So everyone knows the "Hitler was the most evil man in history" meme. Let's ignore that for a moment.
Who was the most evil man (or woman) in history *who isn't a political figure*?
So everyone knows the "Hitler was the most evil man in history" meme. Let's ignore that for a moment.
Who was the most evil man (or woman) in history *who isn't a political figure*?
Some serial killer like Fish.
define evil
Probably some Russian Kommissar during the Second World War.
Aren't Kommissars party affiliates and wouldn't that make them political figures?
>hurr evil nazis!
Only retards believe that.
Watch: "The Greatest Story Never Told" and actually learn what Hitler and National Socialism stood for.
They were the good guys.
There were military and political kommissars but I'm sure they overlapped quite often.
>They were the good guys.
Some serial killer torturer, hard to say who is the most evil, and I don't want to ruin my day by reading through them again.
Well I quess they were pretty good guys for native germans.
Although there are probably exceptions, my guess is that the political kommissars are by far the most evil of the two.
kill yourself
>who isn't a political figure*?
fuck off
worst people of all time:
klaus barbie
josef mengele
shiro ishii
that's it. easy. next.
Commie detected.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Apart from losing all of eastern Preussia and get Eastern Europe clean from Germans of course.
And limiting free speech, banning parts of German culture to replace it with his made up parts as well as making Germany a Pariah among all Europe's non-fascist states.
>Let's ignore that for a moment.
Why can't people read that part?
>Who was the most evil man (or woman) in history *who isn't a political figure*?
Your parents, because they made you.
>took a bankrupt dead country and turned it into the most powerful country in Europe
>saved his people from starvation
Hitler was a fucking hero.
>shiro ishii
This is a complex case if you're a psychology major, because he was an outstanding family man and considered a model Japanese citizen loyal to the emperor.
Ironically enough, he felt so guilty about the atrocities he committed that when he retired in Japan, after being let go by the allied commanders, he led a pious life, converted to Catholicism and ran a clinic where he helped the poor who couldn't pay.
Shiro Ishii is a prime example of the duality that exists in mankind.
>And limiting free speech, banning parts of German culture to replace it with his made up parts
Not the guy you were replying to, but I thought you were actually talking about the DDR or BRD for a moment
To bad he had to start that war to keep the economy floating.
How? I know that DDR did limit freedom of speech, but when did BRD limit the free speech of the Germans anywhere near to the same lengths the NSDAP did?
France and Britain declared war on Germany, not the other way around.
Hitler was never interested in opening the western front.
Read a fucking book you retard.
The "Allies" were the aggressors, and you can thank them for the Reds and cold war.
I suppose serial killers.
You can't justify that shit.
He did that by wiping out the debt...only to take on more debt.
Keep in mind, by this time the German economy relied almost entirely on government projects and arms production, commodities only got around to normal people because all these industries were heavily subsidized by the Nazi party.
Had he not gone to war, the Nazi economy would have had a total collapse as all those tanks and planes would have been produced for shit in return.
>To bad he had to start that war to keep the economy floating.
>underaged b&
Are you stupid, faggot? Germany was one of the richest countries in Europe before WW2
>By 1938 unemployment was practically extinct, and so was the civil rights movement
>Versailles treaty
Pick one.
France was being a gigantic bully attempting to subdue Germany.
Talk shit, get hit.
>you're either a neonazi or a communist, there is nothing inbetween
kill yourself
it's not, not at all really. good and evil as judgements are fucking irrelevant anyway. he did incredibly cruel things and then did some benelovant deeds to make up for it. i don't see any kind of duality in either of those, what i see is a man slave to his egoism.
>Invades a country
>"Buhu why are you guys protecting your ally? ;_;"
I didn't say it was fair. But to act as if Nazi Germany achieved some sort of economic miracle is being delusional.
Not at the same lengths, sure. I don't want to go full /pol/ here, but I personally believe punishing holocaust denial, national socialist symbolism and gestures and criticism of (mass) immigration with jail time, fines or police visits is a bad thing and amounts to censorship, even if it is done with the best of intentions.
What do you think? They started a fucking war, of course Francr wants to subdue them. Just be glad it wasn't as harsh as Trianon.
Fuck off, /pol/.
>criticism of (mass) immigration
Source on that?
>Poland massacreing ethnic Germans
>Germany says to stop
>Poland continues to provoke and be hostile
>Germany gives last warning
>Poland preps for war
>Germany moves in and wrecks Poland
Waaahhhh Poland Dindu Nuffin!
>converted to Catholicism
so he became even worse?
>Germany started WW1
Libtard logic, everyone.
This is how stupid liberals are.
Did you read the fucking link?
>Between 1933 and 1939 the total revenue amounted to 62 billion marks, whereas expenditure (at times comprising up to 60% rearmament costs) exceeded 101 billion, thus causing a huge deficit and national debt (reaching 38 billion marks in 1939
Keep in mind Germany had defaulted on its loans before, no country was going to lend them large amounts of money to keep that growth going. It would have been left with billions of Marks in tanks and planes, and yet no money to pay its soldiers had it not gone to war.
To be fair, he was arrested for calling them names, but I still find it ridiculous.
>Still believing Nazi propaganda
Holy shit, why I even try.
inb4 "it's a jewish fabrication! My Nazi sources are the truth!!!!!!!"
You know reality isn't a game?
You don't win by just producing the most.
You may serve jail time for criticizing mass immigration? Christ, then it would be much worse then I ever thought it was. Agree on everything else you said btw.
You believe in Zionist lies.
I believe in Historical facts.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Prove to me that he did.
Also, from the Washington Post, who I won't give the pleasure of linking them.
>In September, the home of a 26-year-old Berlin man was raided by police, who confiscated his computer and phones after he had posted the tragic image of the dead 3-year-old Syrian boy whose body on a Turkish beach became a symbol of the refugee crisis. Along with the photo, he had posted: “We are not mourning, we are celebrating!”
They didn't start it but were in fact a part of it. Why doesn't it make sense to yu that they want to disarm their opponent? If France and the Entente lost the Central powers would do the same thing.
Stop using the American bastardized definition of the term.
>Unironically thinking that Nazi Germany wasn't planning on going to war
>Unironically thinking that Hitler wasn't trying to provoke an international response
>Unironically being this much of a faggot/bating this hard.
>wipe out debt
>create new, even bigger debt
>start a war
>create dozens of jobs out of thin air
>war is lost
>debt still there
>kill yourself because you're a coward
what a miracle.
>The "Allies" were the aggressors
>be poland's ally by treaty
>poland gets invaded by hitler
>defend your ally, as was written in the treaty
>"bloodthirsty barbarians! the allies declared war on muh germany!"
>and you can thank them for the Reds and cold war.
well, cold war made my Heimatland (Deutschland) one of the richest nations on earth. fostering strong relations to the US who we exported crazy amounts of goods to in the '50s and '60s pretty much set the foundation for what would later be called "Wirtschaftswunder". thanks, allies. looks like we're better off than france and great britain by a long shot.
>Are you stupid, faggot? Germany was one of the richest countries in Europe before WW2
well, that does not mean anything actually. spain was in a disastrous civil war, had a horrible economy. entire eastern europe was struggling. greece and italy were doing poorly. the only reason germany stands out is because of its great employment (creating jobs where there are none) and because of its gdp (a useless number since most of it came from the war machinery).
you are ignoring every point the other poster made and just posting some hardly relevant "muh feelings" garbage. you really are subhuman.
who gives a fuck if versailles wasn't fair? the point of his argument was that the german economy wasn't doing good on its own even though it might appear so to imbeciles (like your kind).
This stupid meme about the Nazi economy needs to die.
>Along with the photo, he had posted: “We are not mourning, we are celebrating!”
This isn't criticism of immigration. It's a dangerous psychopath expressing his desire to murder immigrants. The authorities were right to arrest him. If they were paralyzed by political correctness instead, we would have another Rotherham incident on our hands.
Der Fuhrer explains to a little Nazi girl that her screams and the screams of her little girl friends during the gang rapes won't bother him at all because he will be in his cozy bunker blowing his own cowardly brains out.
Hitler was not an "evil" man
He made some tactical mistakes but he had good intentions for his people
You know you've got problems if even the senior SS nazis think you're fucked up.
Nah, he didn't show any desire to murder immigrants and you can't arrest him for a crime he didn't commit, unless he was threatening them, which he didn't. Then there is the fact that most people just shitpost on social media. Considering Veeky Forums is social media too, I could probably be arrested for some bogus reason if you stack up all the replies I made on the entire website. Looking into social media posts that much is sheer retardation.
And even if they were morally right to arrest him in this case, I still think it's retarded to arrest people who are mocked by the normal population, people such as holocaust deniers and neo-nazis are rarely taken seriously.
Yes, but I didn't cherry-pick like you did.
Pol retard
Richard Ramirez
I know this isn't an argument, but right now you sound just like one of the creationists around here.
I sound like a logical and smart person?
Thanks for the compliment user!
>I don't believe Atheist lies
>I believe historical truths
>The bible is true in it's literal form
I mean, that last part was correct since we are the ones supposed to go father proof.
>Nazi Creatoonist
he's a social darwinist AND a evolution-denying creationist AT THE SAME DAMN TIME
Hitler had nothing on Genghis Khan, or even Stalin.
As far as pure evil goes, I'd say someone like HH Holmes. If you want to go with kill count, there were a lot of communists that were basically serial killers. Vasili Blohkin would pretty much wake up and shoot people in the head all day then go back to sleep, so much so that he had to start using a very small caliber so he wouldn't get sore wrists. Maybe the guy that dropped the atomic bomb over Hiroshima? That has to be the highest k/d ratio of any one person, but evil? Evil requires forethought, I think he just carried out an order. Serial killers have to be the definition of evil, take your pick of who was the worst out of the most prominent ones.
I think it's important to put a difference between ability ant intent. Just because you commit what would be called evil acts you don't have to be evil, and even if you don't commit evil acts you may still be what many would call an evil person.
Also if you think about Hitler's actions compared to say Stalin or even Genghis Khan, he was very legal about how he did things. He didn't just outright start gassing jews (there's a lack of evidence to whether or not that actually happened at all, I'm aware) but it was a gradual process so the story goes. Whereas Genghis Khan would just slaughter anyone that fought back, or even if they didn't. Same goes for Stalinists, any questioning or suspicion of questioning his authority and your whole family was slaughtered. You just don't see that brutality in historical accounts of Nazi Germany, only on movies that exaggerate what happened.
Oh my fuck, I forgot the Assyrians. The Assyrians win the most evil award hands down. The Egyptians were some mean cunts too but I'd put them slightly below the Mongols.
Would you consider the man that dropped the atomic bomb evil? What about the people who worked on the project to create it?
It kind of puts things in perspective. The man who pushed that button had to know how many people would die, as did the people who created the weapon. For whatever purpose, it doesn't defend their actions. At the point they knowingly continued their actions despite knowing the suffering that would come of it, they became evil.
(We still don't know how many people the weapon they created will ultimately kill...)
>poland prepares for war
i think you have no idea how does a blitzkrieg work
but that's acceptable since you look like a simple minded person with little to no knowledge about actual history and who gets all his fantasy facts from /pol/
I think the thing we need to know is the mans intend in case we want to judge him evil, what if the scientists of the Manhattan project just wanted to end the war quicker or create a weapon that would end all wars?
And if an inventor may be called evil because of the effects of his weapon, will we have to call the man that forged the first blade or spear the most evil one to ever exist?
sent ;)
Holy shit, is that actually real?
What's the origin on this picture?
Regime change...
Jesus Christ. If only he knew the havoc he would unleash when he put himself on that cross
you mean is a very public place being appropriated by various groups throughout the year for their gatherings? why yes, yes it is
image search
>posting this meme movie for real
I want this propaganda piece of nazi bullshit to go away
I have never liked NSDAP and their stupid ideas. They believed in fake science and lived in their own fantasy world, but I have no fucking idea what's habenin in the world right now. Left-liberal propaganda is everywhere: "die cis scum", dindus, muh privileges and other racist shit intended against while males. I can't speak up my own point of view in my own country. On one side I have degenerate cultural marxism imbeciles, on the other side I have far-right pol retards blaming Jews, also believing in a stupid anti-science shit and also hitlawuzgoodboy. I hate the fucking planet.
Joseph Stalin was pretty bad as well as the mongolian leaders
Have you even watched it?
It's impossible to watch TGSNT and still believe in the mainstream propaganda that Hitler wuz ebul
There is an in-between. Lots of people are sick of the same stuff you are, and while some of the most vocal critics are nutty racists, there is a burgeoning counter-movement to the worst parts of lefty academia that have gained prominance in media and mainstream politics and more voices criticising the more ridiculous indulgences of political correctness. Check out the rubin report on youtube. A big part of Trump's support is this anti-PC bent, and whether you like Trump or not someone viable is bound to twig being anti-PC played a big part in his success.
>They believed in fake science and lived in their own fantasy world
that is true, however most of them were not aware that it was infact "fake science". biological racism had been taking off ever since the enlightenment.
>Left-liberal propaganda is everywhere
why do you feel like this? would you not say there are adequate counterparts? like fox news in the states, journals like jyllands posten which every country in europe has, grassroots movements, fringe internet communities, et cetera? I think it is fair to say that "left-liberals" as you call them seem like the vocal majority, but it is unfair to act like there is no other side to the coin, no?
>dindus, muh privileges and other racist shit intended against while males
are you american perhaps? I have honestly not heard a single european speak on white guilt in my entire life. it seems to be a complete non-issue here.
the same goes for things like "die cis scum", radical feminism et cetera. I honestly believe you are frantically watching over a very vocal minority of people and you're continuosly being fed what you want to see.
how much power do these people posess? do you honestly believe that they have a singular, totally clear agenda? are they not just individuals being lumped together?
do you really think "jewish" intellectuals poisoned their minds? is it not very clear that this topic is "trending" right now, that people are just jumping on a bandwagon? how many "tumblrites" have read adorno, how many benjamin? the answer is close to none.
>I can't speak up my own point of view in my own country
why is that? who is stopping you?
War is never evil vs good
War is ussually good vs good
the soldiers from both sides are humans with feelings and inspirations who hope for a better life, many young men forced to commit acts.
it is a literal propaganda peace. you might aswell ask "how can someone watch birth of a nation and not want to be a KKK member?" "how can someone watch jud süß and not be an anti-semite?"
the answer is: you're a simpleton, a person easily influenced and swayed by his feelings. you do not think rationally nor critically, you do not reflect. you merely gobble up everything your confirmation bias allows you to.
in short: your parents oughta be embarrassed, no idea how they could fuck up this bad.
this post is very much true. however, when talking about a "just" or "unjust" war people often do not talk about the soldiers, but rather the reasoning of their officials, the people in charge. so a just war would be a war out of a (perceived) just cause.
>no european die cis scum movement
Also true, if anything were to be decided I believe the party threatening war for their own gain or for greed is wrong, not necesarily evil though because the leaders may be thinking out of compassion for their peoples needs but mobilizing troops is very wrong in my mind. Leaders talk about war as if it is nothing these days, in war people die.
Causing so many deaths is wrong and In a way the "Agressor nation" even if acting out of compassion for its citizens, is wrong if it declares war first due to the amount of deaths afterwards.
Therefore Hitler is bad because he invaded a country based on provenly false charges (poland).
sorry to disappoint my friend
I heavily agree. the notion of "bad and good" "evil and benelovant" has to go. it has no place in history. "wrong and right" is better, though i think "just and unjust" is still a little less preachy.
> Leaders talk about war as if it is nothing these days, in war people die.
their relationship to war has changed dramatically: leaders and the ruling class used to participate, now they are trying to stay out of it.
they should take a slice out of reinhard "sieg kaiser" von müsel's cake.
>good guys
mate there are no "good guys" in history