What character from greek myth would you assign to each board?
Pic related is obviously /r9k/
What character from greek myth would you assign to each board?
Pic related is obviously /r9k/
Hercules would of course be Veeky Forums
triggered and rustled
>caring for beauty
If anything they're Pan. Who invented the art of masturbation after not being to fuck Echo.
I'll get the pleb ones out of the way
/mu/ is orpheus or one of the /mu/ses
/k/ is diomedes or ares
Veeky Forums is Apollo, or mayby /trv/
Hermaphrodite is /lgbt/
We're Clio.
Nah Pygmalion is clearly /a/
>Ixion - fucks with a cloud, responsible for birthing the centaur race
>/mlp/ - fucks with a show for children, responsible for birthing petabytes of anthropomorphized cartoon horse drawings
I'm feeling Tantalus for /pol/. Anyone else agree?
And /b/ would be Eris, goddess of discord.
nah, they're dreamers and the bringers of redpills.
What's /n/?
>/k/: Ares
>/sp/: Hermes
>/s4s/: Dionysus
these were the best I could think up
What about pandora (opening the box)?
Nope, Narcissus is Veeky Forums 110 percent.
/r9k/ is Echo
/b/ is Zeus, fucks a lot and doesn't give a fuck. Every board is his child or sibling
/diy/ is Hephaestus
/adv/ could maybe be Apollo (Sibylline Oracle)
/s/ is Aphrodite
/out/ or /an/ is Diana
/pol/ or /x/ for Hades
I'm not sure about Veeky Forums. Maybe Apollo.
>implying it isn't Hera
Veeky Forums would be either Apollo or Athens
Veeky Forums is Clio, the muse of history
/pol/ is eris or phobos
/d/ would get Priapus.
/k/ is obviously Ares
/pol/ is Phobos
/b/ is Eris
/r9k/ is Echo
Yeah it's one of the obvious ones
Ugh fugg of m8, I meant Artemis
I partially agree, although Pan would on occasion actually talk to females.
Awww come on user, looks homosexual enough to me.
/a/ /an/ /out/ is Artemis because she is pure waifu material
/b/ is Lyssa (greek goddes of madness)
/d/ Dionysus
/g/ Veeky Forums Athena
/k/ Ares
Veeky Forums /n/ Helios (nobody touches his ride and lives)
/e/ /s/ /hc/ /soc/ Aphrodite
/r9k/ Hephastus (wife always cucks him)
Veeky Forums /trv/ Hermes God of Commerce and of Travelers
Veeky Forums Hestia
/p/ /co/ /gd/ /po/ Techne
Veeky Forums Narcissus
Veeky Forums /sp/ Heracles
Veeky Forums Clio
/int/ Urania
Veeky Forums Calliope
/mu/ Apollo
/pol/ Phobos
/asp/ Thalia
/toys/ /diy/ Hephaestus
/tv/ Melpomene
Heracles you pedent
>/g/ Veeky Forums Athena
>Veeky Forums
Just no.
Veeky Forums is Apollo, the deity of rational/technical science.
Athena is the deity of technology, crafts, philosophy, and strategy.
Most of your other correlations are wrong too. Learn actual mythology before spreading drivel.