Why Did 6 Great Ape Species Survive But Only 1 Hominid Species?

My dad asked this question when I explained some circumstances surrounding Homo sapiens survival against all odds.

We know there is only one hominid species left in the world, Homo sapiens. We also know that there are only 6 other species of great apes left: 2 species of chimpanzees, 2 species of gorillas, and 2 species of orangutans. These 7 species are the last remaining in the family Hominidae.

All the other hominids besides Homo sapiens died out tens of thousands of years ago, and we believe the reason our ancestors survived is because we were more "adaptable", meaning we were not restricted to a single environment but could survive in many others. This is the reason we later spread out all over the world, and probably why we gained "sapience" and are able to contemplate these grim circumstances.

At one point, following the eruption of the Toba volcano 70,000 years ago, there were between 1,000 and 10,000 mating pairs of Homo sapiens left, though there may have been other hominid species alive at the time. My dad asked, if the hominids faced such grueling environments and all but a few died, why did the great apes fare any better? Why are there 6 extant non-human Hominidae species left, but only 1 hominid species?

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Humans are a generalist species, while the remaining apes are specialists.

>why did the great apes fare any better?

Who says they did? They're all not far from extinction.

Because hominids apart from humans failed to survive the changes in their environment, coupled with the fact that they had trouble breeding in large enough numbers to replace their population (with already extreamly high infant mortality due to the narrowing of the birth canal).

Humans were were responsible for the extinction of Neanderthals, Denisovans, Homo Floriensis and whatever lurked in Africa.

Aren't Australian Abos pretty closely related to Denisovans?

About 7%

>evolutionism meme

source: my ass

Sure it was just a magical coincidence that they all disappeared after direct contact with humans.


You believe in a magical theory which has been debunked hundred times.

Using terms like "Neanderthal", "Denisovan" and "Homo Floriensis" only shows how retarded and uneducated you are. You're literally spouting memes.

Debunked by who and when?

That's fucking massive, even Europids only have at most 2% Neanderthal DNA. Why are Abos still considered people?

>THEORY of Evolution vs FACT of Creation

>Evolution Debunked

>Evolution is the Greatest Delusion

>Kent Hovind debunks Evolution

>Evolution is a modern myth

>The Greatest Lie Ever Told

>Evidence for a Global Flood

He's at it again guys

It's not enough to make them more genetically distant to Europeans than Africans are. Pygmies branches off from (other?) humans around halfway between Neanderthal(+Denisovan) divergence and present day.

stop it

fuck off. I swear you post these in 4 or 5 threads a day. the mods seriously need to keep to start deleting these posts. if you want to talk about evolution being a fraud make your own god damn thread

>Kent Hovind

>Ad hominem

>waaahhhh stop correcting me!
Then stop being believing in outdated monkey theories. It's 2016.

notice how atheists never address the arguments, its always personal insults and attacks

Christianity: 1
Atheism: 0

That picture is one of the most retarded things I've ever seen. How is there a link between Evolution and things like drug culture and abortion and radical feminism? Please stop autisming up this board and kill yourself

>don't believe in god
>start doing crazy shit because you can get away with it

That's what relativism does to people.

Are you really this retarded?

If you're a Christian you don't do drugs, abortion or believe in feminism. Those things are all consequences of a godless lawless society that has lost its sense of right and wrong.

Great question OP, let's analyze this logically and scientifically and ignore insane shit posters that doesn't believe in evolution.

Homo sapiens are known to have mixed with Neanderthals and Denisovans. Some have suggested that these should all be reclassified as one species. This might not explain why the others disappeared completely. Personally I think competition may have played a significant role.

Homo sapiens were more adaptable, and it's well documented that large mammal species tend to go extinct around the times that humans arrive in that region, I don't see why this would be different for other hominids. It may be premature to say this without significant evidence, but I would not be surprised if humans actively tried to exterminate other hominids. We tend not to like competition, and to our early ancestors an alien hominid might seem like vicious beasts, like they do in fantasy stories about orcs or ogres. Hell even other human races seem this way to some, so it would not shock me if most hominid inter species interactions were warlike. Obviously some also involved hanky panky since we not share some of their genes as well. It's impossible to know if this was consensual or not.

Great apes live further in the jungle, somewhat removed from humans. I find it interesting that western science considered gorillas to be mythical creatures until the late 1800s or so. Apes are good at hiding out in nature whereas hominids probably live in the same sorts of ecological niches as homo sapiens do, standing in direct competition.


because rape, disease and murder.

the great equalizer that is war ;)

This is a history board.

Who do you think you're fooling? Besides yourself of course.

Wow, you might have made me an atheist.

They told us in prehistoric archaeology 1 that humans basically went everywhere and proceeded to outcompete all the other hominids to death. Most of them died off due to circumscription and not being smart enough to figure out how to ice age, not necessarily war.

>"Its 2015+1!"
>Nazis aren't Christian
>Humanism is bad
>Religion is science
Best bait in a while.

They weren't.
Hitler wanted to break up the churches while Himmler wanted to replace them with neopaganism

>"I swear by God this sacred oath that to the Leader of the German empire and people, Adolf Hitler, supreme commander of the armed forces, I shall render unconditional obedience and that as a brave soldier I shall at all times be prepared to give my life for this oath."
>"So you believe in a God ?" - "Yes, I believe in a Lord God."

>"What do you think about a man who does not believe in a God ?" - "I think he is arrogant, megalomaniacal and stupid; he is not eligible for us."
>not christian


If you know anything about apes, they often will fight over dominance to breed. Males without breeder pairs will join together and then assault those with women, kill the leader and will then kill his babies to replace with their own in the women


We left the jungles and stuff where we were less adapt, then proceeded to remove all competition. Same thing was sure to happen with hominids as they left, with weak hominids being defeated and their women taken captive which is why some of the neanderthal dna comes from Male neanderthals mating with female hominids.

You good sir suddenly made this thread awesome again. Good read.

Evolution is a lie.

Its not. Its a scientific theory. T.in itself its just that. A theory. If i post atheory claiming you are an educated human being it is neither the thruth nor a lie. Its just a theory. Obviously a very dumb one but still not a lie.

Because homo species competed directly for the same resources. Competitive exclusion.

This isn't the case for various great apes, which live in different habitats and eat different foods.

There is nothing scientific about the vague theory of evolution.


It's not even a proper hypothesis.

>Microevolution and Macroevolution

Then how do you explain the neanderthal skulls?

It was scientific at the time. Hell even your link discusses the theory. I am nit even saying that the theory as darwin formulated it still holds up. But it aint a lie. If anyrhing its outdated and disproven but still not a lie. More than that it just pisses me off if someone takes a fucking old theory from before we even had dna sampling or anything and then saying its a lie. As if he would know THE THRUTH. which is usually always some Da urth is 6000 yurs old hurrdurr bs. Come up with a better scientific theory and i am all ears. Besides obvious bait n stuff

Men used to live to be centuries old. Skulls kept growing. Thickening.

It was forwarded by a theologian who called the cell a "simple" structure, and said cells were like "bags of salt".

There's enough info in one single strand of DNA in one cell to fill 600,000 pages.

Simple. Bag of salt.

But we've also got homosapien skulls from around the same time period?

Not to mention homo heidelbergensis. If neanderthal skulls are just undeveloped homosapein skulls, how do you explain the heidelbergensis?

Isnät it interesting how Evolution just got more and more followers as science got more advanced?
Almost like if it align rather well with science or something,

dude, you just have different size heads

that's it

Not followers; acolytes. And not advanced; stifled.

There isn't any special followers of Evolution, no general book of worship or anything.
It's just a theory many think is elementary for understanding the world, like the theory of relativity and gravity.

Hominids are great apes you mong

Yes, it's just a coincidence that all evolutionists are godless secular humanists.

Hitler's Table Talks my man

What about Kenneth Miller?
He's a Catholic.

I actually really like his presentations on that trial he talks about.
Had no idea 3 of the guys on his side taught Sunday School of all things and were still being slandered