How was the State of Israel so successful in the Six-Day War?

How was the State of Israel so successful in the Six-Day War?

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Because by and large, the Israelis have a modern "Western" military doctrine, where the military is geared for maximum external effectiveness.

Most of the Arab states, on the other hand, have rather large internal problems, and often deliberately hamper their militaries ability to function, because instilling such divisiveness prevents said military from staging a coup. However, there's a price to be paid when it comes to facing someone outside of the regime.

You mean ZOG?

When was the last time Arabs won a war against non-Arab country, sometime in 8th century? And I mean Arabs, not Turks, Persians, Kurds or Berbers.

Battle of Alcácer Quibir?

Conquest of Hispania and some conflicts following that in Iberia.

>le Jews are just better meme

Because they have western funding.

Aren't these mainly Berbers?
The conquest happened in 8th century, then there was a stalemate, then they were driven back a little and then Berbers came and stabilized the border for a while.

Same way they'll be so successful in the next all encompassing all out war against them from the children of the handmaiden.

They belong to God.

Then they're better at war and diplomacy. That doesn't help your case, muslimfriend.

200k troops will wreck 80k troops any day of the week.

Yeah I mean you're right, Israel is allies with the west which means that they could destroy any Arab country in the 60s. The Arabs didn't seek out allies in Europe or Asia so their equipment wasn't as good

Maybe because Arabs are shit tier fighters, only good for slaughtering civilians in mobs?

What exactly do you call the USSR?

And Arabs had Soviet funding and shitloads of soviet weaponry.
>Soviet weaponry is shit
Well it didn't stop Northern Vietnam from BTFO the US army itself during exactly this time. You just have to agree what Arabs are just bad at war.

They were Ethnicly Berber but language and Culturally wise Arabic, Given how all non-Saudi/Yemeni Arabs were Arabized I don't understand the "Not true arab" arguement

Theres also the Larache expedition

Opposition Nations/Powers
Arab Expeditionary Forces
Saudi Arabia

The standing army had grown to roughly 75,000, with nearly 1,000 tanks and 175 jet planes. Nevertheless, the Arab armies combined "could field 900 combat aircraft, over 5,000 tanks and half a million men" (Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of The Modern Middle East, Michael B. Oren, Oxford University Press, 2002, page 164). Meanwhile, anti-Israel Palestinian terrorism - instigated or tolerated by Syria, Egypt, and Jordan - intensified between April, 1966 and April, 1967. So did direct attacks by Syria.

Except those six days I guess.

Egypt had more funding from the Soviets

>Well it didn't stop Northern Vietnam from BTFO the US army itself during exactly this time.
Nice meme

Both have the theme of men fighting furiously for their homes v invaders.

You have to remember that both parties were fighting furiously for their homes during the six day war.

thats what happens when you have the best fucking equipment while your enemies use shit left over since ww2 and outdated soviet tanks

well you can get alot of stuff but when the stuff you get is old and outdated it aint going to hold up against better shit

Because Arabs are all basically Abu Hajaar.

Quantity has a quality all its own.

this and Israelis had a great intelligence agency supporting and guiding their decisions.

I read they had spies deep cover enough to have infiltrated an opposing army and have them dig in at locations Israel was zeroed in on already.


When did the NVA BTFO US Army? At what point?

Vietnam won the war but it wasn't on the battlefield.

They're the weirdest fucking people. They will stand nose to nose shit talking each other forever, waving their arms around, saying the most vile shit, but throw one punch and they die of astonishment.

They really are shit tier fighters, good only at cutting off the heads of prisoners. The Iran Iraq war was nothing but one side killing civilians, running away, and having their civilians killed.

And yes, I also intended to say that persians are also shit tier fighters, although not as bad as arabs.

They made us feel bad for killing 3,500,000 of them.

Israeli intelligence and special forces are among the few best in the world. If these two things are strong enough, you can take out most countries before they even know you're up to something.

Not this time it doesn't

>winning anything

Ask Richard the Lionheart.


>yfw the 1948 Arab-Israeli War is called 'The Catastrophe' in Arabic
>yfw the Six-Day War is called 'The Setback' in Arabic

Because Arabs.

t. Moshe Dayan

>"We have offered them (the Arabs) a sensible way for so many years. But no, they wanted to fight. Fine! We gave them technology, the latest, the kind even Vietnam didn’t have. They had double superiority in tanks and aircraft, triple in artillery, and in air defense and anti-tank weapons they had absolute supremacy. And what? Once again they were beaten. Once again they scrammed. Once again they screamed for us to come save them. Sadat woke me up in the middle of the night twice over the phone, “Save me!” He demanded to send Soviet troops, and immediately! No! We are not going to fight for them." -Leonid Brezhnev on the Yom Kippur War

>Missing the whole point
The whole Vietnam war Was America bombing the shot out of Vietnam untill theu got bored
Even in the Afghani Soviet war the Soviets went bankrubt and still haven't recovered to this day as seen with Russia being a failed Petrostate , which did not happen to America, People not paying for their houses did more damage to the American Economy than Vietnam

> The whole Vietnam war Was America bombing the shot out of Vietnam untill theu got bored
To put it in perspective:
United States, 9 years in Vietnam: 58,307 dead, 303,644 wounded
Soviet Union, 9 years in Afghanistan: 14,453 dead, 53,753 wounded

Not one of the Arab states knew what the fuck they were doing.

Because they bombed the USS Liberty

Rolling Thunder was probably the worst air bombing campaign ever run, mainly because Johnson was scared that Mao would join the war if he was too successful.

This. Israel had better weapons, generals, more Western support etc.

>two areas with vastly different terrains and two armies with vastly different orders of operations are comparable

Meh, you don't seem to be wanting an honest argument anyway.
I ask you this - how did the soviets look 10 years after Afghanistan?
And the US 10 years after Vietnam?
One finished eating itself, one moved on and got gudder
This is all you really need to read.

The Soviets committed far less troops than the US did, not to mention Afghanistan was peacekeeping and counter insurgency.
Vietnam was a full blown war against a nation, with the US hamstrung by its politicians on how effectively it could actually wage the war.

>yfw they say we'll take care of the Saturday people first, and then the Sunday people.

Only because Europe and the USA literally built their state as a puppet and a buffer because they felt bad about the Holocaust.

The fuck?

Men fight hard for their homes, so their wives and daughters don't get raped, their sons killed, their houses stolen, and their goods seized.

The damage to the US psyche was immense; the damage to the gooks was 3,500,000 dead.

We fought proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam to show the Reds we would fight communism in their back yard, or in their living rooms. Their choice.

The arabs lost because they were outgunned and ultimate truth is that nobody actually gave a fuck about palestine. The sinai was the only prize here. They don't give a fuck about each other either, there's no commraderie between arab states. The jews were a more unified force especially after muh holocaust.

Arabs can't fight well because they have a petty tribalism problem. And I mean really bad. Leaders don't teach the people underneath them for fear of being usurped. Same goes for passing on of information. The only people the guys trust are their own family, which makes the level of efficiency bottom out hard.

Israel manages to get past this more.


US didn't support Israel until the 60s

>North Vietnam

So basically the only way the Arabs could win was by losing 10x as many Arab to Israeli troops and 1.5 million Arab civilians?

What is wrong with you Abu Hajaar!

How many of ISIS fighters had to die before the figured out what backblast is?

Ayyrabs are literally subhumans, the only good thing about them is that unlike turkroaches they will not survive the well deserved nuke.

Single Egypt housed 80-100 million people.
TODAY Israel has population of 14 millions. And you've had quite populous Syria in the coalition as well.

They could've do it except nobody wanted to actually fight.
Jordan waited for Syrians to wreck IDF(as in do all the work and pay all the costs), Syrians waited for Egyptians and Egyptians waited for Jordanians.

It must have been enormous jewish conspiracy that won that war, that's for sure.

They're wrecking Saudi-Turkish plant in Syria/Iraq as we speak.

>the stats of israel
>the state of germany
>the state of France
>the state of the united states

Are jews so insecure about the illegitimity of their country they need to reassert Israel is a real state every time they talk about it ?

Arabs had no anti aircraft capability.

Israel had tons of aircraft provided by the west.

They struck first on enemy airstrips.

Monopolized the skies.

Yom Kippur war:
Soviets gave the arabs SA-2 anti aircraft rockets.

Israel being pushed back hard because they could not use their aircraft.

Threatened to use nukes on their neighbors if they continued to lose, technology they stole from the US.

"On October 8, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton nuclear warheads on Jericho missiles and F-4s, which were prepared for action against Syrian and Egyptian targets"

Nixon was extorted by Golda Meier to provide largest airlift of war materiel in human history.

Nixon was advised to carry out the support for israel by his jewish national security advisor and secretary of defense henry kissinger.

This support of Israel resulted in the oil crisis of 1973.

"United States chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) General George Brown. Brown was nearly forced to resign after making comments claiming that Israel received U.S. military aid because Jews controlled the American banking system."
>It's so strong you wouldn't believe now. We have the Israelis coming to us for equipment. We say we can't possibly get the Congress to support that. They say, 'Don't worry about the Congress. We will take care of the Congress.' Now this is somebody from another country, but they can do it. They own, you know, the banks in this country, the newspapers. Just look at where the Jewish money is.

Zionists moved the military to the their Frontier and attacked first.

because they used arms and the goodness of human

IIRC a jewish man convinced the syrian army that it was a good idea to plant eucalyptus trees to give shade to the artillery men.

There was one spy who got pretty high up in the syrian military hierarchy, he had them plant trees at the artillery positions on the border with israel, which made it extremely easy for israel to take out their artillery when the war started, because the species of tree used was not native to the area.

>Nixon was extorted by Golda Meier to provide largest airlift of war materiel in human history.
Nixon promised Israel support in the war as long as they didn't do a pre-emptive strike. Israel's intelligence had already known they were about to be attacked but Nixon forced their hand. the main reason Israel did so bad at the beginning of the war was that Israel did absolutely nothing to prepare for the attack, not even mobilizing their reserves

Air superiority

Jordanian militia were the only ones to leave their positions, syria wouldn't believe egyptian inteligence & didnt commit, ceasefire ordered by the u.s before egyptian counter attack. Jews had nuclear weapon & were going to use it, jews were told not to go in gaza bibi not wanting to be left out from his moment of glory lost most of his battalion

Warming up for the comedy sketch

They did support us, but most gear was from france back then.

On topic, we had absolute air dominance after raiding egypts airfields on the furst day. The syrians were opportunistic and only invaded when they heard egyptian propagnda speaking of victory, but their incompetence played to our advantage. Jordan wasnt prepared for war as well.

If the coalition won was their endgame to occupy and partition Israel? Would that be possible even with the Samson option?

We're the chosen people

Initial Egyptian 1973 push was a brilliant piece of engineering, amphibious offensive and interarms communication.