/pol/ poster here. is this place the offcial lefty /pol/?

/pol/ poster here. is this place the offcial lefty /pol/?

No and don't turn it into that.

>implying i have that power

I don't know, you guys have a lot of the same conversations we do. Just, without the alt-right/national socialist bend

I recall in the early days of Veeky Forums mods would delete holocaust and egyptian threads.

There's plenty of alt-right here, it's just more subdued and less in your face. Think discussing the French Revolution vs. shitposting about Jews in the media.

WE WUZ Egypt threads still are deleted eventually, but that's because of shitposting not politics.

but politics is shitposting

it's a healthy mix. I wished this board had flags tho....

Flags would induce shitposting, though.

we need choosable historical flags like cripplechan's Veeky Forums has

Flags absolutely ruined /pol/. Anybody from a meme country gets bombarded with memes.

>if it routinely disagrees with me it must be ledty /pol/


it's a board about history and humanities, nothing has to be about one's own political leaning. seems like only retards wandering in from /pol/ care about such things.

No and stop trying to fuck with Veeky Forums by bringing modern political bullshit into it. You have your own boards for that.


I've had numerous posts deleted by the janny where literally all I did was quote a historian or historical figure (Hume, Jefferson, etc.) and then added "what did he mean by this?"

and yet he lets bullshit threads about punk rock stay up.

fucking tumblr tier

Why would someone ever identify themselves as coming from a particular image board? As if everyone on that board thinks the same thing and acts in the same way? Could it be that there is actually people so pathetic that they would pride themselves on which board they shitpost on?

Considering nobody here is calling for mass murder, slavery, forced expulsions, and totalitarianism I'd say no

Are you saying canada and Straya wouldn't shitpost without those flags?

because it makes them feel special

Not really. When they're given a flag, they have an unconscious desire to play the stereotype that flag is associated with.

>and yet he lets bullshit threads about punk rock stay up.

That one was deleted.

Fuck off back to /tv/

Nobody cares about a shitposter getting banned

you are aware that hiveminds are things? there's a reason the internet is as segregated as it is, because people like hearing their own opinions repeated back to them.

Meme country detected

fuck you

it's a funny way of spurring discussion, it's not shitposting any worse than the retarded voltaire meme is.