ITT: Post the dumbest historical figure you can think of

ITT: Post the dumbest historical figure you can think of.




Crassus was a good commander who was beaten by a great one.

Stole mine

>one can at least say they haven't had any famine since


Please explain how Crassus is literally the dumbest historical figure you can think of. Do you only know three historical figures or something?


>Everyone start killing the locust's natural predator
>Also plant your crops 2 meters deep

wew lad



Cultural Revolution did absolutely nothing for China, fucker should've just stepped down after the shitfest of the Great Leap Forward

He couldn't have been so stupid that he engineered a famine by accident, right? Every commie regime involves some form of deadly famine at some point, so is starting a famine part of gommunisd rulership doctrine or is it just communism's fault for being flat out retarded?

Tl;Dr is there somehow an administrative benefit to intentionally starving the populace? Or was Mao/Stalin/everyone else retarded?

Am I missing something?

blind ideology combined with shitty organisation. stupid cunts raised the crop quotas to maintain the illusion that they were making more in communes than ever before, but that led to more people starving to death

Don't forget Lysenko's shitty biology.

This is my vote, yeah.

Pol Pot's pretty up there too.

It was both Mao AND his advisors.

Mao made a bunch of shitty retarded policies on things he had no knowledge about, but the yesmen who actually were in charge of that shit just told him it was working swimmingly because they feared what would happen if they informed him it was killing his own people.


U MAO? Well you should be ashamed of yourself

>Leading seven Legions into the desert to be slaughtered by horse archers.

Probably the dumbest of Military blunders to date along with Battle of Karansebes.

>Literally the richest person ever

You must be talking about his death in Parthia, which is more pride and ambition than stupidity


I liked him better when he was a general in the War of 1812, he began to be a degenerate when he was responsible for the Trail of Tears and the the mass murder of Indians

> Conquering stone age savages for the prosperity of your own people
> degenerate

>shit on top of the Constitution by going against a Supreme Court ruling
>destroy the national bank

Jackson fits in this thread.

Do you even aten tho

He was a rich asshole; people tend to hate those people. He basically modernized the firesale. I think people are just hating on him because they realize the parallels to trump, what with them both being outspoken real-estate guys who want to keep the barbs out and fuck around in the middle east

Richest person ever is mansa musa m8

>destroy the national bank

To be fair, Surena had some brilliant ideas famalam.

Don't forget those times he set back the Chinese nuclear program by several years because he told the scientists to investigate his own personal ideas, and also to explore their own personal ideas, rather than follow 'western science'.

Then there was the whole anti-Einstein campaign.

Who is this?

Akhenaten, a pharaoh from 14th century BC who wanted to abandon polytheism. he is known for building a city in the middle of the desert which was abandoned after he died

pepe the froge

Do actual retards count?

Mao and Stalin saved China and Russia from future famines,there have never been any famines since their rule on their countries

Why are commieboos so delusional?

>lets insult them and not actually try to refute them xDDDD

>implying it was not Zhou and Deng that saved Zhongguo from retarded Mao's policy

still socialist

>mongols BTFO your entire civilization
>hurr it's cos we didn't believe enuff hurr

Truly the Glenn Beck of Syria

Who's worse, a man whose gross incompetency killed millions, or the idiot who actually managed to lose to such a person?

>Cultural Revolution did absolutely nothing for China
I'm pretty sure the cultural devastation counts more as "massive damage" than as "nothing".

The Aten is the one true God, tho

a man who owned approx 25% of the whole country couldn't have been an idiot

It's not that hard when you are that stupidly rich and you team up with your two best buddies to take over the world.

>it's not that hard

Okay, well let's see you do it wise guy.

He pretty much was his era's equivalent of Bill gates. Give me 80 billions of US dollars and I'll take over 25% of my country if you want to.

Oh, and please list your source for the population count, please. I'm sure it isn't a controversial census conducted by the Soviet government and most of the people involved in it weren't killed on the orders of Stalin

More like Donald Trump.

King Wewuz

Fuck you.

I compared him to Bill Gates because he was pretty much the richest man in Rome/the world. Though I think Bill Gates is the second richest now.

huh he's actually rather handsome

>what with them both being outspoken real-estate guys who want to keep the barbs out and fuck around in the middle east

>implying there is literally ANYTHING wrong with this

>getting butthurt at memes

Go back to red dit

It's a shitty unfunny meme that you retards are spamming 24/7, give it a rest.

>you retards

nice one. Except i don't spam anything, you fucking faggot. Im simply stating that its retarded to get mad at memes, you little twat

>USSR didn't annex anything
Worst than holocaust deniers.

Fuck off, you racist fuck.

>you racist fuck.

Why don't you fuck off to reddit? Seriously, if this place triggers you so much. This isn't a safespace. Faggots like you shouldn't be here if you have thin skin for memes

i mean, if you want to be stupidly technical, there is still time for them to win. Republic of China continuously became Taiwan at some point. If China ever has a revolution or a civil war, Taiwan would have a golden opportunity (assuming US support)

Actually, Crassus was more wealthy than Musa, the former was worth 2 trillion, while the latter was 400 billion in comparison in modern USD.

No, it was Ceaser, then Crassus, the idiot you just named wasted all of his fucking wealth and didn't change anything.
Land is money, above all else.

Wow you best be trolling.

He will always be the dumbest in my hearth.

He was sort of right though
And afterwards the Islamic worlds entered an age of expansion nearly as great as its initial one thanks to the mongols converting

fuck Indians, fucking tree niggers

those were Jackson's best accomplishments

>Cause one of the worst economic crises in US history because of "national bank iz baaad"

The madman actually did it

I hope this is bait.

>"If we wanted a failed state, we´d go to Carthage"
>failed state
>Romans were nearly ll butt raped by Hannibal on the 2° Punic War



You managed to fit a lot of cliches into that post. Good job, friend.

>190 BC
>Carthage isn't a failed state

nah, but he was a great businessman

>Liking someone who wouldn't hesitate to scalp you


>the Five Civilized Tribes were murderous maniacs
gr8 b8 m8

The Republic of China lost by any definition of the word.

It continues to lose now since the Liberal Cunts in Taiwan want to drop the "Republic of China" act and become some new, made-up nation, while the right wing nationalists struggle to maintain the vision of being the "Real China" among an uncaring youth.

Chiang and Sun Yat-sen are rolling in their graves by now.



The fuck happened to his chin... I can't even...


Don't know much about this guy, how big of an idiot was he? I am assuming it has to do with him needlessly attacking tribes and making a shitload of enemies or something.

Bottom of his class at West Point

>be Carthaginian
>be Romes best rival
>engage and nearly win one of the most glorious wars ever and make some great stories

>now 99% of people don't remember you because you got pimp slapped so hard by Rome

Serves them right those child killers

its a picture of leibniz with an optimistic statement that's patently stupid. take a guess.

How was he stupid.

>This much butthurt over a /pol/ joke

Thats a we wuz meme

>short sentence = "this much butthurt"
>replying a day and a half later