Fall of USSR

I have a question for those among us who love the USSR. How can you justify your support for a country that had so little support from its own population. What I mean is that so few people were actually willing to defend it. It seems very odd to me that the second greatest superpower ever could fall apart so easily unless the society was fundamentally broken and excepted as such by the public.

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A gun at your head, threat of the US and its "shit" society coming after you, and basic living makes it easy to fall in line.

>live in communist regime
>taught that the state knows all
>state decides to liquidate and balkanize assets
Truly the state knows what's best for us.

>What I mean is that so few people were actually willing to defend it.
Yeah, whole 130 millions.

>little support from its own population



Including this overwhelming majority in favor of returning to the USSR, the current RF government under yeltson shelled Russian parliament after being democraticly impeached by the left wing inside


Look up sources for your shit before spouting NATO propaganda

because "more than half" of modern day russians weren't even born before it collapsed. all the older ones died from radiation poisoning years ago.

Well yeah but nobody is doing anything or did anything at the time. What I am saying is nobody was willing to fight to save the Soviet Union.

>it's this mad sovok again

Killed 50,000,000 of us.

The survivors love it.

Fight to defend stalinism, the corrupt bureaucracy? It shouldn't be much of a mystery why there wasn't more opposition to its dissolution.
However if it were a fight to defend the ideals of 1917, what lenin and trotsky were about then I'm sure it would have been a much different story.
Trotsky wrote all about how stalinism was laying the groundwork for the restoration of capitalism

As someone who lives in a former SSR here's something to consider
Nostalgia for the USSR stems from two distinct notion
>russian nationalism and imperialism
Which is self-evident and self-explanatory
In the Soviet society a certain clasess of people were more privileged than others. In my country - can't attest to whether it's the same elsewhere the were called the Cadre. This usually encompassed the high ranking party functionaries, officials, heads of the various state instintutions, corporations, factories etc. Note that this doesn't align with the Elite how the West thinks of it.
Then you've got the more generic and vaguely privileged part of society which sort of crossed the boundaries of class and could compass everyone from a teacher, writer, engineer to a storage hand and the officer corps as long as they adhered to the ideology and rules. When I say vaguely privileged I mean the in a passive way as the was the layer of society where homo soveticus was supposed to be nurtured from. Here loyalty was rewarded with boons - such as access to and being able to skip ahead in the, say, queue for buying a car - and the party actively tried to increase this base in society. Also, new members for the Cadre were grown and recruited here.
Then you've got the unintentionally privileged part of the society due to the peculiarities of the soviet system. This includes various professions which provided connections - taxi drivers and door and bar men - or opportunities for extra income on the side - any place where you could nick stuff - or access and goods for the black market - usually foodstuffs and consumer goods.
Then there's the people oppressed to varying degrees and varying ways.

Another thing to consider is that the soviet society evolved over time. 40 to 55 is an almost orwellian nightmare with guerilla fighting going on in the forests and and innocent people deported by the thousands. 55 to 70 is what's called 'livable' soviet age - this is where stuff like healthcare and higher education and a certain level of prosperity become available again to the masses. 70 to 85 stagnation. From 85 onwards - fubar.

So when someone is saying how USSR was goat they peobable come from the privileged classes and are thinking of the 60s.

>So when someone is saying how USSR was goat they peobable come from the privileged classes and are thinking of the 60s.



Modern govt infested by old Party folks agrees, no shit. Read , formerly privileged folk will always want their privileges back.
I come from normal workers family, and nobody in 3 generations wanted USSR back. Because we had no privileges to speak of.


No, they just want a "UNITED STATES OF RUSSIA", not the fucking Soviet Union back.

No, retard, "Republic" in this context refers to the "UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS,"not the Ameriburger Republic.

They want relevance and effectual governance.

Russia will never be good or happy.

>renewed federation
>equal sovereign republics
>fully guaranteed rights
>typical USSR

It's like asking Americans if they want a renewed Union with guaranteed rights and sovereign states after some Orwellian-Obamian nightmare. Then still dismantling and stealing everything by the same ruling elite.

> so little support from its own population
But that's a myth.

> fall apart so easily
Which is a good thing, no? If you get half a decade of Civil War after state falls, it could hardly be said that the state was good. It clearly had a lot of unresolved issues.

On the other hand, the fall of Soviet Union is a testament to the level of civilization it had.

> formerly privileged folk will always want their privileges back.
Yeah. Majority of Soviet population was priveleged during USSR. Nowadays they are glorified serfs.

>more than half of russians are under 25
>:something something radiation poisoning
american education everybody

They want their empire and relevance back, not socialism. If they were offered a choice between a strong and large capitalist Russia and a weak balkanized socialist Russia they'd pick the former 10 times out of 10.

>How can you justify your support for a country that had so little support from its own population
>What I am saying is nobody was willing to fight to save the Soviet Union.

>What I mean is that so few people were actually willing to defend it
That is a quote from my original post

> They want their empire and relevance back, not socialism.
Nope. Socialism. Goverment and mass-media try to drum up nationalism as hard as they can, but people don't really care about this shit.

Empire is (mostly) irrelevant.

Mostly - because Russians also want Space and don't want inevitable permanent wars and corruption that will follow balkanization.

Tы чтo блядь?

>Orwellian-Obamian nightmare

Do you someone to take you seriously after that?