Hey Veeky Forums is there any interesting points in history that haven't been made into a movie yet?

Hey Veeky Forums is there any interesting points in history that haven't been made into a movie yet?

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kettle war

I haven't seen any realistic movies set in the stone age.

Quest for fire

I really want a new movie set in this period to happen tbqh.

Emu War

Where does this meme originate from?


I'd love a show about Leif Erikson's adventures in America

Not even the meme is enjoyable.

Wars of the Diadochi.
post-Alexander Macedonian kingdoms and the war among them is pretty historical and amazing.

I'd actually like to see more stuff in Africa.
>Anglo-Zulu War
>Boer War
>European colonisation of Africa
>Rhodesian Bush War

Impossible, the only thing you'd see would be white shaming


the 2nd punic wars

>>Anglo-Zulu War

Ever heard of Zulu?

Yup. Doesn't mean we can't have more, does it?

Any movies about the 30 Years War?

no "big" ones sadly

The Last Valley 1971 (aint seen it but it has My Cocaine)
Alatriste 2006 (not strictly the 30YW but set in the same timeframe)
Flesh and Blood 1985 (100 years before the 30YW but I thought it did the nasty mercenaries angle well)
several movies based on Sinkiewicz's Trilogy - again not 30YW but conflicts in and around that time, hussars, muskets, sabres etc.


Post-WWI conflicts in Central/Eastern Europe.

They should make a war about the first war the Israelis ever lost.

funnily enough there is a movie about that
1920 Bitwa Warszawska / Battle of Warsaw 1920

Pic related
Movies on the French Revolution are always too focused on the internal stuff, on nothing is shown about the war against the entire world to preserve freedom

The only movie I can think of that somewhat depicts it is that Hornwblower movie (Frogs vs Lobsters), but it's shown from the bad guys point of view...

I want a Coen brothers film about the Taiping rebellion.

Thank you.
Polish-Soviet War and Baltic Freikorps were the two things I was most interested in.

>not the first
You've got the perfect underdog story there. Can even have a training montage of Romans becoming Rowmans

Are you kidding me? The whole middle ages are basically uncovered aside from the crusades and the anglofrench shitflinging.
Gimme a movie about the ERE-sassanids wars.
Gimme a movie about the 4th crusade.
Gimme a movie about the Cambrai war.
Gimme biopics of Charles the Bold and Henry the Lion and Carl V.
Gimme a movie about Barbarossa and the war with the Lombard league.
And this is only the middle ages.
There's also tonnes of books I'd like to see adaptations of. Although really most books would be better transposed as tv series rather than movies.

>Gimme a movie about Barbarossa and the war with the Lombard league.


>Gimme a movie about Barbarossa and the war with the Lombard league.

There are countless movies about the holocaust.

>Gimme biopics Henry the Lion
>Gimme a movie about Barbarossa and the war with the Lombard league.
Muh dick. I now want to see these two as a GoT/Rome-like tv series.

the warsaw one is a bit shit however
i mean there is some fighting but the plot is very meh at best and it is a bit cheap (by hollywood standards)

The reissuing of the Magna Carta.

This implies I want to see the story of William Marshal, The Greatest Knight Who Ever Lived.

(Fuck implications, I want to see Richard the Lionheart get Unhorsed.)

well maybe shit is a bit too strong, it is watchable enough
just dont expect miracles

Is it that thing that got posted here a few weeks ago with the QT nurse/machine gunner?

Boxer Rebellion in pretty sure

I don't know why no one made a movie about Alcibiades yet, his biography reads like a good novel.


But not a single one about the wars against the Amorites (Amalekites)

>55 Days in Peking is a dramatization of the siege of the foreign legations' compounds in Peking (now known as Beijing) during the Boxer Rebellion which took place from 1898-1900 in China. It is based on the book by Noel Gerson.

not sure if it was posted here but that sounds like it yes

Roman history from 330 – 1453 gets constantly ignored.

Nah, Taiping rebellion is more fun to be a movie.

You mean the Israelites there is no way that modern Israel is related to the ancient people of the book.

The voyage of the Armada would be a cool, but depressing movie.

well virtually "all of history" in that timeframe gets basically ignored
how many big proper blockbuster flick kino movie films have there been from medieval europe in the last years? is kingdom of heaven from 10 years ago the most recent one?

Already has a movie
>The Warlords
And shitloads of serials in China and Taiwan
the latest being the Series: "Heavenly Kingdom."

Fun Fact: Despite the fact that he was Christian ISIS, it used to be that Hong Xiuquan was the only pre-communist chink history figure you can legally publically admire. Because some of his shit was kinda close to communism (collectivization, down with emperors n shit, some form of democracy, etc)

Which is interesting since modern China now portrays him as a deranged religious fanatic. Or avoid the whole Christian angle to begin with like in The Warlords and focuses on the political rebellion.

The life of Nadir Shah and the Naderin Wars
The Boxer Rebellion
Second Congo War
The Fulani Jihad
Anarchy of Ethiopia (Game of Thrones set in Africa)
Mormonism and John Smiths creation of Deseret

I've got more, but I can't think of them atm.

>Chinese depictions of Chinese history
Nah bruh

Issue with medieval is that its all complicated as fuck and only way to film something like Cambrai was would be to make 6 seasons series like GoT. Unless of course you want simplified hollywood b-tier shit.

>Wanting to watch Hollywood bastardize it instead of people who actually live their telling it how they remember it.

>only way to film something like Cambrai was would be to make 6 seasons series like GoT
You say this like it wouldn't make my dick harder than diamonds.

Asians do a good job with their historical dramas man (well except Korea, with the MANDATORY SHOEHORNED ROMANCE).

If this was some Hollywood production, they'll probably add meme shit like coolie hats or Song Dynasty Armor, Song Dynasty Armor everywhere.

Not to mention some white main character.

Well yeah, but people are prejudiced against middle ages. I don't see why they would be prejudiced against later roman history

You and 100 others maybe, but unless it got dragons, tits and romance, plebs wont ever care, so it wont ever have the money

Good thing long-running episodic series are becoming more of a thing, thanks to Netflix and AMC.

Speaking of, how are those Netflix shows? Hell on Wheels was pretty good, but I'm curious about those Revolutionary-era ones.
I know Marco Polo is more entertainment and not particularly accurate.

Well dragons aside (which really I don't think is what draws people to GoT), it wouldn't be hard: Rome laid down the blueprint to add all sort of drama to historical events by just adding a pleb POV from which add all kind of shenanigans.
I mean how hard would it be to narrate it from the POV of a young venetian patrician at his first army experience, or a grizzled french lance fournier a la Pullo & Vorenus?

The Borgias is pretty good, the casting is prefect and if you like Papal politics, it will make your dick hard

I have no idea how Mel Gibson hasn't made this movie yet. 1745.

Because he said antisemitic comments and has been blacklisted by the entirety of hollywood?

Also the Welsh rebellion under Owain Glyndwr. I'd love to laugh at him butchering the language.

Historical epic era is long time over in movies. It's all about capeshit now.

Most of the great labor uprisings and riots from American history have not yet been covered (and probably never will be for various reasons).

The Ludlow Massacre, the 1877 strike waves, Homestead, the Colorado labor wars, Pullman, etc.

The closest thing we'll probably ever get is Matewan (which is a great movie).

Also, Eugene Debs needs a biopic. John Malkovich could probably play him pretty well.

They make a good handful of films off of a few different white samurai, but I am utterly surprised they didn't make a blaxploitation film based on the first non-Japanese samurai in general, the black Portuguese Yasuke.


The Campaign of Xenephon and the 10,000 would make a pretty great film desu

Valhalla Rising is a trippy take on it

Opium Wars!

Czech Legion in Russia

The lives of Aurelian or Majorian



There will be a film about that in 2017.

Minoan civilization 1800bc
hunting bulls
girls with corset and naked boobs
boobs out

> first war the Israelis ever lost
>Israeli military victory
>Political gains for egypt and israel