

And niggers can't even domesticate a fucking Zebra?

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N-no the aurox wanted to be domesticated
.t liberal

I know right, the aurochs is fierce as fuck and probably the inspiration for the Minotaur. It's an integral part of European heritage.

That's on the Zebras not fitting 6 domestication criteria.

It's a fucking horse

Apparently the only untameable horse in existence

This mental gymnastics is amazing

Let's not forget about domesticated foxes

What is with all the GGS butthurt tonight?


Jeez, we get it

You can't stop thinking about strong bulls breeding for good genetics

>Lions are just scaled up cats, of course they can be domesticated? morphology is obviously linked to every other aspect of a species biology and behaviour.

But zebras are literal horses

Cats are literal felines, Horses and Zebra are both part of the Equus genus, but zebra have been living with (and hunted by) humans for a much longer time than horses and likely developed an aversion to humans, in the same way that isolated species such as the dodo weren't frightened of humans due to not recognising them as a predator, while species regularly hunted aren't so naive.

And humans (and our ancestors) evolved in Africa, is it a coincidence that ever other continent had an extinction of megafauna that coincided with human expansion, while Africa has retained it's megafauna which had a much longer history of exposure to humans, and in fact evolved with them in terms of the predator prey arms race.

>modern human didn't hunt all horses
>or cows
>or kill wolves
>and chicken
>all these domesticated animals just appeared and wanted to be tamed
>except sub Saharan African animals


Just admit niggers are subhuman

whites are actually subhuman since the presence of their neanderthal dna lowers the amount of human dna

Zebras don't have a head of the herd, they are more independently minded that horses.

Its hard to domesticate something whos attitude is libertarian.

But hybrids are better, are they not?

Neandhertals are humans

doesn't matter. they're still subhuman

no, they're neanderthals

Why didn't white people domesticate zebras?

We did

That's a person riding a zebra which is not evidence of zebras in general being domesticated, such as on the scale of horses, cows, etc. If it were worthwhile to domesticate them, i.e. they were more productive or easier to domesticate, white people would have done so.

Neanderthals are homo sapiens you cuck.

Its not like Africans didn't have horses themselves.

tamed =/= domesticated

it was humans who cucked neanderthals. white people are subhuman cuckbabies

wew lad.


That implies something lesser. Neanderthals were more advanced than Africans.

People forget that it takes a couple of thousand years of selective breeding and cross breeding to domesticate animals

Niggers don't have the mental,capacity for that, they live hand to mouth

is that why they got cucked out of existence?

>Live in Scandinavia for thousands of years
>Can't domesticate a fucking moose
Are Scandis the niggers of Europe?

They had reproductive problems

there wasn't really a foreseeable need to domesticate zebras. real life isn't a game of civilization where the end game is preordained

They didn't, their genes still live on in whites and Asians.

Even this isn't really true. Russians managed to domesticate foxes in about fifty years.

Alaskans did

that's code for neanderthal genocide

little white dicks

What are you wew ladding him for, a good portion of scientists think neanderthals were a homo sapiens subspecies

That's the difference between whites and lesser races

It's not the need, but the drive to be better

Name ten of these "scientists"

Race mixing is okay as long as it isn't with blacks tbf

it's not the need, but the drive to rewrite history

>Neanderthals were more advanced than Africans.

My sides

Would you like to explain in which ways Homo neanderthalensis in Europe were more advanced than Homo sapiens in Africa.

african humans were black. they didn't turn white and decide to leave africa because they were getting too sunburned



Fucking Liberal logic.


ignore that whites literally had all the benefits of civilisation land in their lap without lifting a finger to earn it

Look up regional continuity model

typical atheist

is that a mr or mrs regional continuity model? where are the 9 friends?

this 2bh

And we conquered the world,
Apefrica included

>whites don't have drive

Literally name some other culture that is as successful

He's claiming neanderthal are humans while denisovan aren't, either both are human or neither.

congrats on conquering the shittiest place on earth outside of antarctica, i bet you feel really proud

What are you on about you retard. Look up regional continuity model.

>avoiding the question

The Chinks used to be.
The middle easterners were up to some for then rather big stuff while Northern Europe was still living in mudhuts.
The white races is pretty pro-immigration and filled with white guilt, so right now we don't ind destroying ourself while other races don't.
I don't really think you can just look at a specific five hundred years period in time and just use it to come to the conclusion a certain race is superior to others.
If we would just look at Rome's great power era Nordics would clearly be inferior.

The British Empire is the biggest the known universe has even seen

Fuck the chinks
Fuck Rome
Fuck Egypt
Fuck America
Fuck the Middle East

I don't cry because the Empire is over, I smile because it happened


Literally 20 seconds of googling would give you the names, moron.

Who else did it?

>The British Empire is the biggest the known universe has even seen
Also the shortest lived.

Over in a century or so.

>My source is google

Get lost shitposter

Is that why pretty much all the archaeological evidence to date indicates that Homo Sapiens Sapiens had more advanced tools, art, and hunting tactics than Neanderthals?

Humans stole the Neanderthal magic powers?

To be fair India was worth like a quarter of the world's GDP in 1600-1700s.


I laugh every time this comes up.

>can't domesticate the zebra

What the fuck did they think wild horses were like? Calm and docile like domesticated ones?

I can't stop laughing at how fucking stupid these people are. Dear god.

You think Aurochs were calm and docile like modern cows?

do people actually believe this shit?

prove me wrong

prove a photoshopped picture is real

Basically this.

Zebra are herd animals, which are typically hard to domesticate. They're feisty and spook easy. You CAN stick a harness on one and whip into performing, but it's never as resposive or trusting like a horse.

Yes, but you'll say horses live in herds! Well, not like the hundreds strong groups like zebras. Horses are ultimately descended from central asian group of wild horses, but a species who only lived in relatively small family groups. Through domestication they tolerate other horses without trying to bite their necks off, but they're very pack-oriented.

btw, the chicken (or fowl, to be more accurate) and other cattle were domesticated in parts of Africa... Donkeys (wild asses) are also believed to have been first domesticated in what is today Somalia. Ancient donkey remains in the near East have been shown to contain a share of Somalian wild ass DNA. It's the common denominator in several sample sites with various other donkey/ass subspecies -- likely they were exported or brought along with settlers.

we know Mozart was black because we feel it. We know it is true. How do you not know this?

It is more likely that horses (and cattle) had 1000s of years of domestication and selective breeding above native animals, therefore making them economical enough to provide a surplus despite the occasional epidemic.

It wasn't impossible to domesticate zebra and african buffalo, but it would have been a much bigger hurdle to overcome in stone age africa, relative to domesticating auroxen that eat leftover hay from harvesting wheat in the fertile crescent, and by the 7th century AD there was little point as they had access to domesticate animals from elsewhere.