How come abos never had civilization?
How come abos never had civilization?
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Because spiders
Agriculture is a prerequisite for civilisation, Australia is so deficient in species suitable for domestication that the only one which has been so far is the Macadamia tree.
How come Eskimos never had civilization?
How come Siberians never had civilization?
How come Veeky Forums never had quality threads?
It's where /pol/, /int/, and Veeky Forums can all come together to shitfling
The difference is that Abos literally burned all the forests down
It has. You just need to sift through the crap
So then how did a bunch of British convicts civilize it?
The Australian bush is well adapted to fire though.
And they really just accelerated what was already happening (the change from rainforest dominant to dry sclerophyll due to changing climate as the ice age ended.)
By bringing Eurasian agriculture.
Because they brought in domesticated crops from the outside
Why couldn't the abos do this?
Same reason the Canarian natives never had civilization. Isolation, deforestation, and shit environment.
7% Denisovan
no domesticable animals
no good farming crops
no reason to settle in one place
et cetera
this guy explains
Aus climate is actually extremely good, it's just the natives are so utterly worthless in every sense of the word that there was no way they'd ever make anything worth remembering. Even fucking Uluru is just a rock in the center that's naturally occurring. They constructed literally nothing. Objectively worst native population
The soil is shit and the native flora is shit
To be fair culture don't NEED civilization. What they needed was to be left alone to live the way they were supposed to
How come polynesians?
>the way they were supposed to
Like beasts?
Also, who decided that? God?
The White Man's Burden is real, but it should be called the Civilized Man's Burden.
The environment in which they evolved for 60,000 years did not require them to develop the instincts or intelligence required to create civilization.
Civilization developed in the deserts of the world
no it isn't. civilizations should be left alone to evolve on their own, if they remain primitive hunter gatherers forever then who cares. white/civilized societies should just focus on making sure their own people live comfortably
You know what a good way to live comfortably is? Conquering savages and reaping the benefits of their uncultivated lands.
Fuck outta here with that shit
If everyone shared your attitude only Iraq, Pakistan, and China would have civilization
It is our duty to intellectualize the masses! Let them know the joys, and the horrors, of civilization!
I live comfortably knowing that their are tons of Abbos using the internet, and eating hamburgers, and living in nice houses.
But this makes me uncomfortable.
Goddamn it.
No, civilization developed in fertile alluvial plains surrounded by desert.
Your statement does not contradict mine.
They didn't have agriculture, OP. What were they meant to grow? The only things that are grown here were brought by the British. There were no animals they could domesticate and they lived quite happily being hunter/gatherer nomads.
>Your statement does not contradict mine.
You're putting the cart before the horse.
So why didn't civilization begin on the Rhine?
A strong river surrounded by the north european plain
Hush, don't attack his narrative
Elam did not develop in the desert.
>So why didn't civilization begin on the Rhine?
Because at the time there was no pressure for civilization to occur, since all the land surrounding it was abundant with food and good soil.
I believe the same about you. Why don't you believe natural selection applies to humans?.
Just remember aboriginals were so primitive that they undomesticated the dog.
>Elam did not develop in the desert.
I do, but I think the cultural aspects play a more important role in this situation than the genetic.
I accept that environment plays a significant role. According to twin studies, genetics and environment play approximately equal roles in intelligence. If we accept this to be the case, then we must accept that intellectually unequal groups are genetically so. And although environment can help, it can't make them completely equal.
Epic post bro. No, it didn't, it developed on rivers surrounded by rivers.
*rivers surrounded by desert
These differences are self-evident. You are arguing with people who don't care about reality, they will deny the senses for consensus. They will never understand that not all wisdom brings joy.
Friendly reminder that Australian aboriginals are classified as fauna, and rightfully so.
>Epic pst, bro.
Shusha was the earliest development of the Elamites, retard.
>And although environment can help
tfw 20 point improvements
>A study (1999) by Capron and Duyme of French children adopted between the ages of four and six examined the influence of socioeconomic status (SES). The children's IQs initially averaged 77, putting them near retardation. Most were abused or neglected as infants, then shunted from one foster home or institution to the next. Nine years later after adoption, when they were on average 14 years old, they retook the IQ tests, and all of them did better. The amount they improved was directly related to the adopting family's socioeconomic status. "Children adopted by farmers and laborers had average IQ scores of 85.5; those placed with middle-class families had average scores of 92. The average IQ scores of youngsters placed in well-to-do homes climbed more than 20 points, to 98.
the one and only city in germania built by germans without roman influence was on the rhine, if I recall correctly
OP is 11:13am Sydney time
Just about the right time for an Australian fascist degenerate to roll out of bed, crawl to his laptop, clear away the empty Foster's cans and start shitposting
OP I commend you for your perfect conformance to stereotype
look at him, he doesnt even know that Germany used to be 90% forests but they burned down like 80% in the late middle ages
the world must be so easy with such a narrow world view.
>abos are primitive, no other people ever burned a forest!
>only the white people can bring civilization to the world!
>lel eurocucks enjoy your cultural enrichment
>Friendly reminder that Australian aboriginals are classified as fauna, and rightfully so.
Thats bs and you know it.
The urban myth of abos being considered Wildlife at any point in Austin history is ridiculous and ignorant as fuck.
[citation needed]
> Australian Aboriginals are human beings
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie."
>He's this bothered about being cucked by an abo.
Do you live in Alice Springs m8?
Libcucks ITT don't realize abos literally sleep in the middle of roads
Pretty sure that's common to addicts regardless of race though.
>retarded koalafuckers actually believe this
While there's no arguing that abos are a worthless drain on society, you can't actually believe any culture originating in such a shitty environment can go far, can you?
complete lack of contact with other humans
Actually, new evidence reveals several cities in germany existed 2,000 years ago, at least a thousand years older then previously thought
>>Epic pst, bro.
>Making a spelling error
>Not knowing how to greentext
They did farm eels.
> other humans
They are fucking Devosians.
Fuck off back to the reddit with your obstructionist nonsense.
Europe is neanderthal now, interesting?
A gathering of a few huts isn't a city
What? Neanderthals aren't Devosians and it's a false equivalence. The abbos are extremely distant apparently diverging some 40,000 years before europeons and asians split.
Literally everyone is part Neanderthal
Even San bushmen
It's mostly genetic noise outside of asians and europeons.
Why is this board full of retarded cucks.
They literally caused Australian mega fauna to go extinct you fucking idiot.
>muh noble savage fallacy
Fuck off.
Veeky Forums colonized it, and they are liberals with feeling of inferiority, so they identify with and become the most adamant defenders of groups they perceive to be inferior.
>muh why do people disagree with me they must be cucks i am gonna ignore the content of your post fallacy
>muh conveniently ignoring that megafauna were driven into extinction by humans all over the world fallacy
>muh strawman fallacy (pretending anyone ever said shit about these people being fucking noble)
take your pick friend
There's are a massive number of native fruits and seeds, not to mention wildlife they could have domesticated.
>omg they didn't have that flora/fauna there
When will this retarded apologist meme end. Europeans didn't have domesticated cows, chickens, wheat or potatoes either, they found them in the wild and selectively bred them into their current state.
Do you really think the cow was some docile, stupid animal before it was domesticated?
I never said that, and I'm well aware of this, but it occurred on literally every continent other than Africa.
wow dude nice sociological skills how is high school btw
>Europeans didn't have domesticated cows
>they found them in the wild and selectively bred them into their current state.
You sure about that, or just talking shit?
>Do you really think the cow was some docile, stupid animal before it was domesticated?
literally yes
>google dot com
>your local library
Jesus all you do is parrot insecure vernacular.
>how's high school nothing personal kid
I feel like i'm in a youtube comment section from 2006
yeah man, clearly I am the one who started flinging shit and projecting insecurities. I can't make you scroll up to your post I responded to but if you find the time give it a read
You are dumb.
also it's nothing personnel
welcome btw
there is that common vernacular again.
>I can't make you scroll up to your post I responded to but if you find the time give it a read
>passive aggressive No u/ Tu quoquo
You talk shit like a chump.
Maybe. I am apparently better with the library card application process than you.
nothing personal kid Is older than the sonic meme. Are you still in highschool? :^)
>it's another abos did a thing that happens on every continent post
Do you Mongoloids just choose to believe that all non-abos lived in some perfect vacuum in which they never did anything that could be bad?
If that were true you'd know cattle descend from aurochs which are pretty fucking far from what you described.
Oh shit did I use one of your trigger words? My bad. You were "inadvertently conveying" your insecurities.
also you are fucking retarded to bring up passive aggression as an insult WITHIN GREENTEXT. Literally can't make that shit up.
I know right, why couldn't abo's domesticate aurochs, they're just retarded, absolutely subhuman compared to the animal husbandry expertise of Europe.
I'm actually not sure if you are trolling, the domestic cow comes from the Aurochs.
>Some individuals were comparable in weight to the wisent and thebanteng, reaching around 700kg (1,500lb), whereas those from the late-middle Pleistocene are estimated to have weighed up to 1,500kg (3,300lb), as much as the largestgaur(the largest extant bovid).
Even though you are trying to use this ironically it's ridiculous. I pointed out you are spouting common community buzzwords because you can't actually think as an individual (buzzword is itself a buzzword here) These terms get misapplied to the point they becoming meaningless cliches.
>green text is passive aggression
What? I'm using the green text to make a simple statement and quote you.
I've never seen goalposts moved this shamelessly. The point is that cattle was not an easy animal to domesticate, so the excuse that domesticating Australian animals was impractical by comparison doesn't hold up.
>I'm actually not sure if you are trolling
Nah, just baiting /pol/ into claiming Europe as the site of domestication, pic related.
So because it (apparently) wasn't Europeans who domesticated them they weren't a difficult animal to domesticate?
>baiting /pol/
oh one of those posters
Without even reading this thread I knew it would be full of Guns Germs and Steel-tier left wing revisionist retardation.
Leftists don't like Guns, Germs and Steel though.