So can someone explain the Second Boer War, and just why Britain felt the need for concentration camps?
So can someone explain the Second Boer War, and just why Britain felt the need for concentration camps?
Britain wanted to conquer the Boer states to gain the gold mines
Britain used concentration camps because the Boers were excellent guerilla fighters that knew the terrain, so Herbert Kitchener decided to round up all the civilians and burn their farms to force the Boers to surrender.
>Britain wanted to conquer the Boer states to gain the gold mines
This. Prior to the abolition of the gold standard this was pretty much the goal of British foreign policy everywhere, if I'm not mistaken.
The entire British empire was based on getting gold, since in the coal age gold lined up with the power of the state.
The most powerful states were those who could dig more rocks out of the ground, since that allowed the state to access more energy which would fuel industrialism.
Because they would even prostitute their queen for profit.
That's the one thing they wouldn't do, actually. London and the Queen can't be sold.
>why Britain felt the need for concentration camps?
Because they're filthy anti-Semites, those Anglos
Afrikaaners aren't jewish.
>and just why Britain felt the need for concentration camps?
Because the women and children would sometimes join in the fighting. The idea that they were "removing" combatants meant that they were assuming that every Boer would oppose them, so they rounded them up so as to control their movements.
The camps never intended to be permenant as the war wasn't supposed to go on for more than a month or so. That's why so many people starved to death.
Then why did they use concentration camps?
To "concentrate" them in one area so they can be easily managed (contained).
pretty much this
boers were retarded rednecks who enslaved african children so who cares lol
I thought concentration camps came from the Holocaust
the term concentration camp came from the Boer War
in the Boer war they were used to house refugees from farm clearances, deaths were due to retarded British army being retarded, as opposed to a deliberate elimination of political dissidents and ethnic groups a la the Holocaust
forgot to add
the Transvaal and the OFS were also potential rivals to British imperial influence in S Africa and possible impediments to further expansion north
It should be a Holocaust-specific term
Lies your teacher taught you etc.
Most Boers didn't even pay taxes to Johannesburg or own anything resembling slaves though, for all intents and purposes, the British were eating with the Boers themselves
Because six million Jews died in fucking concentration camps??
So. A lot of people died in these ones as well
tbf supplies routes to the concentration camps were partially cut by the Boer guerillas
That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard
Yeah but this wasn't the Holocaust
Fuck off
>swearing indicative of emotion
>multiple question marks
Damn, son 2/10
Tip: appear calm and collected, say that everyone else is upset, talk down to everyone, support edgy or shocking positions and pretend as though they're completely justified, and always act as though you're winning regardless of the reality of the situation.
See: the Nazi creationist troll on this board
your stupid
My fucking grandfather survived it, you Nazi fuck
The Holocaust fucking happened
So with that logic we should only use the word slave to refer to African-American slaves? No that would be dumb.
Should we only use the word Genocide when talking about the Congo?
Do you see the how what you said wasn't logical?
>Do you see the how what you said wasn't logical?
You know what was logical? The Holocaust. They planned out the entire fucking thing. The dialectic of enlightenment went too fucking far, we need to abandon reason altogether.
No, the Boer concentration camps were pretty much a genocide. They decided to starve the civilians as a way to blackmail the fighters into surrendering.
"Starvation" now can only be applied to the Gorta Mor.
>Abandon reason
>The enlightenment went to far
Yes the one movement that carried civilization to its unequivocal peak in technological success should be abandoned and we need to go back to ooga booga speak
>They decided to starve the civilians as a way to blackmail the fighters into surrendering.
No they didn't
I laughed harder than I should've at that
You ought to read Adorno
>ooga booga speak
Ebonics is a legitimate tongue. Stop being racist.
>You know what was logical? The Holocaust. They planned out the entire fucking thing. The dialectic of enlightenment went too fucking far, we need to abandon reason altogether.
Got a link to those plans? Maybe even to a Fuehrer order?
>read a literal Frankfurt School cultural Marxist
Brah you forgot the diamonds.
No it wasn't nitwit.
If they did have some high up figure say yes we are doing this to remove/ eliminate them permanently then yes it would be a genocide.
It was a genocide In the same sense that the Indian Removal act was a genocide. The camps had a high toll, deplorable conditions, and the British high command certainly had no love for the "coward tactics" the Boers employed. But it's purpose was not genocide.
>The dialectic of enlightenment went too fucking far, we need to abandon reason altogether.
Because they are the only effective way to deal with a mass guerilla insurgency. Especially against proud, determined Europeans with modern technology fighting for their survival.
>Because they are the only effective way to deal with a mass guerilla insurgency.
But it didn't stop the Boers from fighting, it just starved the women and children and made Britian look like cunts. It was a scandal when news broke out of the conditions in the camp.
I tried. I failed. Adorno, Marcuse, Horkheimer, wtf did they even try to tell.
Whole Frankfurt School is beyond babble.
Also, about tongues and rayciss.
Pic very related.
Suffer not the racist to live, you cis abomination. Burn all who questions concentration camps in Boer war.
>Ebonics is a legitimate tongue. Stop being racist.
holy shit
Nah buddy they had a system of indentured labor until quite late that basically involved kidnapping black kids and "training" them. Not as bad as slavery but a pretty dick move
More accurate to call Holocaust camps death camps rather than concentration camps.
>Ebonics is a legitimate tongue. Stop being racist.
it's literally just a dialect. no more "correct" than anything else. course that isn't to say that you should use that instead of Standard Written English if you are writing something professionally
don't tell me you actually believe that
Found the Holocaust denier
What the fuck happened to this thread?
Coming from you that's rich ;)
Are you serious? They built camps in Poland, not Germany, that was planned.
>Frankfurt School
>cultural Marxist
Just fucking familiarize yourself with them, there isn't some "conspiracy" or anything. These are scholars.
You're beyond the pale
What is this even supposed to prove?
Fuck you
But they were concentration camps.
Somebody trivialized the European Jewish Holocaust.
>What is this even supposed to prove?
That more often than not modern word "racist" is now semantically equivalent to older word "heretic". With all the consequences.
So calling people racists is equivalent to blaming them in heresy.
Calm down, mate.
Go away evil dogger
Go away evil dogger.
You are twelve.
>Because six million Jews died in fucking concentration camps??
This board is dedicated to discuss ACTUAL history.
Go away evil dogger.
Go away evil dogger
Okay, who all has used concentration camps?
Gemany in ww2
Britain in the second boer war
USA in ww2
ADHD research facilities
OK, what's the real number?
Spanish first used them in the 10 years war IIRC
>asking /pol/ tards for their "opinions"
What's the point? They're pushing an agenda. Anything they have to say is entirely manufactured. Most commonly historical accepted count is 5.1-5.9 million Jewish deaths and up to 20 million deaths in total.
>Mfw i hoped Veeky Forums would be a place for entertaining discussion, but in turn it's just /pol/ fags and false flags fighting each other.
Go away evil dogger
Can we just get Holocaust discussions banned? They obviously get to nowhere and one mention of it leads to threads like this.
Go away evil Dogger
Because shitposting and fucking up another perfectly good thread, that's why.
Dank maymays and shitposting happened.