Zimmermann Telegram

What would the American Front of been like if the Mexico had joined the central powers ? What would of been the outcome ?

Mexico gets raped.
The end.

>of been
wa la!

America rolls in with that enormous army they historically drafted but couldn't get over to Europe quickly for lack of transport. If the Mexicans last 3 months, I'd be stunned.

What the fuck would civil war era Mexico be able to accomplish if it attack the United States? Get more of its land annexed? Get fucked over even harder by post war reputations?

Is it just me, or are they portraying the Mexican as a honest enough man with fair features while the German looks more like a >Le happy merchant kind of guy?

That's because Germans are le happy merchants

Never trust the Hanseatic Jew.

There would certainly be less Mexicans.

I was surprised also by that.


Because Wilhelm WAS acting like le happy merchant.

1917 Mexico was kinda competent, Carranza had a large standing army, well armed and trained. Besides fighting a recent conflict (mexican revolution) just a couple of years before could get mexicans the upper hand in some battles, I get them a full year before Mexico City get's captured again, wich was probably the German plan anyway.

iirc the reason mexican president didn't accept was because german hopes of winning WW1 were already nule according to mexican generals.

Mexican Generals were more realistic than German ones?

mexico would lose
wilson might have gotten more respect at Paris

Why does the Mexican Guy look like Kenshiro?

Because the Wilhelmine Empire is already dead.

Well, they could afford the thought that Germany was hopeless. The German generals could not.

There was no tactical aviation back then.Therefore the american joes wouldn't be able to call the air support to do the fighting for them. Therefore they run away to mom.

Therefore the mexicans win and raise the green white and red flag over the White House.

All responses here are retarded.
>believing Germany expected Mexico to destroy America.
Had Mexico accpeted, they would have tried their best to hold America for some months until Germany had built enough military bases to invade America.

Sometime in the 2020s.

That would never work
