What artefacts do you find the most fascinating?

What artefacts do you find the most fascinating?

pic related, bones of Jesus's brother

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This thing fell out of another dimension or something.

Noah's ark in the Ararat mountains.

It's become a tourist attraction.

Why can't people accept this as the scribbling's of a retard

>it spells fudd
Voynich manuscript confirmed for hating casual gun owners


It was written by Jacobus Sinapius

>its a hoax because i say so

t. desperate atheist

Carbon dating proves it not to be

Genesis isn't meant to be taken literally anyway

The trial surrounding the ossuary is interesting.

Seems the actual state of Israel took him to court because they were mad. And yet, no archaeologist has stated that it's a forgery.

Glad you cleared that up for everyone. Case closed.

Apparently 'agents' of Israel' vandalised it while they had it in the trial too

Why do Jews hate Jesus so much?

Jesus's crown of thorns

>Wow! It's fucking nothing - The Book.

Radiometric dating is unreliable and inaccurate.

A live sheep was dated 11,000 years old.
I don't take dating methods seriously.

Genesis is a literal account of human history.

Deal with it.

It's utterly fascinating. Arguably the most fascinating artifact on the planet. There's really no satisfying scenario that explains what it is and how it came to be.

Well yes if you use it for something it was not meant to date like a live sheep it is inaccurate.



Not him, but what else compels you about Ararat?

Why do you think that's THE ark of Noah?

Because it's far too detailed and consistent in its design to be.

>If you want to play our game you have to read this manuscript in a language we made up

>Genesis isn't meant to be taken literally anyway

Says who, you?

Literally no difference between taking a sample from a live sheep and taking a sample from a newly killed sheep. Literally no difference, as the time for the sheep to breathe in C14 ended like 1 second earlier.

Give it up. It doesn't work. And if you think it does, know that every single organic sample ever carbon dated had C14 in it. Measurable C14. Including coal beds and diamonds.

>And if you think it does, know that every single organic sample ever carbon dated had C14 in it. Measurable C14. Including coal beds and diamonds.
This isn't a problem.

Your live sheep example never happened.

An autistic retard


didn't some historical linguist determine that it was an attempt at creating a standalone written language for a slavic/baltic language with influences from arabic? pretty sure that theory has gained ground.

Never heard about.

>all female bathing orgy
good taste

I just read up on the James Ossuary.
I like how The State of Israel were the only ones to call bullshit and presumptuously charged the owner with forgery. Israel still calls bullshit despite the owner being freed of any charges and many international scholars affirming the osuary's authenticity

check this out:


>A live sheep was dated 11,000 years old.
Citation needed

Probably because Jews reject the idea of Jesus

Nearly as bad as mudslimes when it comes to other religions

Theres no way of knowing, its just a unique script and plants, probably invented by a secretive group of monks or something.

When i was younger i used to make my own writing scripts all the time and memorize them too. If people find that one day they'll freak out too.

they only reject that he was the messiah, not that he or his brother existed

but yea they're just being contrarian because they dislike jesus

You do have the small problem of the name on the ossuary being Jacob, not James.

wouldn't Catholics take issue with this since for some reason they still believe that Mary was a life long virgin?

That's not true

Yaakov Bar Yosef Achi Yeshua.

Jacob son of Joseph brother of Jesus.

That means James

No, it means Jacob. You know how many times it gets written in the Bible?

James is also Ya'akov/Ya'aqov

Lol me too

>There's really no satisfying scenario that explains what it is and how it came to be.
Why can't it be a crazy person? Or someone who thought to be intellectually superior? There's tons of weird shit on the internet these days. Like could people in the past not play pretend?

Is the Voynich Manuscript the medieval equivalent of Timecube?

why not?

The Codex Gigas.

Does the ancient pompeiian shitposting count?

The Marilyn Monroe sextape that was bought at private auction. Word on the street is that the unidentified guy was JFK.

Voynich manuscript is fucking boring

>Genesis is a literal account of human history

There's a theory that the Voynich Manuscript was made with the weird alphabet as a form of encryption to hide venetian trade secrets from the venetian authorities and pass them along.

That one is fake actually.

The real ark is intact and has been photographed:


>flat earth

Just look at the image.

That looks like Noah's ark.
What else could it be?

Was Jesus a Slav?

I forgot the name of it, but there's this long book written by a monk which apparently has thousands of worlds that he completed in a night. which should've taken him days if not years.

I think you're talking about this

Ark of the covenant

>In tests to recreate the work, it is estimated that reproducing only the calligraphy, without the illustrations or embellishments, would have taken 5 years of non-stop writing

How do they know it wasn't multiple people

they can test patterns in the calligraphy and it suggests that there was only one author throughout

well we know it was 2 persons; the monk and the devil

Wikipedia says it was written by Herman the recluse, who was walled up alive to atone for his sins where he took 30 years to write it

Because Jesus BTFOs the Jews like no one ever has before or since. Not even Hitler managed to come close.

Why do people jump to the conclusion that it's the biblical Jesus, isn't it perfectly possible that those names were reasonably common at the time?

wouldn't you have a bit of animosity towards the guy that's responsible for the vast majority of antisemitism?

"son of joseph, brother of jesus"
i dunno man

>son of JOSEPH, brother of JESUS
>carbon dated to 1st century AD

Mary was a lifelong virgin. There's nothing in the Bible that suggests that Jesus had literal brothers and sisters, and the tradition from the earliest days of the Church, attested to in the writings of the Church Fathers, was that Mary and Joseph never consummated their marriage. There is no evidence for any siblings, apart from some gnostic writings, which are understandably far removed from the tradition of the Church in Jerusalem. Jesus was a common name back then. Not every ossuary that mentions it is related to Jesus Christ.

Why would they bother? The existence of Jesus doesn't really affect them much at all, since it's the claim of his divinity that's the important point.

Pretty sure that Jews are responsible for the vast majority of antisemitism.

What if joseph had another wife?

>guy makes wild claims about being a messianic figure in their faith while not fulfilling the key criteria
>his claims involve spiritual claims that invalidate the vast majority of the spiritual traditions of their religion
>the resulting religion winds up being used an excuse to brutally persecute them for centuries

Gee, I fucking wonder. Real mystery that.

>son of BOB, brother of JOE
>carbon dated to the 20th century


>mfw casual hand cannon owners

It was found near the temple mount

Wait, if they never consumated their marriage, does that mean their marriage ultimately lacked legitimacy? I thought consummation was a requirement for Jewish and Christian marriage tradition.

You realize that Jews put Jesus to death then killed many other Christians over the next 40 years trying to annihilate the sect, right? If anyone is entitled to a grudge, it's Christians.

Probably less Jewish than you, but from an outsider's perspective it's not hard to wrap one's head around. I think it's silly to blame Jesus for anti-semitism, but the fact is Christianity does often get used as a justification for it.

Considering that the Jew were engaging in regular violence among themselves over bog standard power struggle political shit, that's not all that hard to believe. But it doesn't equate to centuries of persecution.

Jesus was technically a bastard?

So? Jesus spent like week in Jerusalem. His family wasn't even from there. He was given a tomb there for free. According to Acts some Christians including Mary hung around the city after the Crucifixion, but they all would have left, certainly by AD 70.

Considering it was sanctified by God the father in person, I doubt it.

Well let's just wait a couple hundred years for the Palestinian Christians to earn us enough victim points and we'll be square lol. Who cares?

Not sure where you heard the live sheep thing (your youth group maybe?) but that is made up.

you literally believe something that is both insane and retarded because it fulfills a loophole imagined by early church leaders because they were idiots

also youre wrong, its literally in the Bible explicitly that Jesus has brothers and sisters

>while not fulfilling the key criteria


>mfw in the future japanese, hentai doujins will be taken seriously by more advanced beings, and they'll think we were all fucked in the head.

It's not like it really matters if she stayed a virgin or not.

where do people find this sort of motivation?
what the fuck is wrong with me.

no hymen no diamond

Biblically cucked.

>never consummated their marriage
god fucked over joseph pretty hard, but not as bad as lot. ill never get over how big of a dick god was to that poor guy


She was already married. As long as she just fucked Joseph it isn't a big deal.

>attested to in the writings of the Church Fathers
yeah... not always trustworthy, especially since this Mary was a life long virgin tradition is fairly late. if you are going to trust the church fathers at face value then you have to accept both genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Mark do go through Joseph and Joseph was the result of a three way between his mother and the fathers mentioned in the two genealogies