If god is infinitely perfect and humans are (morally) flawed, doesn't that mean that he must hate us?
Is that the reason why suffering exists?
If god is infinitely perfect and humans are (morally) flawed, doesn't that mean that he must hate us?
Is that the reason why suffering exists?
He doesn't hate humans.
He does really fucking hate the stupid shit we do, though.
God doesn't hate us. Our moral ineptitude stems from our own free will, as does our suffering.
>applying rationalism to faith
>wipes out all of us
>purposefully scrambles our languages to make it harder to communicate
>roots for one team of dipshits over the rest of the world
>i love you
This is a master ruseman, and most of the world bought his lies in some form.
>it's another "Atheist doesn't understand Christianity" thread
Suffering exists because of sin.
We (mankind) chose to reject God and listen to Satan's lies.
In pagan mythology, Satan appears as a liberator who gave us the gift of intellect/knowledge.
In Biblical Judeo-Christianity, Satan is a liar and deceiver who is responsible for all of this mess.
Ultimately, God uses things for good.
It's all about the long-term.
PS: I've read the book, God wins and there is a happy ending
yeah a newborn baby that had its parents murdered was responsible because it had sinned
>We (mankind) chose to reject God and listen to Satan's lies.
Really? What hand did you have in that, pray tell?
Is it because of autism? Does he hate whatever we do because of his cripling autism?
>wipes out all of us
That's because of the fallen angels that had sex with human women and created giant Nephilim offspring.
Lucifer was trying to pollute the human genepool to prevent the messiah from coming.
The world is very wicked and evil, that's why the flood happened. Noah and his family were the only only pure humans left.
>scrambles our languages
That's because Lucifer, by using Nimrod, was trying to build a New World Order. One language, one religion, one united attack against God.
Sovereign nations and borders guarantees freedom.
>roots for one team
Because the rest were burning children to underworld gods, having orgies in temples and having sex with animals. They were filled with diseases.
God chose a people for Himself out of which the promised saviour would come.
>We (mankind) chose to reject God and listen to Satan's lies
Don't talk to me or my son or my son's son or my son's son's father or my communist manifesto ever again
>That's because Lucifer, by using Nimrod, was trying to build a New World Order. One language, one religion, one united attack against God.
That's not in the books, for one. And I'm very curious what you think a "united attack against God" would look like, or result in.
>That's because of the fallen angels that had sex with human women and created giant Nephilim offspring.
And he is incapable of fixing them?
>God chose a people for Himself out of which the promised saviour would come.
Good, then he doesn't love everyone and people can shove off with this nonsense.
Kind of weird to die for people you hate, so that they can live with you forever.
When you go to a doctor, you have faith that he knows what he's doing.
When you sit on a chair, you have faith that it will hold you.
When you get on a plane, you have faith that the pilot will bring you to the desired location.
It's called having reasonable faith.
Blind faith is, for example, believing that you came from a rock 9 trillion years ago and that your grandparents were monkeys. You need alot of faith to believe that, I could never have that much faith.
No, but sin is the reason the baby's parents were murdered. And so is death. Sin is the reason there's death in the world.
>sacrificing yourself to yourself in a sacrifice that literally means nothing to you in order to forgive people
makes sense
I was born a descendant from Adam and Eve, who could only make children in their own spiritually dead and fallen image.
Play the hand you're dealt.
11/10 autistic.
Of course it is. It's in Genesis.
There is no fix for fallen angels.
There didn't need to be a fix for fallen humans.
How come Satan gives God so much trouble? That means Satan is a God too and Satan worship is justifiable since he is just as powerful as God.
Satisfying God's holiness, justice and righteousness so that God can in His mercy and grace offer us the free gift of His salvation.
Makes perfect sense, yes.
>falsely equating religious faith with expectations
He doesn't. And he'll be dealt with.
Expectations are beliefs about the future that you cannot see.
Faith is about believing things that you cannot see. For instance, things in the future.
He made mankind in his image
>you came from a rock 9 trillion years ago and that your grandparents were monkeys.
t. "I don't understand what rational objective scientific observation is"
This is the dumbest thing i've heard a theist say ever. No actually, one of the dumbest.
>That's not in the books, for one.
Yes it is.
Take a look at the world today. The increasing internationalism, the destruction of borders, sovereignty, culture and family identity.
Don't worry, Satan is building up a Tower of Babel v2. He can only introduce the Antichrist when the world is united in one ecumenical New Age religion.
>And he is incapable of fixing them?
God does not trample on our free will.
He is perfectly just and righteous.
As morally responsible creatures, we have to face the consequences for our actions. God gave you the gift of life and existance, and He can also take it away.
>then he doesn't love everyone
He does. Jesus died for all of mankind.
Anyone who believes in Christ is saved from eternal destruction.
Israel was just the delivery method.
Jesus came from the line of David.
>Of course it is. It's in Genesis.
Nothing in the story of the tower of Babel even references the great Shaitan. And good job ignoring the question. I'll repeat for your convencience:
I'm very curious what you think a "united attack against God" would look like, or result in.
>There is no fix for fallen angels.
Nice omnipotent god.
>There didn't need to be a fix for fallen humans.
Sure. We're disposable to an all-loving asshole.
If you believe in evolution, you believe you came from inanimate objects, or you confess your ignorance in light of a far more robust answer: God did it.
>arguing semantics
God: Spread out over the world and multiply.
Babylon: Let us gather here together and make bricks out of men.
Babylonian gospel: Let us use our knowledge of good and evil, and be like God. Let us build a tower that will grant us access to heaven.
Setting straight your crooked semantics, actually. Faith/belief/trust are all interconnected.
>thinking the "belief" one has in god is the same "belief" one has in a doctor
Nimrod is a Nephilim, a satanic demon/human hybrid.
That you cannot admit your father's work is a shame to you.
Why is sodomy not allowed when God gave us the tools to do it.
Why not just make a penis and a vagina that can't be used with anything else
First off, stop using words you don't know, it just makes you look dumb
>If you believe in evolution, you believe you came from inanimate objects
This is absolutely not true, so quit lying just because you're losing the debate
You don't have a separate source of sensory organs to believe what you call "normal" or "natural" and what you call "supernatural". It's the same sense. Faith. The ability to believe the unseen. Everyone has it, everyone uses it.
>Babylon: Let us gather here together and make bricks out of men.
>working together implies no spreading and multiplying
>Babylonian gospel: Let us use our knowledge of good and evil, and be like God. Let us build a tower that will grant us access to heaven.
You're gonna tell me god's kingdom can be reached with simple tall structures?
Why make us free will moral agents.
Why give us alternatives to loving Him.
Why don't we just make crime illegal?
You're talking like a nimrod, that much is clear.
I'm unaware of a superlative form of "robust" or I would use it instead.
If you're an evolutionist, you can either accept abiogenesis or shrug your shoulders in ignorance.
God is ok with most crime, and does it constantly Himself.
Yes, gathering in one place to make a name for yourself is not going to the ends of the world to spread out and dominate the earth, be fruitful, and multiply. It's the opposite.
Satan's choices are usually the opposite of God's.
I'm telling you that their occultic knowledge surpasses ours, yes. The third heaven is not higher than our two, atmo and space; it overlaps it at all points and at all times, and there are portals between here and there.
The opposite of this would be true, spawn of satan.
Really? Is there anything you can point to to substantiate your babble? Or do you want me to dance the same tango?
he steals shit for israel and murders people in the bible constantly
Yes, your open mindedness is so convincing. Here, let me do a lifetime of research for you.
What do you think of Russia bombing ISIS?
It's all His, and He judged people worthy of death. And even then, to the most wicked people on earth, He gave 400 years to repent, and they did nothing but grow more wicked.
Fear Him Who can kill you and cast YOUR soul into hellfire.
Fear Him.
You don't need to do research. Clearly something convinced you. Point me to the nonsense that convinces a doofus like you.
Why would I need to have an open mind on bronze age fabricated religions? Is there a reason for it?
If you're Christian, you also believe it, retard. Unless you don't remember Genesis 2:7
>And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
We are made of dust, and the only reason we have life is from God. We came from the earth either way.
I'll fear him like I fear any non law abiding criminal
Murder is taking away someone's life by your own action.
If God says so, it's not murder because God is sovereign. He is the author of life.
God knows all sides, He knows the deepest intentions and ways of everyone. He is the perfect judge.
Yes, condense a lifetime of effort on my part to a post on Veeky Forums that you can skim for a few seconds.
No thanks. You just keep thinking humans are superior in every way now to our ancestors, see how that works for you.
>bronze age
Evolutionist spotted.
You don't believe in Christianity because you've been brainwashed by Marxist professors.
Years of "WE EVOLVED FROM MONKEYS" drilled into your head: It creates a zombie.
The life came from God, the Breath of God, the Ruach Elohim, Who is life.
The evolutionist has no God, and no source of life.
They can only kill you. God will kill you and cast your soul into eternal flames.
Fear Him.
Evolution implies that man will become gods ourselves.
Sounds similar to Satan's lie in the Garden:
"and ye shall be as gods!"
You... don't believe in the bronze age?
Yup. The evolutionists follow the gospel of satan. Thousands of years later, and they fall for the very first lie ever told.
>Yes, condense a lifetime of effort on my part to a post on Veeky Forums that you can skim for a few seconds.
You must be retarded to claim you can't condense something as mundane as decades of religious babbling. If the theory of special relativity can be condensed to a few sentences, whatever "effort" you efforted all over your retarded brain can be condensed too.
>No thanks. You just keep thinking humans are superior in every way now to our ancestors, see how that works for you.
What made you think I think that? Humans today are about as dumb, smart, weak or strong as humans 2000 years ago, we just have more information to go on and a better infrastructure to work with.
If God is perfect, he would have had no reason ton create a universe. If God were good, he would have no reason to plague us with sickness and old age. If God were just, he would not condemn us to eternal pain merely for doubting his existence.
No it doesn't, heck most people who believe in evolution also believe in some sort of God
Satan will defeat God
>Satan's lie in the Garden
Confirmed to be a sheep who only listens to the words of his preacher and never reads the bible himself
It was the serpent who said that, and I know that there are a lot of theories that say that Satan was the serpent and all that, but if I'm supposed to take the bible at face value like you're suggesting, then I have to conclude it was just a serpent
You don't seem to have any argument.
You're just shitposting and throwing ad hominems.
Where is the proof for your religion (Darwinism)?
Can you build a simple reflex camera from scratch?
Serpent in Hebrew means "wise" and "beautiful".
Who is known as being full of wisdom and beauty until he was cast out? Lucifer/Satan.
All false, and all moronic. Perfection and desiring relationships are not mutually exclusive; God did not plague us with sickness,death and old age; He made us perfect and immortal. And of course He's just, which is why He will not allow any crime to go unpunished.
Your Unbelief is the ONLY unpardonable sin that exists unforgiven.
Keep dreaming, loser.
There's also "enchanter" in there. And while satan might be beautiful, he is a fool. There is no wisdom in him at all. He staged a coup against God, and lost it one heartbeat.
Glad you asked.
Oh noes, I don't have the skill to perform irrelevant tasks. Come back with evidence your goatfucking idols knew calculus or have a concept of plate tectonics.
If heaven is so good why don't we just have someone kill every baby before it sins so it can go to heaven right away
Can you invent calculus from scratch? Can you invent zero from scratch? The null set, anything?
>muh loopholes
Why would I have to invent shit that's already invented?
What do your challenges even have to do with anything?
Only a sick and twisted mind plots the murder of innocents as a good thing. Kill yourself. Seriously. Today. You've put it off too long already.
It's literally irrelevant and simply a transition to some perfect plane you imagined in your sycophantic little deformed head.
>wants a short answer for our beliefs
>doesn't give a short answer to his own beliefs
Wouldn't God have plotted every genocide to ever happen, since He's all knowing He would know they would occur
Evolution is a myth.
We did not come from monkeys.
The Earth is roughly 6000 years old.
knowing =/= causing things to happen
you can watch a football match with Barcelona vs some shitty club and know that Barca will win. that doesn't mean you caused them to win
It's literally evil.
It's literally murder.
It's literally down the river, not across the stream.
And chose not to prevent it. That's murder
>this is what psychopathic atheists actually believe
God knows all the evil that men would do. And woe to them by whose hand such evil is done.
>victim goes to heaven
>murderer goes to hell
That was easy.
God made people that murder. That's like purposely making a gun that shoots by itself. If that's not murder then what is
>short answer
Okay, I can do that too.
DNA links all animals together, from you and your wittwe pawents to you and a shroom. That alone is proof enough of common descent.
Then there's documented speciation of fruit flies and any number of other species, and human molding of species around them overall (animal domestication, wheat, bananas).
Then there's fossil evidence of animals that do not exist now, but apparently did in the past, juxtaposed with animals that exist now not being found as fossils.
Now can I hear your story of magic and horror?
The 'Great White Throne Judgment' is going to be a fascinating time.
Imagine all humans that have ever lived, facing God.
Your actions, thoughts and words told out loud for all mankind to see and hear. Alot of people are going to be embarassed, before being thrown into the lake of fire along with the Accuser and his host of demons that have troubled the world.
But for me? I have Jesus. He covered my sins. He took the punishment for me. I get to be with my heavenly Father God forever in perfect bliss.
>2 people made Hitler
>therefore Hitler's parents are evil and responsible
what a retarded argument
>I don't believe in God.
>I don't know what murder is.
>I don't know if murder is evil.
The parents didn't know their son would do what he did. God did.
>That alone is proof enough of common descent.
That alone is proof enough of a common Creator.
Look into the limitations of variation allowed by DNA for why fish can't turn into birds.
>c-common ancestor!
No, common designer.
There's a complete lack of a fossil record to support your theory. There should be millions of missing links and "transforming" fossils, yet there are none.
And God deals out the perfect justice.
Everyone gets what he deserves.
>speciation of fruit flies
They're flies before and after. Buzzing, crawling things.
Get back to me when they mutate a fruit fly into a blue whale.
Why has God made evolution so logical and reasonable?