Question for the religious here. If aliens landed on earth tommorow would you attempt to convert them to your religion? Why or why not?
Question for the religious here. If aliens landed on earth tommorow would you attempt to convert them to your religion...
No, because there is no salvation for demons masquerading as et's.
I'm Orthodox Jewish: For starters, we don't really believe in prosletyzing anymore. And secondly (although I'll frely admit that this is only a sub-sect of Orthodox Judaism), I believe that revelation and divine command is fundamentally remedial, a way of enabling one to rise above the materialist impulses and becoming properly spiritual.
An alien is almost certain to have an enormously different psychology than a human, have to wrestle with different kinds of temptations. Just because something is appropriate for us, doesn't mean it would be appropriate for them: It almost certainly wouldn't.
As a corollary of that, I firmly believe that if there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, God has given revelation to them to, and that said revelation is different than what we got.
Thanks for reminding me how lost Jews are.
If christian anthropology could be applied to them, yes. "Alien" can be a lot, they have to share the human struggle of being a mortal individual being that's able to be aware of its own situation.
Christians are probably obligated to say "yes" because they are taught to value unflinching loyalty regardless of circumstances reason.
Ill informed opinion discarded.
Jesus is our Kinsman Redeemer; He had to be human in order to buy us back from the devil. His death means nothing to the animals, to the angels, to the demons, to the evil spirits, and would mean nothing to any ET's (that don't exist).
In what way is he lost?
What the fuck does any of these buzzwords mean.
>Jesus is our Kinsman Redeemer; He had to be human in order to buy us back from the devil. His death means nothing to the animals
Now imagine a Jew saying this.
It means that he's going to be xenophobic if aliens ever visit us. Good thing they would wipe us out thoroughly if they met us, similar to Columbus.
Because no one heard about Orthodox aliens before. Imagine an alien with a full fletched beard.
As a muslim yes it could even start diplomatic relations between humanity and these aliens.
Also think of a galaxy spanning caliphate.
if coco the gorilla could be converted to your religion would you try it
how fluent in sign language would you require it to be before you tried explaining the bible
They understand the concept; it's their concept. They just don't see how it applies to Jesus.
>As a corollary of that, I firmly believe that if there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, God has given revelation to them to, and that said revelation is different than what we got.
It means that Jesus became human to save the humans. He had to be related to us. So He became related to us, so that He could save us by paying a debt He did not owe, and a debt we could not pay.
We were in trouble, and our rich uncle bailed us out.
>Brother Guy Consolmagno, an astronomer at the Vatican Observatory, talked about his book, Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?: ...and Other Questions from the Astronomers' In-box at the Vatican Observatory, in which he responds to questions about science and the Catholic Church posed to him by the public.
Gorilla's and Chimapanzees can learn sign language. If they understand complex abstract thoughts, what then forbids them from wishing to be christian/muslim/jew
Daily Reminder that the Catholic Church runs a telescope named L.U.C.I.F.E.R. that they are using to find demons. Er, ET's.
Daily Reminder that all Marian Apparitions are demons.
This has nothing to do with history
leave this board immediately.
>The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Chimps
>est. 2176
Yes, because Deus Vult.
Or see if their religion is really close to that of Abraham.
>Eating the forbidden fruit
Yes see >tfw no qt asari convert gf
no because in my religion you can leave, but never enter... can you guess my religion.
>in order to buy us back from the devil
The devil has no power over God, he can't withhold anything from an omnipotent being.
God didn't have to buy anything back from anyone and Jesus did not have to die. God simply need will that original sin be forgiven. But I'm probably being trolled.
I don't try to convert anyone to my religion. I'd answer any questions they had about my faith just like I would for anyone who doesn't belong to it.
Zoroastrian, specifically a parsi
Can we please pass some sort of law to prevent future maniancs from converting apes to Islam and Christianity. I think that should be consided animal abuse.
On the other hand it would be great to watch monkies have holy wars and jihads against each other
I hope you fucking die, you piece of shit. Read the fucking sticky.