is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
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It depends on the out of Africa theory not being true.
>conflating language groups with biological races
>non Aryan detected
Homo neanderthalis and sapiens are possibly one species (since they crossbred)
Don't we have less than four percent of their genes?
Genes that mostly are junk material?
This doesn't account for Neaderthal admixture in Eurasian peoples nor Denisovan admixture in Oceanic peoples, which is a big part in their differences.
There is also still no explaination for the Dravidians at the top there, and where the fuck they came from. That is simply just genetic distance.
Thats the point I'm trying to make with the OP image honestly.
However this also applies to Denisovans as well, as they crossbred, and Oceanic people share about 3% of their DNA.
So what exactly does this mean? Were Denisovan, Neaderthal, and Sapien one species?
If you are Eurasian you have 3% genes that are specially Neanderthal.
Thats 3% of a 99.5% similarity between Sapiens and Neaderthals.
All Eurasian people have Neaderthal admixture and this is simply undeniable, and all Oceanic people have Denisovan admixture.
Implying that this had nothing to do with the 3 CLEAR race distinctions we have on Earth right now and calling it nothing more than coincidence is madness.
>major simplification.
So tell me why I'm wrong. I want to learn.
I'm not here to debate a point, I'm here showing what I've come to based on my own readings and research. If you have something that fucks over this, then I want to know because I want to be proven wrong.
Broadly speaking its correct, but you should have crossed the colours a bit like a venn diagram.
do you mean putting the blue around everything?
i considered that actually
If that were true yiu wouldn't call disagreeing viewpoints "madness"
Because it seems like madness to my brain. Again, explain why this is wrong or whatever.
Well, I'm not sure why sapiens hasn't branched from heidelbergensis along with the others. And why all modern humans didn't branch from sapiens and only later receive a small degree of mixture from neanderthal and denisovan. along with the outdated categories used after this.
>Well, I'm not sure why sapiens hasn't branched from heidelbergensis along with the others.
I was under the impression that we didn't come from Heidel?
>And why all modern humans didn't branch from sapiens and only later receive a small degree of mixture from neanderthal and denisovan.
That is what it shows though.
>along with the outdated categories used after this.
eh? how do you mean. the names were not all supposed to be accurate, i know some of them are clearly achaic or just flat-out racist. that was just me being cheeky
Seems to be too certain, an updated version like this would be better
ah... oh wew that would be adding a lot of information to the picture
do you think it would really benefit the oc i made? the idea was more to create a discussion on what makes race/species and such and end the PC bullshit and have a serious conversation and such
couldn't everything in that past 1.5 million years ago starting at homo ergaster breed with eachother?
wouldn't that make them all one species, yes? where do we draw the line
Also from the early hominid section, Homo sapiens evolved in Africa, Europe was neanderthal, and Asia denisovan to simplify it (also floresiensis etc) which is due to out of Africa one, while the OOA that everyone thinks of is the second and after this is when the interbreeding between archaic sapiens occurred.
No, H. sapiens is a sister species of Neanderthals, both came from H. heidelbergensis.
The major part of interbreeding with Neanderthals occurred in the Near East very early during the migration outside Africa, so Melanesians, Australoids and negritos have the Neanderthal DNA too.
The Eurasian part is total bullshit, it mistakes language families for genetics.
All non-African people branched off Negroids, who in turn branched off Khoisan, they aren't three groups coming from the beginning from one source.
Africans, even Khoisan, have the Neanderthal DNA too due to mixing with their neighbours.
Which are you a proponent of?
Not as high as 3% though.
It's not the worst out there, but some of the 'early' mistakes mean the later connections aren't accurate.
There's probably something out there already that's better suited to the topic and would facilitate a good discussion.
>where do we draw the line
Difficult question as there's only one species left in the Homo genus.
I won't do anything tonight, but i'll look for something to start threads on this topic too.
We all came from Adam.
Then there was a bottleneck during the Flood, where only 8 people survived.
All races come from Noah's 3 sons.
Shem became the Semites (Middle-East)
Ham became the Hamitics (Africans)
Japheth became the Whites (Europeans) and later the Asians.
Then there's also Moab, Edom, etc.
the only reason i made this was simply because searching for a timeline image like this was fucking difficult as fuck
the more logical theory was that the black sea deluge hypothesis was correct and that is where the distinctions between asian, uralic, indo-european, and altaic come from, and why they're so genetically closely related to eachother as opposed to the hundreds of sub-saharan african ethnicities that are wildly different
Both, OOA1 is Homo erectus leaving africa, OOA2 is Homo sapiens leaving africa (with meetings between neaderthal and denisovan after they migrated from africa).
this is relevant.
how different were we really though since we still could all interbreed and such? wouldn't we just be one species at that point?
thats the conclusion that ive come to.
mm yeah that would definitely explain a lot
have you read about the black sea deluge hypothesis?
whats your estimate for the first human civilisation? id say around after the ice age
>wouldn't we just be one species at that point?
It comes down to categorisation, lumpers or splitters, polar bear and grizzly can breed (how often to they breed in the wild is another question), are they the same species?
I have heard of the black sea deluge hypothesis and find it very interesting. and
>the 3 CLEAR race distinctions
which are?
i would say yes they are the same species
african, eurasian, oceanic
Caucasian, Asian, Negroid
The 3 distinct human skulls.
I would say Caucasian and Asian are too similar and Oceanic, Negroid, and Eurasian would be the more logical option
No lol
"Missing link" is a massive fallacy
Anyway, we all come from Noah's 3 sons.
i just added it there to over simplify things because that part of it wasnt really important to me
>Neaderthal admixture in Eurasian peoples
There is Neanderthal admixture in ALL non-African populations, and even many African populations have Neanderthal admixture because of migrations back into Africa.
East Asians should also have Denisovan ancestry. So much for "muh 3 distinct races"
>how different were we really though since we still could all interbreed and such? wouldn't we just be one species at that point?
Tigers, leopards, and lions
Horses, zebras, and donkeys
Ligers lose power over the generations, mulatto people don't
How the fuck am I even supposed to read this thing?
A. Four Sons of Ham (see map below):
1. Mizraim (Egypt)
2. Cush (Sudan, Ethiopia)
3. Put (Lybia)
4. Canaan (Hivites, Jebusites, Arvadites, Girgashites, Amorites, Arkites, Sinites, Hittites,
Sidonians, Perizzites, Zemarites)
B. Five Sons of Shem (see map below):
1. Elam (Arabia)
2. Asshur (Assyria)
3. Lud (Lydians)
4. Aram (Aramaic, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria)
5. Arphaxad (From which Abraham descended)
C. Japeth's Descendants (14 Nations came out of Japheth):
The immediate descendants of Japheth were seven in number, and are represented by the nations designated Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Mesech, and Tiras; or, roughly, the Armenians, Lydians, Medes, Greeks, Tibarenians, and Moschians, the last, Tiras, remaining still obscure. The sons of Gomer (Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah) were all settled in the West Asian tract; while the sons of Javan (Elisah, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim or Rodanim) occupied the Mediterranean coast and the adjacent islands.
Seven Sons of Japheth
1. Javan (Greece, Romans, Romance -- French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese)
2. Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians)
3. Madai (Indians & Iranic: Medes, Persians, Afghans, Kurds)
4. Tubal (South of Black Sea)
5. Tiras (Thracians, Teutons, Germans, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Jutes)
6. Meshech (Russia)
7. Gomer (Celtic)
Tarshish is clearly Sardinia
[a. He fought (?)]
[b. with the Sardinians (?)]
1. at Tarshish
2. and he drove them out.
3. Among the Sardinians
4. he is [now] at peace,
5. (and) his army is at peace:
6. Milkaton son of
7. Shubna (Shebna), general
8. of (king) Pummay.
I'm talking about hybrids between species. All three in each example are a different species, yet they're able to interbreed, and sometimes those hybrids themselves are fertile.
Neanderthals and Denisova and other human species were still distinct species, even if we could interbreed with them.
I don't think Tarshish is an island.
They were just people dude. People who lived longer than we do.
>Neanderthals and Denisova and other human species were still distinct species, even if we could interbreed with them.
Literally contradictory, btw
Once again since you're fucking illiterate:
Tigers, lions, and leopards; and horses, zebras, and donkeys are all distinct species, and can also interbreed with each other, and sometimes produce fertile offspring.
There's only one human race dude.
Currently there is, but there used to be different species and sub-species of humans which we interbred with.
Yes it is:
Esarhaddon, Aššur Babylon E (AsBbE) (=K18096 and EŞ6262 in the British Museum and Istanbul Archaeological Museum, respectively) preserves "All the kings from the lands surrounded by sea- from the country Iadanana (Cyprus) and Iaman, as far as Tarshish, bowed to my feet." Here, Tarshish is certainly a large island, and cannot be confused with Tarsus (Thompson and Skaggs 2013).
What is the wallace line?
I believe I confused Tarshish with Tarsus.
It's dumb to lump all Eurasians together because they're similar but keep such different sub-saharan Africans together under one category
Nice proofs faggot
>homo heidelbergensis
Fucking stupid name