quips said to have been pronounced by them on the occasion. The fullest version of these statements is offered by Hamza, whose list is as follows:
>Tuways: "This is simply a circumcision which we must undergo again."
>al-Dalal: "Or rather the Greater Circumcision!"
>Nasim al-Sahar: "With castration I have become a mukhannath in truth!"
>Nawmat al-Duha: "Or rather we have become women in truth!"
>Bard al-Puad: "We have been spared the trouble of carrying around a spout for urine."
>Zill al-Shajar: "What would we do with an unused weapon anyway?"
They read the bible, same as you.
what's obnoxious is that only about 0.25% of the population is "transgendered" but with how obnoxious they are you would believe they are 50%
same with gays and blacks, they never shut the fuck up so people think they are far larger than they actually are.
Nice goalpost move, jackass.
How does this in any way demonstrate that they thought gender was a concept completely independent of physical sex. Hell that even implies that they were men until they cut their dicks off, wanting to be a woman != being a woman in a man's body.
>reading the bible
Pick one.
Catholics worship the Pope or Mary
anyone but God/Christ
Protestants believe in the Bible
Catholics believe in traditions
How is it a goalpost move?
Bible-believing Christians do not identify with the RCC.
I was going to say Elagabalus but he was more of a flaming homosexual who wanted to "become a woman" out of benefit for his male lover, not out of any desire to feel like a woman.
Just because you don't count them as Christian doesn't make them atheists.
There is the truth (Jesus) and then there's false religions.
Roman Catholicism is a false religion, just like Islam and eastern pantheism.
Christians =/= Catholicucks
It's like you've never heard of the Reformation.
>has transgender/transspecies/transhelicopter
Depends where you are.
In India, Polynesia, Thailand, the Americas America and Siberia, pre-Islamic Indonesia, Persia+Afghanistan, Egypt, Turke, Oman, Naples and in various cults throughout ancient Rome.
None of these are directly analogous to the Modern Western group but they are examples of Crossgender or Third Gender populations throughout history and throughout the world. In fact there was a case in Naples where the native "Fieminelli" drove out the transexuals (some native but mostly Latin American) as they were cutting in on business. (I think the Fieminelli have a lot of links to the Mafia)
Transvestites did.
In fact in Southeast Asia, there's no such thing as "Straight Acting Gay" until recently. Due to Hindu influence all fags believed they were Women in men's bodies.
Are you serious? I'm new in Veeky Forums, is this a meme or bait?
>damage controlling this hard
Hitler was christian.
The Third Reich was Christian.
Don't like it? Your friendly neighborhood shit eater Luther contributed much to Anti-semitism.
All forms of Christianity have committed atrocities in the name of Christ.
Europe was not some sinless earthly Eden before it became "secular".
These are objective historical facts.
Save your boring theological squabble for another thread.
Okay, and what does that have to do with anything?
>Hitler was christian
0/10 poor bait
>Are you serious?
It's one guy, he's around quite a bit.
You can't be this stupid.
Hitler believed in Darwinism and evolution.
Where do you think the whole "master race" came from?
He also was heavily into the occult.
>hurr christian crimes!
You mean Catholic crimes.
Over 50 million Christians have been murdered, tortured and burned at the stake by the Papacy.
Save your retarded liberal left-wing garbage for another thread.
>muh liberal bogeyman
Do you check under your bed for commies, you absolute faggot?
Literally a KGB psy ops experiment in the 80s to undermine the west and obliterate birth rates by disrupting hormone production and invalidate perfectly viable breeding populace. There has never been a recorded instance of transgenders in history ever.
Buttblasted libtard detected.
Don't you have a Facebook/Twitter profile to update, you gigantic marxist cuckold?
t. Calvin
This guy is right. If you want to protect yourself from the emasculating hormones the globalists are putting in your tap water, be sure to get a Propur Water Filtration system from store.infowars.com
>durr only marxists use social media
Christ! It's like your IQ is dropping with every post you make.
Do yourself a favor and stop embarrassing yourself. No one takes you seriously as a man and you're accomplishing nothing here.
You're an atheist, evolutionist, humanist, SJW, leftist libtard commie.
Fuck off this isn't a christian thread you retards, this shit is irrelevant.
Veeky Forums is a Christian board you cock-gobbling thunder cunt.
If you want an atheist place, go to Reddit.
'To General Gerhard Engel, Adolf Hitler stated in 1941, "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."
biography of Hitler by John Toland, Adolf Hitler (1992), p. 507.'
>believed in Darwinism and evolution
As does any intelligent christian who doesn't cling to their dogma like a fucking baby.
>Where do you think the whole "master race" came from?
>You mean Catholic crimes
muh Protestants dindu nuffin
pic related
If you say so, kiddo.
>As does any intelligent christian
The fuck are you talking about?
Real Christians do not believe in satanic lies or unscientific garbage.
Evolution has still not been proven, and the theory goes against the Genesis creation story so there is no comprising or accomidation.
>Veeky Forums is a Christian board
lel no there was a poll done. You're a minority, especially protestards.
Irrelevant though because this thread isn't about christianity, it's about historical instances of transgenderism
>history is a record of factual events
>Veeky Forums is a Christian board
Something does not compute here.
>or unscientific garbage
Oh, like a man living in a whale, water into wine, or people rising from the dead?
>Evolution has still not been proven
Yes it has. Thus why it's a Scientific Theory.
>theory goes against the Genesis creation story
Right, the theory were ancients lived to be centuries old and all of human kind resulted from inbreeding out of a single couple.
>this scientific theory goes against ancient judaic mythology and is therefore against Christ
nice meme, you're literally like the atheists who try and prove that christians believe something because it's written in the OT. Genesis is probably less historically accurate than the fucking Illiad, and that doesn't make me a Satanist for recognizing it.
I do think the universe was created by God, but there's no reason that the theory of evolution is incompatible with that. Unless you believe an all-powerful being is unable to create everything you see around you partially through organisms building up mutations over time, which is fundamentally illogical.
Bible contains history.
It is scientifically accurate and literally true.
Fossil findings and archeology proves it.
>hurr you can have both!
No you can't.
The theory of evolution flies directly against the Genesis account.
It is an attack on the Bible.
And we all know who hates God/Christ so much and who controls the world through his secret societies.
Atheists are useful idiots.
Stop biting the bait you fools.
>get intellectually destroyed
Atheists in a nutshell.
>It is an attack on the Bible.
see? I can shit post too.
You're Christian, yes? Meaning you follow the teachings of Christ, yes?
Then why is the accuracy of an ancient Hebrew epic so important to you? How would it's inaccuracy invalidate the truth of God and the message of Christ?
>takes a shit on the game board
>"I win!"
Christians in a nutshell.
Btw you can't /thread your own post, newfag. Get the fuck back to 9gag.
You need to provide evidence and proof for your alternative worldview/theory.
That's how the scientific method works, dipshit.
Evolution is a myth.
>idiot "christain" doesn't understand christianity
>lol christians in a nutshell XD
I fucking hate this place.
No it's what happens when people don't have to worry about getting food or the tribe next to them killing them.
DNA is a social construct
>idiot "christain"
Who might that be?
>I fucking hate this place.
And yet you stay here like the dumbass spineless glutton for punishment you are.
To get this thread back on track I'm dumping historical/nonwestern trannies
DNA proves a creator.
Thanks for agreeing with me.
I can't believe people like you actually post here.
I can't believe there are people who believe they came from a rock.
Boy gee willikers, you sure destroyed his argument with that fedora picture. Fedoras are stupid, lol.
No it doesn't, lol.
Not to mention you haven't even proved a creator exists in the first place.
Atheism is a mental illness.
You are a walking fucking caricature
I asked for proof for darwinism.
Since you won't provide proof (because there is none), I'll provide proof for creation:
It's been a thing for thousands of years, especially in Asia.
Hell the Roman emperor Elagabalus dressed up as a woman and referred to himself as the queen.
Fa'afafine from Samoa, closely related are the Fakaleiti of Tonga, the Mahu of Hawaii and the akava'ine of Cook Islands.
Traditionally they did housework and generally performed the same duties as women. A fa'afafine will usually enter a relationship with a woman or a man, but rarely or never with another fa'afafine
Fuck off you retarded imbecile.
I'm not defending Darwinism, since it's model is outdated. Darwin probably forgot more about Christianity than you'll ever know, anyway.
>implying I'm going to spend 90 mins watching some douchebag on heroin ramble away
Wew lad
For fuck's sake, stop biting the bait, holy shit. This guy is in like half of Veeky Forums threads and you still haven't learned to ignore him.
Anyway, pic related is a Femminiello from Naples. They are traditionally employed doing housework, minding children and are considered good luck. They have been traditionally involved with many festivals and ceremonies. Interestingly, they have not always had a good relationship with transexuals, who are mostly foreign born, especially Latin American.
nah, shitposting is funner than looking at your ugly lady boys.
Why would I fuck off when I'm the only one who's on topic?
The most famous group is probably the Berdache or "two-spirit" native americans. They come from a variety of tribes, and their roles and character vary greatly from tribe to tribe so it is difficult to comment on them as a whole. They generally wore a mixture of mens and womens' clothes and were often involved in ritual and ceremony. They engaged in relationships with either men or women but not with other Berdaches.
Berdache and two-spirit are catch all European terms, natives have their own words for these people.
yes but back in antiquity they either had the good sense to push it down and get on with life or they were seen as freaks and abominations or were some kind of taboo sex things
>shitposting is funner than looking at your ugly lady boys.
fair enough. There is a distinct lack of ugly lady boys in this thread though, so I'm doing my part to fix that.
Pic related is Hijras from India. They are legally recognised as a third gender by the govts of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. They generally live in their own communities and are considered low-caste and mrginalised.
>topic that might be genuinely interesting
>thread is ruined by fundie troll and the idiots that respond to him
This shit is genuinely interesting, keep it up.
Since most trannies don't cut their dicks off, yeah, it's been around since Sodom and Gomorrah.
Darwin knew nothing about Christianity.
Believing God lied to Moses about how He created the universe is fundamentally illogical.
Had some sort of theistic evolution actually happened, God could have dumbed it down for Moses to understand.
Prove it.
will do m8
Pic related are the "Burrnesha" or "Sworn virgins" of Albania. These are women who take a vow of celibacy and in return are allowed to fill the Man's role in society, use mens' names and wear mens' clothes, drink alcohol, etc. They were afforded the full honour price as opposed to the half usually afforded women and were allowed to own land and farm it. The practice originated as a loophole for the restrictive Albanian social codes. Some become burrnesha to avoid arranged marriages, some are chosen the be burrnesha at birth and some because they prefer to live as man.