Why dost thou NEED a handgonne, user? Such weapons should only be carried by the sheriff and the army. A mere serf as thyself don't NEED anything more than a hunting crossbow.
Why dost thou NEED a handgonne, user? Such weapons should only be carried by the sheriff and the army...
From mine cold, deathly hands!
We should ban assault arrows.
Foure wordes I number thee: Thou shall not infringe.
Ban the heavy crossbows! One would be in need of such firepower if one was to kill many knights in a short amount of time
Nay! Ban not the heavy crossbow but limit thy size of ones quiver
Mine birthright to the fullest of accoutrements known to God's children WILL NEEDS NOT BE CONTRAVENED
Mayhaps 'twould be best to Prohibit from our Lordship's kingdome such crossbowes as are painted Black and in most menacing Forme, for such striketh the eye most fearsome from mere Glances rather than the Loosening of a bolt through the aire?
Fuck off back to /k/
What's the matter, peasant? Are you afraid that the big, scary moorman is going to steal your oxen?
I shall slay any moorman who doth quarrel with me. No oxen of mine will he steal, but should he attempteth the theft of thine, methinks thou shalt give unto him thine oxen, and the hand of thy daughter besides, thou wearer of the horns.
Samefag or not, good morning /k/!
Happy to see you here.
Actyally, that moorman not only stole mine horse, but he also fucked me in mine butthole yonder.
Thou hast to not ban crossbowes!
The funny thing was handgonnes were shit and only used to supplement archers.
Fuck off, /k/
Why don't you go back to your containment board and believe KATANA SHIT STEEL KNIGHTS MADE OBSOLETE BY GUNPOWDER bullshit.
If you want to be alone with /pol/, the haplofaggots and the really weird christians, sure. /k/ history threads always were better than until the mods sent us here.
I can sympathise with that seeing how the new mods are really fucking awful.
Ah, what light through yonder window breaks? Tiss my blunderbuss, and it's thunder hails the death of a foul Moorman.
Thou can takest mine shot when thou pry it from mine unloving flesh, begone! Ye heathen of meek constitution!
Yea verily.
Retire to yon Red Int Tavern, wretch.
>thou wearer of the horns
So thou believest that because I should give the hand of mine daughter to a moorman which has the capability of holding a work to his name, fully earning those oxen as an inheritance from me, and the abilitie to sire many grandchildren, instead of marrying her to thou and surely seeing mine dynasty fall apart as you become ever more gluttonous and lazy and also impotent, that I have agreed to feel the heft of the modern-day cuckold? Nay, I say, I am but assuring that I can look back through mine life with no regrets held to mine breast.
Perhaps thou shall, as thou seemst to be a regular at yonder place.
You dare mock me by lumping me with said den of vipers? I would sooner relinquish my left manhood than venture within a score of the establishment.
I would ponder you would do the same, had you a manhood left to give.
Hoho, the very notion! I have three manhoods for extrapowerful intercoursal strength, so I shall allow thee to ponder your accusations and throw another of these jests that you seem to preoccupy yourself with.
I may not be a man of medicine, but if thou truly hath three manhoods I advise thee to find one forthwith.
Tip top tier banter right here.
Well, their steel really was a solution fit to their particular situation and not on par with its European equivalent.
What else then? Societal change? Economics? Miltiary fashion?
Sometimes, when nobody is looking, I twist them around like a cart's wheel by gyrating mine body.
Oh shite, I beg thy forgiveness.
Well the Katana was considered a good sword by many folks in the region. The Chinese who exceeded the Japs in metallurgy included
As for nights, they didn't go "obsolete" once gunpowder was around, they were still fucking around as heavy cavalry for much of the 1500's-1600's. The feudal system making way for an increasingly centralized military-economic complex, better infantry tactics, and the appearance of large standing armies just knocked them down a notch as a terror in the battlefield.
As for the disappearance of their armor in the late 1600's, large standing armies meant most metal bits went offensive capabilities > defensive ones.
The Katana was a good sword because of a high level of craftsmanship, not because of better steel; wasn't it?
Agreed on the knights though.