Since its obvious a lot of us are from /v/ and Veeky Forums, lets talk about historical games, traditional or vidya.
Since its obvious a lot of us are from /v/ and Veeky Forums, lets talk about historical games, traditional or vidya
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I recently bought Rome: Total War but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I fear I'm not autistic enough to play total war games. I pretty much play Civ casually. Games with difficulty 7 or higher are impossible for me. I think I'll enjoy Rome: TW a little bit more since Roman history is my favorite to learn about.
Anyone playing Ni-Oh on the PS4? Its not that historical, but it does feature William Adams (the first white samurai) as the main character. Not too far into the demo, so I haven't done any magic, summoning, or ninjutsu shit yet, but the traditional martial combat is very good, all weapons have multiple stances. Even before Ni-Oh was announced, I've always been a fan of William Adams's story. I've been meaning to watch the Shogun miniseries but never heard anything about it so I don't know if its worth the time.
Total War is casual as fuck and completely unhistorical. Drown it in mods.
Whats the most historical RTS / 4X game? Something by Paradox I assume?
I don't know if Civ games should even be called historical. They feature names and buildings that are historical but otherwise make no attempt to emulate historical systems, like CK2 does, or to depict actual events and politics, like even the Total War series does. It's just a decent strategy game with a historical skin.
I like this old hex and chit board game called World in Flames. It's (mostly) a WW2 simulator, at an army/corps level of primary organization. It has a lot of very well balanced mechanics, things that nudge but don't force you into more or less historic ideas while appearing not to do so.
One of the things I very much like about it, which I don't see too much in other wargames, is it not only has models for things like supply, but actual command-control ability as a resource that has to be managed. Just because you have the fuel to both send a panzer column and sortie with your fleet doesn't mean you can actually manage to do both at once.
Anyone ever played Red Storm Rising?
fantastic game
in fact everything Sid Meiers makes is great
one of the best submarine combat games in general
Yeah those autism simulators are the best. You can still do wacky shit like establishing the pan-European Empire of Wales but managing things like religion, inheritance, taxation, etc. Are more in-depth than any other game and at least the scenario you begin at is usually historical.
>decent strategy game with a historical skin
pretty good summary of it, even then I like researching the people and the places after I encounter them in the game. Wouldn't know about some of the stuff I know now if it wasn't for the reference to it in Civ.
My problem with the current Total War and Paradox titles is how much DLC comes out for them. It's ridiculous. It feels like they chop the games up or purposely underdevelop parts of the game so they can release it as DLC later.
Thankfully Paradox shit is always on sale. I think I got CK2 + all the DLC at 75% off.
I don't want to pirate EUIV but I also don't want to buy all that DLC to have the full experience either
Pirate it.
Civilization II. Your my man user.
Looks and sound nice. But why is it so damn expensive? Where do I torrent it?
If you're willing to use an e-board, you can get it for free through VASSAL.
There is no historical discussion here, Talk about video games elsewhere please.
[spoiler]and i dont mean on this board[/spoilers]
>I don't want to pirate EUIV but I also don't want to buy all that DLC to have the full experience either
so instead you're whining on a Mongolian ox cart manufacturing support forum?
just pirate it, or stfu
>Veeky Forums related
This triggers me every time.
Is ROTK Veeky Forums approved?
historical films are allowed, why not vidya?
oregon trail teaches what wagon trails were like
Never played ROTK, always looked too Dynasty Warriors to me. From a history standpoint, they seem like they focus more on CUHRAZY than actual history. I could be wrong though.
I recommend Koei's other history game, Nobunaga's Ambition.
I remember one of my favorite high school teachers had this table top game
>strategy game
>hex map looking thing
>army's had attributes and morale rating and
Anyone know what it could be?
The Civ games are fascinating not only as great games to play, but also as implicit expressions of certain kinds of historical philosophy.
If you look at Civ I, Civ II, and Civ III, there's obviously a very strong bias toward the philosophy of materialism - the idea in history that it is the resources, geography, and productive powers of peoples which forge the destinies of history.
Civ III, with its inclusion of volcanoes and plagues, has an interesting little nod to the idea that natural disaster has a role to play. Government plays a much larger role than before as well.
In Civ IV and V, there are increasing nods to the importance of culture and government as a historical determinant, and they introduce Great Man theory in the form of great people, prophets, etc.
I think Civ VI would do well to consider the influence of languages on history, and I'd like to see a return of plagues and volcanoes, etc. as a reminder that man struggles not only against himself, but also nature, which shapes us. A more fleshed-out barbarian mechanism would also be nice.
> historical games
Meh. Only Paradox makes semi-historic games (despite all the !!!SWEDISH VIKINGS!!! nonsense).
Though, I can't say I'm aware about most of games.
Pirate it, bitch. Become a Communist.
Looks too Hollywood to be historically accurate.
I like Assassin's Creed games. The story and the characters are grade A SJW cuckery but the cities themselves are as historical as a videogame can get (with the exception of Brotherhood).
Liberation was overall a dogshit game but the colonial New Orleans was pretty damn accurate.
Veeky Forums can shit on the Civ series all it wants, but it definitely had its hand in making plenty of historiboos.
Pic related is probably the most watered down, theme park kid's version of Civ, and has little to no relation to history in actual gameplay mechanics, but the references to historical people and decent in-game history encyclopedia was enough to inspire my love for it.
The only Veeky Forums approved Civ is Colonization, if it can even be called a Civ. And even Colonization goes full retard as it doesn't include slavery for PC reasons even though slavery was a HUGE part of Atlantic colonies.
>ynw breed w/ an ahistorical cleopatra
There are several hundreds of scenarios dealing with different periods of time throughout history. Some are very bad, some better. Notwithstanding, I see several threads in the catalog right now with material definitely not Veeky Forums related.
The board is fucking slow anyways. Let us have some fun. It's not completely unrelated.
Thanks. Is that where the screenshot is taken from? I will take a look at it for sure.
One of my first strategy games was Centurion. Decent game.
I also played KOEI games like Ghynghis Khan, Nobunaga Ambition, Romance of thre Kingdoms, Liberty or Death. KOEI games have tendency to treat oficers/leaders as main/valauble resource that allow you actualy do stuff. Sure money, supplies and troops or weapons are impotant but you need skilled officers to lead them, train soldiers, recruit troops, gather supplies and food, govern and develop citiesprovices, find and recruit ther officers, perform diploacy and sabotage missions.
For all that you need skilled men.
I really liked the Ghynghis Khan. It has three steps strategical n global map, operational when you lead your armies on provincional map and tactical in actua battles.
You can say that Total war series try to emulate similar type of gameplay(just not tha good). The relations between officers was essential as some could easily rebel or defect if you piss them of.
They dont make more games like this.
Yes, it is, an old game of mine: Germans were attacking Leningrad, and marched out onto Lake Ladoga in the freeze. Attack came within a hairsbreadth of taking the city, but the defenders clung on, and when the lake thawed, 3 corps wound up on the bottom. It was pretty awesome.
By the way, you can get a copy of the rules and a lot of ancillary stuff here.
Be warned: the game has a STEEP learning curve. You will probably be shit at it for years, that's normal.
Thoughts? Free for PS+. Don't know if its historical.
The campaign involves causing a nuclear world war and then traveling back in time to stop it. While it references actual history, it is not actually historical and is generally very tongue in cheek.
It's a good game though, or at least the PC version is. I dunno how well it's been ported.
I call it historical because they function with a very good understanding of how things actually work. Things like the tech tree and the resource system especially in the older games are well done and research ed
Colonizing? Why would I do that?
>Civ II
>Gandhi is literally a nuclear warmonger
It's pretty fun.
PROTIP: Build your city in city blocks.
It'll save you a ridiculous amount of headache.
It's because it's based off the shitty romance rather than real events
>every piece of three kingdoms media is based off the romance
Why even live?
I must confess that the Fate series got me into history.
Sue me.
Is dynasty/samurai warriors Veeky Forums approved?
I actually heard that nuclear gandhi kinda makes sense. Apparently:
Gandhi actually believed weapons were useful. He claimed that pacifism was the route one should take if their people cannot fight back properly.
Nuclear deterrence and nuclear usage are two vastly different approaches to the issue.
This game sounds like it will age me and make me pick up smokong in an afternoon
That doesnt make it okay.
Quite possibly, but I at least find it to be an enormous rush. I get more energetic the longer each session runs.
Had we adopted non-violence as the weapon of the strong, because we realised that it was more effective than any other weapon, in fact the mightiest force in the world, we would have made use of its full potency and not have discarded it as soon as the fight against the British was over or we were in a position to wield conventional weapons. But as I have already said, we adopted it out of our helplessness. If we had the atom bomb, we would have used it against the British.
Speech (16 June 1947) as the official date for Indian independence approached (15 August 1947)
How about historical inaccruate games?
This one gives me a minor autismattack
All medal of honor games are (until recently) are quite weird.
Because they always involve something like this.
>Start out as a Grunt
People forget CoD was made in rebellion against this. In CoD (until CoD 4 and Black Ops) you were a grunt. And you stayed as one.
MoH and CoD are both just Hollywood war movie: the videogame. They even copypasted entire scenes from Saving Private Ryan into AA.
>tech tree
>implying actual technological development is perfectly linear like that
CoD just became hollywood past CoD4.
>Play Civ V
>See this
What do?
No, tge first one was Hollywood shit too, with the opening Stalingrad scene being a direct reconstruction of Enemy at the gates.
one could argue that slavery is represented indirectly by the bonus the Spanish get from looting natives and the cheaper British colonists
I didn't know that Civ 2 was on console. I'm actually a little interested in playing this version.
This is awesome. Thanks again. Any hints or tricks for a newbie?
>Tech tree
Gandhi was a religious fanatic, not a pacifist as we percieve him to be.
It's just some of his dogmas coincided with pacifism.
Well, yes. Each tech has specific prerequisites. You can't start building bridges, before you develop Ironworking and Legion.
The Japanese title for those games always have been Records of the Three Kingdoms they just translated at Romance for whatever reason and stuck with it.