Let's discuss why the falx is severely underrated.
Let's discuss why the falx is severely underrated
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Sicas were pretty cool too
Doesn't look very practical. Two hands for such a not huge blade that I guess doesn't weight so much.
>no shield
Say that to my javelin going through your eyeball, not online, and see what happens.
Why no one talks about shotels, just look how fucking evil they look.
The romans had javelins standardized into their equipment and that didn't stop them from getting torn into pieces.
They apparently were scary enough to get the Romans to modify their helmets, so thats something.
Actually, it did.
Not that torn to pieces.
The loss of the war was not because of poor troops, but because Decebal warred like a retard.
The second battle of Tapae for examples was pure retardation; they held a well defendable location and they retreated because of thunder... though I kind of doubt that one a bit.
The other thing is Decebal managed to drown part of his army by crossing the Danube. Which was retarded.
There's also the fact the dacians were heavily outnumbered once Trajan got legions in to help for the conquest. Here, you might argue, is another failure of Decebal; he pissed off the wrong people at the wrong time.
You do realize we're talking Dacia here, not Thracia?
Both Dacia and Thrace used the Falx.
Yeah, you're right, but I do not believe they are representative of the Falx. Wasn't the rhomphaia more of their thing?
Thracians used the Rhomphaia which is basically a straight falx. Actually its pretty much a Katana.
You do realize that you don't want a blade to weigh a lot?
Having a longer handle means you can apply more force by using it like a lever. The sword is long enough for it.
I mean, its like arguing over the difference between the Gladius and a regular short sword.
Usage and general form are the same.
Well no, the Falx curves to a full hook, the Rhomphaia is generally straight or slightly curved.
*Draws Rhomphaia*
Weapon hipsters are the fucking worst
>unlike animefags
Don't ever fucking respond to any of my posts again unless you have something intelligent to add
>Weapon hipsters are the fucking worst
>posts anime
kill yourself
>there are literally people that watch this and don't start watching anime
kowai deska
It just makes me wish the old 1980's super violent ova's with retarded dubs would come back.
Moe is shit.
The people who like Moe are shit.