Why wasnt there mass immigration of Europeans to africa on the same scale as the Americas...

Why wasnt there mass immigration of Europeans to africa on the same scale as the Americas? I know there was South Africa, Rhodesia, etc, but that wasnt nearly the same amount. Seems like it would have been easier to mass immigrate to Africa since it was relatively closer to Europe, plus the natives were more easily defeated.

North Africa is already established nations. Its also a desert.
Central Africa is jungle
South Africa is nice and thats why the Europeans went there.


thisAlso don't forget that entirety of Africa was explored and colonized only in late 19th century, before that no one really wanted to go to what was basically terra incognita

Disease, jungle, deserts

Far away from Europe and entirely not European
Nice weather
Lush forests
Amazing growing conditions
All the natives are fine from the civilized areas
The most dangerous wild animals are snakes and spiders and bites from them are rarely lethal
Close to Europe, natives are everywhere, weather is 6 months of rain and 6 months if drought, also it's hot as fuck and half of the native fauna can kill you. The most dangerous snakes don't bite you they crush your internal organs. Rainforests fucking suck to live in, it's impossible to live in one but if you cut it down the soil is so poor it's unusable in 2-4 years

Oh yeah if you stood by the Mediterranean coast long enough the barbary express would give you free ferry service


Because Europeans were Low Test and couldn't handle the THICKness

thats not really a reason? because they wouldve just killed them all like they did in the americas, except it would have been even easier because niggers were less organized

>in the Americas

We didn't kill shit, diseases wiped out 90% of them. Niggers in the meantime were accustomed to old world diseases.

It's hot as balls, temperate eurasian crops grew poorly there, the diseases killed off any white man in the tropic zone, and millions of natives

Africans could raise armies into the humdreds of thousands and frequently fought europeans to stalemates before modern cannons and rifles won out

Even the Brits respected their Ashanti & Zulu adversaries

Plus the Italians got BTFO by Ethiopia and driven out

The Portuguese were BTFO east africa for a long time by forces led by chief Changamire Dombo

>hundreds of thousands
nigga armies of hundreds of thousands didn't even exist for 2000 years between Persia (MAYBE) the fucking levee en masse, I don't even think there were even countries/nations/tribes in Africa with a population that big (excluding North African states) let alone armies
3/10 wewuz bait, made me reply

It's shit, hot and/or dry. Lots of Malaria.

t. A white person in Africa

Because africa is a fucking shithole

I'm willing to bet more europeans settled in Africa than in America (The USA is an exception thou) the thing is niggers weren't wiped by desease, relocation (trail of tears) or wars (Conquest of the Desert) The american continent went from having 20 million natives to what? 1 or two? So a few euro immigrants became quite numerous in the XIX and XX Century.

Basically because Africa is where all disease come from. Plus like an user said North African nations were established.

>I don't even think there were even countries/nations/tribes in Africa with a population that big (excluding North African states) let alone armies.
Armies I agree, but Africa still had regions that were quite densely populated before European colonization.

We know that the Zulus had about 50,000 adult males who were levied and trained as full time soldiers, the population of the Zulu kingdom was about 300,000.

Nigeria and Ethiopia also both had about 4 million people living in each region respectively. The entirety of the Congo Basin had about 5-8 million people. While they weren't the largest in terms of population at the time (not even close in fact) they were still plenty populated.


Are you retarded?

I'm talking about the 17th to 19th century

Y'know, when europeans and Africans actually fought seriously


The Africans often DID have their own firearms though (discounting the Zulu's)


It's the same reason why India is still full of Indians and Vietnam is full of Vietnamese, and not Brit and French descendants.

Europeans didn't have a natural immunity to the foreign diseases present there, so colonization was out of the question. By the time vaccinations and modern medicine came along, the idea of committing genocide to clear areas was gonna be impractical (since people were all still gonna be there) and also something other nations would mercilessly shit talk you over, and probably sanction you for doing

>Europeans didn't have a natural immunity to the foreign diseases present there, so colonization was out of the question.
The Philippines did have a sizable European population to the point that they have shitloads of halfbreeds to this day despite the fact that our colonists were dying of Malaria & Dysentery over there.

Spain proven superior yet again.

I said modern cannons and rifles



Africa is a disease ridden shithole full of violent wildlife, also known as niggers