Is this the best African country, historically speaking? Seems like it

Is this the best African country, historically speaking? Seems like it.

>maintained its independence throughout the colonial period
>has an emperor

>Is this the best African country, historically speaking? Seems like it.

GTFO christfag
Zoroastrianism rules Veeky Forums

>Has an emperor
Had, you mean

Whatever you say my "Aryan" friend


>maintained its independence throughout the colonial period
nah you see the Italian army occupied the capital city for a few years without any governance or cultural exchange which clearly means the entire country was colonised :^)

t. Giuseppe

Egypt you memelord.

>inb4 some retard claiming that only blacks are Africans

This meme the Italy didn't really colonize Ethiopia has to end. The Duke d'Aosta commanded respect to the degree that the Ethiopian guerrilla war ended, and actually got hundreds of those of Ethiopian locals to join his army, until they realized that Italy didn't really care about them, and then they deserted en masse. Hell, d'Aosta provided modern amenities that no one had seen before, and in some cases since, creating roads, developing cities, vastly improving hygiene, ending slavery and bringing thousands of settlers, reshaping much of the countryside. Italy revolutionized EVERYTHING in Ethiopia, in just five years, doing more there than the British did in most of their colonies.

Also, Haile Selassie was a traitor, humiliating and murdering Italian Somalian border guards, violating international law, then cried when Mussolini retaliated. Think, a few years earlier, Italy was the country that sponsored their entry into the League of Nations, despite the the Battle of Adwa being fresh in everyone's minds. Fuck Selassie, and fuck Ethiopia, you're all still eating romanticized British propaganda seventy years later.


t. Giuseppe

Excellent counter argument, my friend. People like you are why Veeky Forums is a haven of intellectual discourse.

>classic bullshit like "border provocations"
>believing that shit

I am sure that the Poles invaded Germany too

t. Francesco Rossi

but Nubians.

It's Egypt.

In the bronze age, sure.

After that, Egypt got cucked by the Macedonians, Romans, and Arabs.

Still was the best country of Africa.

Do North Africa and The Horn of Africa prove that the Silk road is important for devolopment of an Advanced Civilization?


You mean culturally enriched.

>implying europ isn't proud of being culturally enriched by macedonians and romans and is currently undergoing more cultural enrichment

It's definitely the most accomplished south of the Sahara. Nigeria is pretty interesting as well though.

Greek and Arab Egypt were great though.

If by Silk Road you mean contact with other civilizations in general, then yes. Civilizations arise independently only in rare cases, other than that they're derived from contact with other civilization. Most of sub-Saharan Africa didn't have much contact with the civilized world until after 500 AD in the Sahel and after 1500 AD south of there. Ethiopia and Sudan on the other hand have been in contact with other civilizations since the Bronze Age, which is why they've hosted civilization for thousands of years.

t. Mussolini Barbarossa


They lost to Italy

So, no.


What is the best African currently? I vote Botswanna

But it actually happened, both sides violated each other's borders and both sides got pissed at each other for it.

>0.002 points off being ranked "Very Highly Developed" in HDI

HDI is a shitty stat to base a nations status on.

While I agree that Ethiopia is based, it's not Christian. It's a prettt multiethnic nation with multiple predominant religions. Hell, they even have a Jewish sect.

>yfw emperor menelik wore a fucking doo-rag

t. Ethiopia


Botswana has a lot of problem it's HDI doesn't show.

Botswana is like Africa's Texas. Furthermore, Namibia is Arizona, and SA is California.


Egyptian culture is far superior to Roman faggots.

Africa's Texas as in independence or?

Pretty ass analogy.

Still their history is the riches in Africa and outshines all others

Algeria is underrated desu