>Germany was the first to use air raids and chemical weapons in WW1
Lies your teacher taught you
IIRC Hardcore History also said that the Germans were the first to use chem weapons
Can you refute Based Dan?
>We came from monkeys
>The Earth is billions of years old
Glad I un-brainwashed myself from that garbage.
Yes. French were.
>based dan
>liking a guy who literally reads wikipedia articles and "teaches" idiots about what he read
>The Romans were evil and they killed Jesus for being a Jew
The Romans were led by a retarded emperor at the time and the Romans (though not the emperor himself) did kill Jesus for trying to become king of the Jews (which Jesus wasn't trying to do).
The french did nothing wrong in ww1, they suffered the most and didn't deserve so much aggression and bloodshed.
Fuck the huns
Augustus was retarded?
Shit it was Tiberius, realised my mistake.
>emperor during the time of Jesus's execution
Tiberius was a decent emperor.
>Jesus was born out of Mary's vagina and not her ass.
Remarkably unfunny.
How do you explain the grand canyon? It must have taken billions of years to erode it
Tiberius wasn't as shit as Caligula or Nero, sure, but he was still awful. Augustus is the only objectively good ruler of the Julio-Claudians.
>didn't even want to be emperor in the first place
>pretty much gave his best "friend" all the power of the emperor
>easily deceived by womyn
>one day decides to lead
>and by lead, I mean "execute everyone"
>he doesn't believe in the Miracle of Anal Birth
Begone, son of Satan.
8/10 bait made me reply
>vietnam was a failure
>there was no victor in the great war because there was a ceasefire
The first is somewhat debatable but the second is just completely stupid
>there was no victor in the great war because there was a ceasefire
ive literally never heard this
unrelated, i was talking to some guy who thought the union lost the civil war
Natalia is best girl.
Also the girl I linked has porn somewhere, but it is behind pay wall.
Her name is Vera Blue or something
They had more deaths and failed in reconstruction.
Idk how that is a loss tho.
8 out of 8 m8 I r8 gr8. Sk8 to my house u can pick the d8 and we'll convers8 just m8 to m8. Don't be l8
You shut your whore contrarian mouth.
>no source
>accusations w/o evidence
>Germans invented concentration camps
The eternal Anglo truly is despicable.
Lenin created them, didn't he?
>That George Washington = an evil man brainwashed by hegemonic discourses of militarization
>That the class should reject all of American history's heroes, including women and black people, because they represent an "oppressive narrative of an oppressive country"
>tfw the teacher called Harriet Tubman an "Auntie Tom, like an Uncle Tom with boobs"
>tfw the teacher introduced several class periods by saying "I know most of you are secretly sexist or racist, so I'm going to make you uncomfortable and open your little closed minds"
The UK used them first during the Boer Wars
It depends on what you count.
There are a lot of different contenders
>US during the Indian Removal Act
>UK during the Boer Wars
No please, I refuse to believe it, I had an amazing history education but I think it was because I went to private school
The US didn't put people in concentrations camps because Injun savages aren't people
The English got the idea from Spanish reconcentration camps in Cuba iirc.
>The earliest military uses of chemicals were tear-inducing irritants rather than fatal or disabling poisons. During the first World War, the French army was the first to employ gas, using 26 mm grenades filled with tear gas (ethyl bromoacetate) in August 1914. The small quantities of gas delivered, roughly 19 cm3 per cartridge, were not even detected by the Germans. The stocks were rapidly consumed and by November a new order was placed by the French military. As bromine was scarce among the Entente allies, the active ingredient was changed to chloroacetone.[5]
Was this fucking HS? Fucking monstrous. The worst part is that most students don't actively doubt their educators and probably ate it up.
It's funny, I went to a public HS, but my world history teacher used to teach at a private school and he was based as fuck.
Carlin was right in the sense they were the first to violate the Hague, but he missed a fairly big qualifier of asphyxiation.
I hate this shit. Of course they didn't invent the idea of putting a bunch of people they dont like in shitty camps they cant leave.
The Nazi "concentration camp" that people refer to were execution camps where people were stored and then executed on industrial scales. Hardly similar to a bunch of people dying of disease in a camp.
I thought it was the other way around.
the old "human soap and skin lampshade" meme
my history teachers up until college skipped the spanish-american war, made the nazi's the most hated people ever (not even remotely humanize them), that china didn't matter, and that Abraham Lincoln was the best president ever (which should be Teddy Roosevelt's or Jefferson's title)
I'm 20, live in commiefornia and I've never had a teacher say any of these things
>We came from monkeys
But it is not true from a scientific point of view
How can anyone like Teddy Roosevelt and Jefferson while still being consistent? They are almost completely the opposite ideologically.
Didn't TR basically start the Spanish-American war on his own as vice-secretary of navy?
Syracuse invented it: see latonies during peloponesian war
Joke, no civilians were put in those latonies my bad
> The Nazi "concentration camp" that people refer to were execution camps where people were stored and then executed on industrial scales. Hardly similar to a bunch of people dying of disease in a camp.
But that's how most all the deaths happened. Gas is just not feasible, not ideologically and not practically.
Womyn's Studies professor:
>the phrase "rule of thumb" comes from the old law where a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick as long as it was no bigger than the diameter of a thumb
I looked it up and the phrase comes from woodcutting. There were a lot of lies in that class.
Did I say gas? No, I said execution. Bullets, ovens, etc etc. Not meant to house, but to execute. Sure a tone of Boers died, but they weren't purposefully executed. And I'm not even a britbong
He....I think it was inevitable. He sort of jumped the gun on it though.
Judging their actions in their contexts I guess.
>woman's studies
Shit...it wasn't just woman's studies. I'm just learning this now. I think it's in the realm of common knowledge.
They were the first to use chemical weapons that actually did anything.
That still doesn't make any sense.
>tear gas
Belunka Mbunga from rotten shithole 90k years BC confirmed for inventing chemical warfare when he farted in the face of the guy who wanted to mate with the Unga Bunga he catched himself.
The villain
Any source about the REAL first utilisation of chemicals weapons during WWI ?
>Roman's killed Jesus
Faber was the first to deploy chemical weapons on a massive scale. The irony in all this is his other invention is largely responsible for saving Europe from starvation.
>tfw your Christian convert teacher tells your class he hates early Christians because they were pacifists whose barbarous minds couldn't comprehend the glory of the Roman Empire, and who rebelled against its traditions because they were uncultured
Jesus was executed because the jewish leadership wanted him executed and the romans carried it out.
Kek! Hilarious, thank you!
Final pic in my collection, now all I need is Turanist Fingol :DDD
>Nazis crafted lampshades with jew skin
>Communist take-over of Russia was made without spilling a single drop of blood
I wish I was joking
Western teachers are insane
> >Communist take-over of Russia was made without spilling a single drop of blood
How many people died in St.Petersburg during October Revolution?
>Lies your teacher taught you
Moldovan people are descendant from dacians and romans which conquered them!
>No roman soldier even set foot over what would be Moldova
Moldovan people do not exist! They are a fabrication of the soviets!
>17th century literature with monks and writers talking about the moldovans as a separate people from the romanians
In 1918 Bessarabia united with the Motherland to restore GREAT justice!
>In 1917 the Republic of Moldova was declared and was annexed by Romania after several moldovan deputies from parliament were either shot, bribed or harassed in order to sign the union papers
These are just from the top of my head
>Can you refute Based Dan?
I mean he's entertaining and all but he never ever seems to fact check. Everything about the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was painful.
Why are fat /pol/ tards so obsessed with lying about literally everything? It's comedy gold at this point the lies per minute that come from /pol/ shitposters.
Why are you so obsessed with /pol/?
Seems like you belong there famalam.
That shit about the Egyptians using logs to move stones.
Pretty sure most sources say zero.
>Equality, human rights, democracy, etc
we didn't get philosophy at all so it was easy to overlook these claims of inherency being problematic, nevermind pursue scientific enquiry into their ignoble origins
Doctor picked on the vegetarian kid, saying humans have "meat-eater" teeth, not omnivorous, and didn't know poultry-pescetarianism is medical consensus
Turks and mongols are the same empire
>Greece is Byzantium
>Romanians are Romans
>Macedonians are Macedonians
>Hungarians are Magyars
>Magyars are Huns
>everyone east of Germany is slav
>Hitler was a evil person
>Stalin was a good person
that there was something wrong with me and their making up for my "flaws" was totally right
>Wicca is an ancient faith that predates Christianity
>we wuz romans n shiet
Well not really a lie. But I find it pretty funny that most history education will extensively cover European colonialism, but conveniently leave out groups like the Ottoman Empire.
>not trying to become king of kings
Wrong. The Spanish used them before then in Cuba.
this is a myth. Jesus was executed by the Roman state for the crime of treason. The Romans were incredibly weary of anyone rallying up the jews for any reason since they had had so much trouble in the past. They didn't want to risk a further incident by allowing the self proclaimed filius dei rex iudae to start any trouble. The irony is pretty palpable tho
>Stalin is the worst most evil guy ever and never did anything right ever
cough-five year plan so successful in its goals of industrialization and strengthening it ends after four years-cough
>Soviets Caused genocide against the Ukrainians in the 1930s
they always also left out the fact that the time of the supposed man made famine was the time of one of the worst droughts in Ukranian history and that when the soviet government was tasked with collectivizing the poor harvest, Ukrainian peasantry slaughtered their cattle and burned their harvests rather than let it be taken, adding fuel to an already bad fire.
Without collectivization they could have traded for their own food and had self determination.
This is literally that humanities class I had to take.
> professor basically says white history should not be taught, and the only history that is relevant in muh 2016 is minorities and womans history.
>Ineffective tear gas is comparable to making people cough their lungs out.
French used tear gas first, but the Germans were the first to use lethal gas
The class system
>which Jesus wasn't trying to do
Why'd he claim to be Messiah then?
I had a teacher tell the Berliner = doughnut story, with regards to Kennedy. Since a Berliner is a type of doughnut. It's just that nobody confused Kennedy's meaning. So I was taught a fabrication. Still, the guy who said it was otherwise one of the best history teachers I had.
The jews have been persecuted throughout history for no reason other than being jews
Typhus never existed between 1939-1945
>Native Americans were peace-loving hippies who didn't do a single bad thing
>liking a guy who literally reads wikipedia articles and "teaches" idiots about what he read
>Then in the next part of the argument links directly to wikipedia
This boils my blood
Why is American history so poorly taught in this country
>implying tear gas matters
>"Atheism is a religion. Atheists have their own meetings just like church, believe in their own versions of Gods, and have their own mythology. They even have Evolution as the atheist creation story!"
Atheism is a religion.
Don't forget the part where he bathed with children and three them off cliffs for fun, he's part of the reason why Caligula is do fucked up
is there any actual hard evidence that Jesus even existed? Like a book of convicts or something?
>Like a book of convicts
Yes. The Roman execution list for Judea lists Jesus and gives reasons for his execution.
Germans were the first ones to use lethal chemical weapons. The French used them first, but they used fucking tear gas.
>Stalin was a good person
What country did you get your education?