>loot at catalog
>9/10 threads are nazis, communism or christfags
Why did Hiroshimoot make this train wreck of a board again?
>loot at catalog
>9/10 threads are nazis, communism or christfags
Why did Hiroshimoot make this train wreck of a board again?
Because he doesn't understand that Theology is NOT the Humanities. Divinity and Seminary studies are separate from the Humanities because they ARE NOT secular.
Religious Studies is secular, Theology is not.
He should have known better.
>Waahhhh why can't this be a Darwinist circlejerk!
You atheists are hilariously stupid.
mostly bait no one is replying too
I'm not an atheist. I just know there is a difference.
Also, you sound like a child.
/Pol/tards genuinely believe they are helping to put down atheist degenerates by posting their nonsense here.
/pol/ basically ruins everything
OP is basically whining about why this board isn't dominated by the evolutionist worldview.
He wants to silence dissent, basically censorship.
just make /rel/ or merge it into /x/ for kicks
Hitler and Communism threads might be bad but no one is worse than the Christians. No wonder Nero killed these faggots
you're gonna need a bigger bait
told you so
I can't wait for you to burn in hell.
I know, it's a guilty pleasure.
Making a thread just to bitch about it is even worse. Please delete it and make a Veeky Forums related thread instead.
You don't get it son. You would have a better theological experience if we were separated. You could actually engage in appropriate theological discussion with like minded theological intellectuals.
Instead, you just post argue with atheists and post fedora meme all day long.
There are actual people here who want to discuss history, you know?
You're wrong, this thread is very appropriate. Veeky Forums is fucked up right now.
how do you even have the brain cells to live day to day
we need to create our own board identity and culture. we need to escape the influence of Veeky Forums, /int/, and /pol/
That doesn't sound very christian of you
We just need to have a fucking conversation about history instead of having to hear proselytization.
The amazing thing is that Christcucks invaded Veeky Forums en masse probably during 2014-2015 right about the time reddit became mainstream.. So basically they are contrarian autistic redditors that love shitposting. Unless you make a containment board for them, hey are not going to stop,
Go to Reddit, the perfect place for your atheist liberal hugbox.
/pol/ is a containment board, maybe you should fuck off there sperg.
This is bait.
No bait, I'm sure there are innocuous christians on this board but there are far too many who take every opportunity to proselytize which causes a massive fucking derail and ends with no one having learned anything.
You can't really even have a conversation with some of these people since it always leads to "I'M KNOW I'M RIGHT BECAUSE THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS LEAD ME TO THE TRUTH THROUGH MY HEART", it's completely pointless.
Maybe he thought people wanted a Anthropology board, but he didn't know about the Christianization of the neo/pol/ counter-counter-culture invaders who rolled in i the last few years. So of course once they have a new "Holy Land" they come in crusading and set up shop like they own the place.
I have been on Veeky Forums since 2006, and christian posting became regular only after 2013 on Veeky Forums.
Imagine someone saying that in a History class...
Metathreads do not help the problem. You'll make this board better by posting threads related to interesting historical topics, posting well-reasoned and researched replies and ignoring obvious bait and memes.
It's completely pointless for godless people to pretend they understand the bible, actually. You deny the holy, and cannot understand the supernatural. And it shows.
How so?
This user is correct.
I was on Veeky Forums when Christposting was bad.
I have nothing against Christians, fuck, most of my friends are Christians, I just want to have more historical discussion without every thread falling apart with religious proselytization.
Newfag/reddit tier/spergson spotted.
been here since 2007 and agree. when reddit became popular Veeky Forums turned into anti-reddit instead of having its own identity.
>every thread
This is how I know you lie.
t. alberto barbossa
hitler did nothing wrong
normies get off my board reeee
As someone who has been on Veeky Forums since day one, it has been a constant fucking battle. That's fine. It just needs more vigilant moderation which a board this slow generally wouldn't need. Mods just don't understand that Veeky Forums is a special situation.
No user, I have a degree in History, I just want to talk history for fucks sake.
You're the evolution shitposter right?
2004 ~ 2011 = Veeky Forums was liberal and atheist, edgy /b/ tards
2011 ~ 2015 = Veeky Forums grew up and realized Christianity is the truth
2016 = Redditors invade Veeky Forums and turn the place into an atheist shithole.
Mass exodus of 4channers to eightchan.
Can someone please explain the eternal anglo meme to me
Forced meme by some turk from /pol/
british are evil
I think the real problem is the premise of the board tricks you into thinking that just once, just on this board, that rational argumentation is valued. But no, actually shitposting reigns supremehere too, just like the rest of the site. So it's a setup. Once you understand that, then you see this board for what it really is
I smell fear.
You're the guy that pretends every day is Opposite Day, right?
eightchan is tiny compared to Veeky Forums which receives millions of visitors every day. Also it's mainly inhabited by neo-nazies, communists and traps so much for "Christianity".
It's a "reversal" meme.
reminder that /cuteboys/ has always been more popular than /christian/
eightchan has a /christian/ board, and surprise surprise it has better quality historical discussions than on this fucking board
>OP talks about how Veeky Forums is now a board full of religious and atheists retards
>it happens in this thread now
I wish there was a board just for history
>implying ""philosophy"" threads aren't as bad
Fucking this.
Please Hiro...
Philosophy should have been left on Veeky Forums and even then only pertaining to specific philosophical books. Imageboards are not meant to be a platform for philosophical discussion like a forum is, where you are forced to wait and think of an answer instead of just shitposting.
No, they are really not as bad.
They don't reduce themselves to proselytization.
It's because you have people who view history through the eyes of evolution, and the people who view history through the biblical perspective.
One believes in billions and millions of years.
One believes in 6000 years and the Old Testament.
You are bound to have conflict, all it takes is someone to post evolutionist terms (cladistics) or a Christian to say "Adam" or "Flood" to trigger a shitflinging contest.
The thing that makes it even more ponderous is they admit there's only a few thousand years of written history.
That sounds awfully familiar
>They don't reduce themselves to proselytization.
Which would be impossible......
I'm biased because I'm a philosophyfag but I don't see how they're that bad.
Philosophy vs. Science threads on the other hand are terrible, on both sides.
This. Presuppositions and conflicting worldviews.
Either the atheists or christians need to get out or we need to learn to live in peace.
If its dominated by either atheists or christians, it becomes like /pol/ where everyone is national socialist and right-wing.
if there was it would probably be pretty dead, especially considering history gets drowned out even here
>people who view history through the biblical perspective.
Explain how this is part of the Humanities...
I think they want to do post threads directing their rage atheists/jews/muslims rather than discuss theology and spirtuality.
That's because hate IS their spirtuality.
The same is true for the anti-theist posters.
and this just proves the point I expressed above. The vast wave of Christianity on Veeky Forums is not a genuine interest in what the religion is for, but rather the desire to be contrarian and against things.
Explain how Darwin's book "The Origin of Species" is part of Humanities.
Proselytization deters historical discussion.
I notice that in general, everyone here is a historical shitposter. Take for example the "rightist are cucks to leftist" thread. Or the "Vikings would destroy Romans" thread. What has happened to Veeky Forums is it's being flooded with tumblrettes poltards and other groups that have a political axe to grind. It doesn't help that fedoras (yes you're also at fault here) and internet crusaders nig out in any thread where they find each other. Add to all this /int/ shitposting and you have his.
This board would be improved 100% if only one thread for each topic was allowed at a time. Like one thread about Christianity, one about Rome, and one about WW2.
How do philosophers proselytize? Or do anything close to that?
Not to mention this isn't purely a history board. So obviously a philosophy thread isn't going to contain it.
No, generals are terrible and always result in circlejerking. This board is slow as it is, if mods did that, it would be the end of it.
>How do philosophers proselytize?
They don't, I never said they do. They have their own unique methods and theories. Philosophy is indeed part of the Humanities.
>Generals are terrible
I would rather have a single terrible general than 50 threads about the same topic.
I agree.
Atleast Veeky Forums made some funny memes like
Then I'm just confused on what this post has to do with mine.