What happened to Argentina? It used to be the 7th country by per capita income in 1908, in front of Canada, Denmark and the Netherlands. They had an educated population, a booming economy and a stable political system. It was set to be one of the richest countries in the world, but somehow they managed to fuck it all up.
Argentina's decline
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You tell me, did they have some kind of revolution or civil war or junta or something? I don't know anything about Argenta
Socialist policies.
Financial mismanagement, specifically a cycle of massive borrowing followed by defaulting on loans.
I'm not a right wing or anything, but what happened to Argentina was populist socialism.
Fucking Peron.
A lot of it has to do with WWI.
Before WWI, Argentina was rich due to having one of the largest guano reserves for nitrates. After the war, the demand for their guano has dropped significantly due to the Haber process which was developed to reduce the dependence on foreign sources.
Seems like they have never learned from their mistakes.
Race mixing
We had italians and spaniards mixing with mestizos and natives, they ruined everything
Populism, and if you want to get more specific, Peronism.
Come on, man. That con artist cucked Argentina and you are still today voting en masse to whatever party looks more like him.
Like, come on Argentinians, it's current year.
>gibsmedat intensifies
you wound't understand, it's our Mussolini
I know exactly what you are talking about.
Coups. Lots of them.
They were rapidly approaching the title of "argenzuela", but iirc a new government propped up and things are getting better there.
For what it's worth, lots of Venezuelans are fleeing their country and heading straight for Argentina in the wake of their inevitable total collapse, so there's that.
>tfw the "patria chica" (little country) only win the assembly votation with tricks
>the united countrys of sourth america will never be real
in the cold war america sees the left goverment of sourth america as a thread so they help the military goverment of argentina,chile and brazil
It goes way back. Argentina hasn't been a developed country since the 1940s.
>The Drago Doctrine was announced in 1902 by the Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs Luis MarÃa Drago. Addressing the Monroe Doctrine and the influence of European imperial powers, it set forth the policy that no foreign power, including the United States, could use force against a Latin America nation to collect debt
>no foreign power, including the United States, could use force against a Latin America nation to collect debt
This was OXI tier. Results were the same.
IIRC correctly, not so long before Britain and Germany blockaded Venezuela to force it to pay debnts, but Americans intervened, so Argies got cocky.
Still Venezuela never was a cool country, even with recent insane amount of oil. Argies, though, dug out their own grave.
on every level
business doesnt work on improving its quality, cost or innovation
it works on paying politicans to keep being competitive
Still not bad for a Black Country.
They never learned how to cook meat properly, so the soot and ash eventually fucked them all in the head