Battle of Tara, 20 Irishmen dead, 7000 Norsemen dead


>people still believe historical estimates

it's odd, really. the irish are so close to the bongs, yet they did not seem to develop a "salty loser gene" or an "incapability for combat" gene like their inbred, crooked tooth bongfriends did.

>7000 dead
No, it's AT LEAST 7000 dead.

maybe they should have stuck to killing monks


King Peter died like a retard at the beginning, his army panicked and got massacred by cavalry during the route

Sounds like a pretty comfy total war battle.
Also, how much of a dick was the pope for declaring a crusade at him?

>King Peter rode to the front line, forsaking his royal armour for the plain armour of a common soldier. His army was disorderly and confused. When Montfort's first squadron charged the field, the Aragonese cavalry was crushed and Peter himself was unhorsed. He cried out, "I am the king!" but was killed regardless. With the realization that their king had been killed, the Aragonese forces broke in panic and fled, pursued by Montfort's Crusaders.

Source for casualties? Oh wait its just whatever the winners said

i don't want this board to be the new /v/ or /b/ so stop with your pathetic reposts, you piece of shit

bring something new or at least wait a few days or weeks before starting the same fucking thread once again

A bunch of rich heretics with shitty military skills? How could he NOT crusade their asses

>norseboos this buttangry

>Literally all of history
You have to believe something, bud.

yeah but you don't have to take the sources at face value. the Norse probably lost the battle but those casualties seem highly improbable

>how NOT to do humility

If I have gotten it correctly the Norsemen wanted to beat the Irish at one of their pre Christian holy mountains to humilate them, which didn't work so well since the (Likely) more lightly armored Irish men could pull back while bombarding the Vikings with Javelins and shit before battle. So they were pretty much screwed.

The Normans fought in very heavy armour in comparison to the Irish. Irish medieval warfare was based on skirmishing and pelting javelins at the enemy.

If you ever go up the Wicklow mountains you can see that the terrain isn't suited to large formations in mail doing cavalry charges or large scale maneuvers.

As well as this, the Irish warriors were skilled horsemen and were a lot more mobile than the Normans


>Viking battle
>rely on cavalry