How does this make you feel, Veeky Forums?
Ireland never had an empire
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That thin line hurts me deep in my soul.
It makes me feel good
t. Margaret Thatcher
Who cares?
The Huns and Mongols had empires
>having an empire
>good thing
Neutral. Ireland seems like a nation content to be left alone and not effected by outside influence... with the exception being the love for Catholicism.
Glad. Imagine how horrible Irish patois/ creole would be.
Brits have fucked up in Ireland plenty and you can say plenty about Thatcher too, that she caused shit in NI isn't one of them
> Ireland never had an empire
wtf do you call this then?
>and now for the avalanche of butthurt micks and plastic paddies trying to claim that Ireland was never really an integral part of the UK, just a colony.
why does it matter?
Good. Leave that shit to the brits.
>tfw everyone has a reason to hate the Anglo
>tfw no one has a reason to hate the irish.
He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.
Cause Irish are literally white niggers
>t. Alberto McLeary
>wtf do you call this then?
English empire
It's actually the Welsh Empire.
The British Empire, as in the island of Britain.
>inb4 'muh british isles' coined in 1577
Good. Not having an empire has largely kept the mudslimes and niggers out in present days. Just look at France and the UK.
Jamaican sorts of classifies. And yes, it sounds horrible.
Nope it is the Imperial Shetland Islands
What, did you forget Scotland?
Did you forget their American colonies, pre-Norse?
REMINDER that the Vikings who invaded Ireland are faggots and Máel Sechnaill was based
Also Ireland is chill. I'd like the North to join the South someday because Unionists are the most annoying and uninformed faggots on the planet, but I don't think that is financially viable right now.
>Glad. Imagine how horrible Irish patois/ creole would be.
It's called Manx and yes, it is horrible
>Not knowing about the Dál Riada
Wasn't this board meant to be full of history students?
Good. The level of power an Empire requires is unholy
>english empire
Yes, which is why nobody of sound mind would describe Dal Riata as an Irish empire.
They got the cucked by the Scots anyway.
They rule from the shadows instead
>They got the cucked by the Scots anyway.
Dal Riada are the scots.
Cucked by the Scots
>you mean the Picts, because the Irish who went over and founded Dal Riata were the Scots.
There were no "Scots" back then. Before the Dal Riada there was only Pictish, and some Anglos to the south.
The Irish came and so did many settlers, which interbred with Picts, particularly in the west and out towards the Herbrides.
Scottish Gaelic as a language today is what branched away from those settlers, who brought the language over from Ireland.
>the Scots got cucked by the Scots
>United kingdom of Great Britiain and Ireland
mfw Ireland had the largest empire in world history
I honestly don't feel bad at all, we made up huge numbers of the British empire and our soldiers in those armies helped create one of the largest and most powerful empires in history. And we were regarded by most Europeans as top soldiers so i'm content in that.
The Wild Geese were for real though.
>There were no "Scots" back then.
The Irish tribe that settled Dal Riada were literally called the Scots.
What did the Irish do to piss the British off so much
Fucking hibes
literally just continue to be Catholic.
How the hell did the Irish only lose 20 men, and how did only 400 Gaels kill 7000 Norsemen???
Vikings suck at fighting.
is there sources to confirm this? because if it's true, that is one of the most impressive military victories of the middle ages i've seen.
>Vikings a shit
>Máel Sechnaill notoriously based commander
>Irish had a fucking amazing position on a hill and ranged shit
>Vikings had to go all the way up, get assblasted, went back down
>They just kept trying
>Eventually ran away
That battle was the one which actually fucked the Vikings up hard enough so that Based Brian Boru could slap their shit at the Battle of Clontarf a while later.
Also, Irish warriors in general were bretty good.
"Amlaíb (Viking) and the fleet of Strangford Lough then raided Armagh on the feast of St Martin in 933. He attacked Southern Uí Néill in 935 and sacked Clonmacnoise in 936: the king of Tara (Irish) replied by burning (Viking occupied) Dublin."
They may never unite or expand by fuck were they the most bantsy bastards ever to live.
>Thinking Brian Boru was fighting against the Vikings at Clontarf.
who did he fight
I don't even know where Clontarf is
Is that why the Irish imitated their way of fighting for the next 500 years
Also, while Irish were formidable warriors, they weren't really that good on a global scale compared to better armies.
Vikings are bottom-feeder tier, but Irish aren't that high up either.
Boru was fighting the Dublin Norse-Gaels who had allied themselves with some Gael clans and various Norse tribes outside of Ireland
I'm sure the Byzantine Emperor would hire bottom-feeders as his bodyguards
Prior to the Finno-Korean hyper war, they controlled at least half of north America
The whole point of this thread is that sure, in a one to one fight with a soldier a Viking would be bretty tough an don a small scale eh, they were fierce and strong but in an organised battle they're as much use as a wooden sponge
Irish soldiers were also hired worldwide.
Vikings a shit. Irish also quite shit but not as shit as the fucking Vikings.
A love that is now well and truly dead. I can only name one person i know between the ages of 18-30 that is actually a practising catholic.
The majority of people then are literally edge lord atheists, and then there's a certain proportion like me that would consider themselves catholics but don't really believe any of the church's teachings, but still appreciate the values.
Your view of religion in Ireland is severely screwed, user.
Norn Iron and Republic Catholics are by and large what you just said; don't really believe in the teachings but go along with the motions because some of the values are alright. A lot are raised catholic and go to mass but don't believe in god, they just do it for tradition's sake, or a lot are very "casual" catholics.
Then there's the Norn Iron protestants who are protestant in name alone and pretty much only call themselves protestant because their daddy told them that's the opposite of what "themmuns" are
requesting that quote where some king or something asked an irish guy he was eating with "what stands between you and a drunkard/fool" and the irish guy said "a table" or something
fuckin irish always having bants