Why was he so brutal?

Why was he so brutal?

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His mom hated him

He had a tiny dick

he had a huge dick as big as his hate for niggers

He hated being a constitutional monarch, had daddy/mommy issues and a wife who wasn't nearly as autistic as he was.

Because people are deleusional, he most likely ignored the killings.
Think about how you feel about people dying in africa now, you could help them right?
They are just too far away to matter.

Great king and make Belgium powerful, u dont become superpower with peace en flowers fucking faggot

I don't recall other superpowers cutting off people hands so they could become powerful...


Wikipedia isn't ideal, but it should get the point across that nobody's hands are clean. The Belgians didn't do anything worse than anyone else.

I actually have to write a paper on this guy and his little Kingdom in Congo. Anyone have some good references I can use?

IIRC he wasn't particularly brutal, they just didn't consider the natives as people so were more creative/flexible in acquiring labour from them.

King Leopold's Ghost - and its bibliography

He also fucked a whore before he died and tried to marry her while near death and had kids with her (not eligible for the throne).
Also fucked his legit kids with wife out of money.

Because he realize the Africans knew nothing but brutality.

Arabs made them ever more feral than they already were.

He realize he had to Genghis Khan them.
Wipe out most of the male population establish their culture and presence in order to prosper.

Punish though who wouldn't assimilate.

He was a great leader for Belgium. Only reason why they became what they were in the 1800s and 1900s.

Mark Twain's piece on him, King Leopold's Soliloquy.

You mean the Royal Trust? Giving it all back to Belgium and ensure prosperity?

>Muh kids wealth is more important that my Nations prosperity

>you could help them right?


Lol no he just wanted money and begged the bigger powers to get a big piece of clay.

Backstabbed and broke every single condition the powers gave him.


You could donate to charitys or travel to africa and help people, even if you disprove these ways you cannot actually be saying it is impossible to help anyone in africa at all?

Frustrated he was a German king of a non-country.

The main reason Africa is a shit hole today is because we keep giving aid to support the bloated population.
They need to grow up and learn the shit themselves.

He was hungry for hands. He had the grumblies that only human hands could satisfy.

Except he could easely have stpped the brutality.
I as a single individual can't stop the brutality in africa. Even if i don't give a shit about people in africa i am still a decent enough human being too stop the violence if i had the power too do so.

its kinda hilarious that the worst german kings were those who actually ruled germany