How is Christianity not a life-denying slave morality...

How is Christianity not a life-denying slave morality? I don't know a single devoted Christian who does not deny serious aspects of life, and live anti-Greek. Being Christian means to find some parts of humanity invariably "disgusting".

I just don't see the value in denying life.

Atheist are stills o fucking butt-blasted that they couldn't name a single atheist civilization that didn't turn to shit.

uh what? the concepts of atheism/religiosity are modern constructions

i'm talking shit on christianity, not religion

>not believing in God wasn't a thing until the modern era

>deny serious aspects of life,
>live anti-Greek
>some parts of humanity invariably "disgusting".

OP confirmed for faggot.

>uh what? the concepts of atheism/religiosity are modern constructions
>Who are the Epicureans.

It's true that there were very few societies without a "religion" but the concept of God has been so fucking polluted that comparing ancient concepts of it to the one's used in the last 2,000 years renders the word so vague that it's meaningless.

Nietzsche wasn't actually opposed to all forms of Gods, just degenerate forms of God: Christianity being such a degenerate God that it made people so disgusted with the concept we had to have massive atheism just to cleanse ourself of it's filth.

Nietzsche does not treat all religions equally: the Buddhists are better than the Christians and the Greeks were better than the Buddhists. Old Testament God is better than the New Testament one etc.

Good Gods are one's that affirm life, one's that are physical, real things rather than the Platonic inspired one's we had for the last 2k years. So for instance the ancient beleif that your race's kings and great warriors were Gods would probably be Nietzsche approved since these directly affirm real things in the world by exalting them to divine status.

Christians, who are nihilists, think the idea of a physical person being a God is ridiculous because they do not see how valuable humans are: humanity for them is a shadow on a wall, chained up, blinded and seeking sunlight.

You are better off literally worshiping the sun and water than the modern religions. At least rain and sunlight are real and it affirms the forces necessary for our nourishment. What the fuck does Jesus do? He dies for "sins", sins are a spook...oh and he's going to come back and kill a lot of people...any day now..I swear it's real this time

>maximum damage control the post

what? nobody cares what damage you think you did

Name a single Christian civilization that didn't eventually die.

Pro-tip: Europe isn't Christian, and none of the leaders in America take the religion seriously.

>Christians, who are nihilists, think the idea of a physical person being a God is ridiculous

We believe God became a physical person. Christ is true God and true man.

Russia you faggot.

The definition of God you operate on is not the same the ancient world did, nor is the definition of religion. This is something you need to consider when discussing religion of the past.

Would you consider the sky a God? For many people it was. In the past something didn't have to be immaterial to be a God. The concept of "atheism" can only exist when you operate on strictly immaterial Gods.

And what sort of God does Jesus represent? He's the God of the oppressed. A sickly, man who is oppressed by the Jews. This is the divine hero, who comes doing the divine dead of being a victim. He comes offering escpaism from the world and all the terrible things in it with death being the ultimate liberation and "triumph", escapism. This is an anti-God.


>This is an anti-God.
This seems like a baseless opinion.
>who comes doing the divine dead of being a victim.
So God is only ever a victim in the Bible?

Russians are the definition of "I'm spiritual, not religious."

>hurr you don't have to attend church to believe in God!

Eat shit, you fucking heretic.

>This seems like a baseless opinion.

Not when you consider the role of suffering in human life. Before the Abrahamic conception of the divine, suffering was always seen as a means to strengthen yourself. The gods existed as entities that were constantly at odds with humanity. They challenged humanity constantly, gave us sufferings to overcome, which in the end made those who overcame them grow.

In the Abrahamic conception of the divine, there is no growth possible. Instead we get an endless series of self-loathing diatribes that enrich absolutely no one. Any type of growth, both physically and intellectually is completely impossible in thee Abrahamic worldview. Instead, we're supposed to congratulate ourselves with sickness and weakness.

>Before the Abrahamic conception of the divine, suffering was always seen as a means to strengthen yourself.
This is a very broad assertion.
>The gods existed as entities that were constantly at odds with humanity. They challenged humanity constantly, gave us sufferings to overcome, which in the end made those who overcame them grow.
Christianity puts Adam and Christ at odds with each other in exactly this way, though.
>In the Abrahamic conception of the divine, there is no growth possible.
How much theology have you familiarized yourself with?
>Instead we get an endless series of self-loathing diatribes that enrich absolutely no one.
Again, baseless assertion. Many people have been enriched by Christian writings, which don't boil down to self-loathing diatribes if you read them properly.
>Any type of growth, both physically and intellectually is completely impossible in thee Abrahamic worldview.
This doesn't make even a bit of sense to me.
>Instead, we're supposed to congratulate ourselves with sickness and weakness.
No, we're supposed to strengthen ourselves to resist temptation.

It honestly seems like you're just fetishizing paganism for the sake of it and projecting things you don't like onto Christianity. It seems like you have no understanding of either Greek or Christian religion.

What is so bad about life denying? Judging by his followers Nietzsche sounds very arbitrary.

It's not life-denying to Christians because Christians define life differently. Life isn't all of this. All of this is just a waiting room for the "true" life, the afterlife. So to them, Christianity is life-affirming.

Hedonism is for shitters.

Nietzsche wasn't a hedonist

Not referencing Nietzsche, but OP.

To not deny any aspect of life easily leads to hedonism.

To deny meaning in life leads to hedonism; to deny God leads to hedonism; hedonism leads to death, and the death of pleasure.

Honestly, I find some parts of the Christian world view fundamentally unsettling. Like, the fact that this life is basically just a waiting room for some eternal judgement. It leaves me wondering why you never see Christians celebrating the deaths of loved ones that died with grace.

Many do. It's kind of a thing in New Orleans.

Hedonism is a central part of human psychology and neurology.

>How is Christianity not a life-denying slave morality?

Christianity is the belief that Jesus is God, and that He died for the sins of the world, and rose on the third day. That's it.

By confessing Him Lord, and believing the truth, you are resurrected to eternal life, and have a life on earth more full and abundant.

It's literally the opposite of what your spiritual father told you, and literally the opposite of what you believe.

Wake up. You're dead.

As is control. The id and the superego coexist.

And human beings are depraved.

Holy shit is this really something people take some? Can you really be that genuinely retarded

Those concepts are now considered defunct. Our brains very much operate on a carrot/stick arrangement of reward and punishment.

Define depraved. Humans are also naturally cooperative, altruistic, social creatures.


The two are not mutually exclusive, the one is a construction of the other.

You don't.

Sorry you are loyal to a worldly construct and not what it claims to represent.

"Lord, for sixty-so years I've surrendered my love,
to emblems of kindness, and not the kindness they were emblems of"

>By confessing Him Lord, and believing the truth, you are resurrected to eternal life, and have a life on earth more full and abundant.
The "life on earth more full and abundant" part is highly debatable. There is a LOT to be gained in hell. Everything that is intoxicating, in fact.

>Humans are also naturally cooperative, altruistic, social creatures.

Nope. Those are social conditioning.

If you don't believe in the total depravity of mankind, you cannot explain the Holocaust, the pogroms, the gulags, the killing fields, or a man chewing another man's face off.

Lock yourself in a closet, douse yourself with gasoline, set yourself on fire, and for the time you're alive, imagine it goes on forever.

That's hell. Real hell, not the hell you imagine as some sort of after party.

Hell is pretty fun for demons tho. In hell, being on fire like that IS the definition of feeling alive.

>Dude hell is fire lmao
That's a pretty fucking rudimentary concept of hell you have there pal.

At this point how do we know what a "Christian" is? There are so many thousands of mutually exclusive faiths and each of them considers themselves "Christian" despite their incompatible tenants.

At this point I don't care what some person or group who labels themselves "Christian" has to say, since why should I trust them? There could just as easily be another "Christian" who comes along right after them and claims the exact opposite of the first "Christian". Why bother.

Just know Plato. That's all you really need to know about the whole thing.

What did Plato say about Christians?

Uh, nothing, Christianity didn't exist back then,

Oh yeah because of the dates, I see.

Nothing, but the fundamental element behind Christianity starts with him more significantly than any other pre-Christian figure.

It's the same for demons. It was built to contain them, confine them, and eternally punish them.

It will hold humans who join their rebellion quite easily.

Yup. Plain and simple, as I am. Jesus says "Lake of Fire", I go with "Lake of Fire".

>and eternally punish them
That didn't turn out too well, since most of them derive pleasure from pain.

>dude hell is always Gehenna
What about Sheol punk?

Plato, Buddha, and Confucius, between the three of them, cover almost all the best Christianity has to offer.

A Christian is a new creation in Christ Jesus, alive with the Holy Spirit living in them.

If you have no way of knowing if a person has the Holy Spirit in them, i.e. you do not have the Holy Spirit living in you, then you can only go by what people say they are. You can try to judge their "fruit", i.e. the love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, long-suffering that follows them, as they are the byproducts of the Holy Spirit in them.

Or you could ask them how they became a Christian, but of course you would have to know the answer (Romans 10:9-10). Most of the ones you'd ask have ludicrous testimonies that even you would know weren't real (born in Christian country, parents are Christians, baptized as infant, attend Catholic church, etc.).

Bully for them.

You're not as they are. You will not enjoy it.

Hades/Sheol gets thrown into Gehenna, the Lake of Fire, as virtually the last act of this creation:

Revelation 20:14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

They offer nothing of what Jesus offers, actually. Not one single thing.

>A Christian is a new creation in Christ Jesus, alive with the Holy Spirit living in them.
Uh what the fuck.
No I mean like the list of Christian Religion beliefs. Not this /x/ shit.

Not even ethical, metaphysical, or mystical doctrines?

Let's have a look at history.

Rome persecutes christians.
The inquisition and witch hunts persecute "witches" and "devil worshippers" that do "magic" (miracles) - Notice the date when black death appeared.
Psychiatry still hasn't been proven to have a clinical test that objectively defines who has a "mental illness" all we have is some photographs, and lots of words where "maybe" "could be" "must have" and other "probablys" appear. And those meds are known (search the internet) to make you unhappy, suicidal, anhedonic, etc.

It is still the same persecution of the same christians but merely pretending.

The bible says (and it has been modified to hell and back by those who hate mankind) that the devil hates humans.

Let's see an example:

Serve your enemies, love your enemies, be poor, be dumb, give your money away. Do not make sure if this is actually God, you do not try and test that it is "sin", humilliate yourself everywhere and die a virgin, be struck painfully by everyone and don't defend yourself and give the other cheek. God is "testing" you, not punishing you for following the wrong path. Pleasure is bad, suffering good. Your sexuality is evil.

So, in short, pleasure is "evil" and suffering "good", anyone able to tell me if these are not the words of a hellish fiend that hates you and takes you for a fool?

When you look for God and the Christ, you look with faith and skepticism, omnipotence is omnipotence, and a lack of convincing miracles is impotence, and you look from the perspective of freedom, from the one where you are loved and desired as you are.

Yeah, they lacked the incredible marketability i.e. potentiality for indoctrinating the feeble minded like Christianity did.

They don't offer the same thing, but the philosophy behind Christianity is traced back to them. Only the uneducated, or highly deluded, say otherwise.

> Not one single thing.
Pretty sure they all cover the basics like behaviors and morality.

>Yeah, they lacked the incredible marketability i.e. potentiality for indoctrinating the feeble minded like Christianity did.
>Not the ultimate indoctrinator

I'm already in it, and it's a double edged sword, but the absolute life / truth is fucking boring after a while. You need a little bit of pain in your life to have any pleasure at all. The more pain, the more pleasure — until the pain kills you. But what does not kill you makes you stronger.

There are two. Jesus is God, and He rose from the dead on the third day following His execution.

Jesus offers the indwelling Holy Spirit to transform a person to eternal life.

They cannot offer that.




>Only the uneducated, or highly deluded,

I must be one of those people, then, because Jesus is not offering you a new way to think.

He's offering you Himself, and demanding from you yourself.

Not really a unique aspect of Christianity, a lot of religions have a similar mystical "holy" status.

And as I said, see the evidence of a guy that hates me for saying the truth.

Be dumb he says. Consider yourself crazy.

You're not, actually. I doubt you think you are alone, in the dark, and on fire, screaming and bumping into screaming things in the darkness.

These are your "good times".

Nope. Do this and that, and become like God. That's the satanic gospel. Clean yourself up. Enlighten yourself. Follow these rules, and be judged more good than bad.

All from satan.

Trust the one group that stayed the same for 2000 years.

Buddhism doesn't even have a "satanic gospel" idiot.
Categorically they are the same, I don't get why you think Christianity is a special case among human religions.

Which one?

>Jesus is not offering you a new way to think. He's offering you Himself
Who he is/was was a byproduct of mixed philosophies from the past. Christianity is not a philosophy by definition because it does not offer a way to think, but rather demands others to live its doctrines which are the end conclusions of a philosophical tradition. It's essentially a philosophy put into action. Just like how Hitler was mixed philosophies put into action, too. And there we also see demands for followers, and doctrines thrown onto stone tablets over everyone's heads.

If you meant that

"Apostolics" (Anglicans and Lutherans claims to have valid succession too, I refer to nominal claim and/or control of 4 Apostolical capitals):
>Syriacs (449 AD schism)/"Nestorians"
>Copts (451 AD schism)/"Monophysites"
>Catholics and Orthodoxes (1054 AD schism)/"Papists" and..."Patriarchists"?

Protestants (broad term):
>Mainline Protties/and*Anglicans
- I was taught in school first Protestants were - Lutherans, Calvinists and Anglicans, but some will not agree.People like Zwingli, Luther and Calvin influenced theAnglo reformation, but it was mostly political(see - Apostolic schisms) reasons for heresy.You know the story well, right?
>Restorationists(Jehovahs and Mormons mostly, but also that "Unitarians" and "Unversalians", funny considering so many beliefs had theories similar toTrinity)
Basically that shit which is not too modern, but doesn't "fit" the well established prottiestantisms. I'm surpriseBaptism and Pentecostalism didn't steem from this honestly.
>"New Religious Movements"/New Age tier shit (usually batshit insane, alike to Pentecostals or Baptists who are most of accepted for some reason protties),I think Moonism/Unificationism steems from this? Or were they Restorationists?

People who accept Nicene Creed are almost universally accepted as Christians. There was some definition for that I forgot, like that interIslamic gathering which denied sim. right to Ismailis.
But Protties see only people steeming from reformation as Christians (you see"Catholics are not Christians", BUT Orthodoxes who have almost same doctrines are not viewed as ones either, I hate that lack of precision), Cathodoxes see only themselves as Christians(can accept earlier schisms or not), divide & conquer basically and I have no idea for pre-Ephesians and pre-Chalcedonians having not talked to so many.
Arians and"Aryan Brothers" (Poland, Czechia, they took refugee status there)would view themselves as Christians, but don't accept Nicene Creed.

Of course it does. Follow the Buddha into hell.

That's as satanic as satanic gets.

He is God.

OK I'll look up this creed.

Whatever fucking retard.

>Follow the Buddha into hell.
How is minimizing suffering in your life equivalent to going to hell at all?

>says nothing about good and evil
>does not talk about punishing or praising anyone
>admits that suffering is a natural phenomenon
>aims to provide a simplifying lifestyle to calm you and alleviate your suffering

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church.

It's important to know that at the time, "catholic" meant "universal", not "Roman Catholic".

When you follow someone, you end up where they are.

Playing God as much as Hitler did, and you fell for the ruse.

Hitler died and stayed dead.

Jesus didn't.

Your ability to spot Christ from among Antichrists is poor.

I forgot to mention before that there were movements like Hussites, Lollards and even Christian Gnostic renewals (Cathars, Bogomils).

Later Protestantism greatly refered to those traditions, Baptists even claimed to be spiritual successors of Cathars - toppest of keks.
Aside that other ancient heresies were renewed during reformation like Iconoclasm and Arianism.

Note - Jan Hus viewed himself as Catholic till his death by burning. You can see it as more of a national/nationalist renewal than anything even. Like our Dymitriads, they even helped us at the Grunwald/First Tattenberg, sadly we didn't gave them support back during Second Hussite Wars.

Thank you for this information.

I guess I'll comment that from my instincts, the fact that you have all these schisms pretty much debunks the entire concept from the get go. It seems like since it's possible that there can be division at every possible point of contention, which forms an exclusive paradigm, it undermines the credibility of any interpretation.

This is why I can't take Christianity (Collective) seriously since it has mutated to be as diverse as possible yet ought to represent an unshakable eternal truth.

This is above and beyond my personal skepticism in supernatural events.

Just a personal critique, I am not a scholar.

There's only one, it won't be hard to find it.

>This is why I can't take Christianity (Collective) seriously since it has mutated to be as diverse as possible yet ought to represent an unshakable eternal truth.

It is the knowledge that Jesus is God, risen from the dead.

That is unshakable eternal truth.

I'm talking to the other guy who actually knows what he is talking about. I'm done with your shit. Learn to fuck off when you are not wanted, you autistic faggot.

Doesn't change the fact that in the physical world right now, you, your scriptures, and other devotee retards have an interest in throwing people into places of burning like Hitler did.

He gave you a list of people who are not even nominally Christians.

You have zero discernment.

People throw themselves into hell by wanting to stay separated from God.

That doesn't wipe God's hands clean.

And who says we shouldn't remain seperate from God?

Have God his realm, and have us humans our realm. I really don't see why humans need to become one with the divine

He actually provide Veeky Forumstorical information to go off that I asked for, instead of haikus and "SATAN", you obnoxious lying ignorant shitstain.

Actually, it's God that does that. He could choose not to. We're basically trapped in God's cosmic basement, and given a choice of sucking his dick or getting tortured for eternity.

This guy gets it. The origenal Gods were neither good nor evil, they represented and affirmed all the real things on earth. Just as ocean provided people with food it also destroyed their cities. So water is divine because it's represented by Posiden. But you have to wrestle with the Gods/the waves just as much as they give to you.

Confronting Gods makes you stronger, confrontation in general makes humanity stronger. Christianity has taught that all "suffering" all "fighting God" is wrong. The very thing that gives power is made into a vice.

>And human beings are depraved.
>Wake up. You're dead.

An anti-God for those that hold anti-human views

>If you don't believe in the total depravity of mankind, you cannot explain the Holocaust

Killing is a part of nature dumb-ass. Animals kill each other times, the well organized ones such as ants even commit whole-sale genocide. Not to mention meat is murder and your own body is regularly killing millions of bacteria. Death is built into the system. Basic biology should tell you that without death the world be completely unsustainable and fucked over.

Rejection of death is just another way of being life-denying. This is why so many ancient religions had Gods that represent both life and death similatiniously (Kali, Feirya) or had some sort of way of connecting life to death in the divine realm (ie seasonal Gods like Persephone that rise and fall): to communicate and celebrate this part of the world, death.

The fact that Christians see something as basic to life as death as "wrong" shows how sickly the religion is.

You're welcome.There were many different variations of this,I am not sure about the name.
Actually there was one agreed upon definition of aChristian-Alike to that interIslamic gathering,but it included belief inTrinity.
I guess it was an ecumenic compromise or something similarly.
And theIslamic gathering was to resign from fractional and denominational/sect infighting in face of the newZionist danger, naturally.

Roman meantUniversal too, first usage of termCatholic was bySt.Theodosius.
They're synonymous hence you see it called"Roman Catholic"-Even if member is Byzantine Catholic,or follows Gallican orMozarabic rite even.
Romania was"Universal Empire"in the eyes of people of time.Fall of it was seen as literal DDay,people believed the world is ending.

I know what you mean-Look up full name of the mainSyriacChurch-Holy Apostolic CatholicAssyrianChurch of theEast,this is embodient of theAssyrian nation itself (others are in union with Alexandria, what West Syriac means). You think they're in Union with Rome?Of course no,they're not.
Problem is too many people claim either Catholic or Orthodox and even both titles at the same time,I've seen Catholic apologetists callingOrthodoxes faux-Orthos and saying only Catholicism is really orthodox. Mixing the mixture with.
It's even funnier on theSlavic grounds where there is no native name forCatholicism(for us at least),but Orthodoxy is called Prawosławie (Right-believer),it makes you complicated when you speak of previous schisms because they use the term Orthodox(or Catholic) too. How to call them-Ortodoksi? OrientalniOrtodoksi? Add the fact Eastern and Oriental meansTHE SAME FUCKING THING.
Semantic details.

This is the sole reason I refer to each of the Apostolic by the Apostolic capital they have Apostolic succession to-Roman(Catholic),Constantinopolitan(Orthodox),Alexandrian(Coptic)and Antiochian(Syriac).
It makes way more sense, but I was bahsed once or 2 for that on/xtian/for lack of elaborate.

>the fact that you have all these schisms pretty much debunks the entire concept from the get go.
Your conclusion is an irrational emotionally driven one. It doesn't logically follow that because someone broke away then the original is incorrect. And if you actually look into these schisms they aren't as big as you think.