Why is marijuana and other drugs still illegal, Veeky Forums? Whose interest is it that it remains illegal?
Why is marijuana and other drugs still illegal, Veeky Forums? Whose interest is it that it remains illegal?
>whose interest
Prison industrial complex.
Obviously breweries
I think part of it is just that change is inherently slow.
>Whose interest
the juice companies
nope, juice
>Why is marijuana and other drugs still illegal, Veeky Forums?
Because they haven't been legalized yet.
>Whose interest is it that it remains illegal?
Most people's.
Found the memer.
>I'm an edgy straight edge fag who thinks pot smokers are """"" degenerate """""""
Go, grow up. It's overwhelming how ineffective and regressive the war on drugs is.
Smoke weed erry day.
I just don't want to see heroin being sold at my local convenience store. It seems degenerate to me.
If you are such a "redpilled" fucknugget then why are you not in favour of the "libertarian" ideals of free market and personal freedom? Huh?
I've made a dislike of degeneracy my own property, though, even as I live a degenerate lifestyle. You know nothing about me. You assumed I'm straightedge, you were wrong. You assume I'm spooked, whereas you're spooked by the supposed 'benefits' of legal, over-the-counter heroin. Those benefits are either for you (in which case heroin is a threat to your life, and a stupid hobby to take up, even if you make it your own) or for society (in which case you're amazingly spooked; you feel responsible for laws that you think force others to become addicts and lack avenues to escape addiction).
Why do you want to legalize drugs at all if you care about spooks?
Where did I mention anything about drugs?
I don't think I used the word "redpilled" anywhere in my post, nor did I call myself a libertarian. The free market is not a deity, any more than the state is a deity. As for personal freedom: this can be abused, and these abuses ought to be punished or prevented. Whence prison, courts, etc.
If all drugs were legal, black people would erase themselves from existence.
This is a conversation about drug policy, you idiot. If you aren't talking about drugs, get the fuck out of here.
You brought your spooky "degeneracy" into the discussion. The drugs are irrelevant, AFAIC.
I can remember when Washington legalized pot, on election night, there were these (clearly) college aged pot dealers running all around town with their BMW's tricked out with neon lighting, telling people to go out and vote against pot legalization, because it's bad or society, etc. The other funny thing was, apparently they had just realized it was on the ballot and were rushing to get the word out, even though the polls were almost closed.
So yeah, the only people still against pot are drug dealers and old people who are too retarded to know any better.
I suppose there might be straight edger types kicking around on this board, but I doubt most are old enough to vote.
>Why is marijuana and other drugs still illegal, Veeky Forums?
Because people are afraid of them
>Whose interest is it that it remains illegal?
Breweries, police, prisons, conservative politicians, pharmaceutical companies (Though they also stand to benefit, it's a trade off)
>You brought your spooky "degeneracy" into the discussion.
Why is it spooky? Why is the concept of a spook worth anything at all? Stirner made his case on nothing. I can reject his philosophy out of hand and all you can do is whine.
> The drugs are irrelevant, AFAIC.
So you're shitposting?
But its not illegal everywhere.
Because a hyper Christian asshole convinced everyone that marijuana was a nigger drug that darkies would smoke before raping white girls.
Currently the people who benefit the most from the current legislation are politicians, cops, prisons, drug dealers, and weapons manufacturers. Departments like the DEA get to keep the money that they seize during drug busts. I don't mean that the individual officers are allowed to keep the money, of course, but who's to say if $5000 from that $2,000,000~ bust went missing?
When I say "weapon manufacturers" I am referring to companies that are selling weapons and gear to police departments in bulk. They're making a killing because American cops are arming themselves like they're ready to invade a country.
>Because they haven't been legalized yet.
Heroin, Cocaine, Marijuana, and every other drug in existence were all legal before being scheduled. New designer drugs are invented all the time and they are quickly banned despite the government failing to research any of these chemicals in a scientific manner before passing legislation.
>Heroin, Cocaine, Marijuana, and every other drug in existence were all legal before being scheduled
Yes, and since then, they haven't been universally legalized.
No shit. What was the point of the statement "Because they haven't been legalized" then?
In that context it sounds as if the poster meant to say that these drugs were illegal by default. The question was "WHY are they illegal?"
As for marijuana, you're looking at pharmaceutical companies, breweries, prisons, tobacco companies and traditional moral realists.
Also it's legal where I am. Just give it a few years.
>What was the point of the statement "Because they haven't been legalized" then?
It's the only accurate answer.
>In that context it sounds as if the poster meant to say that these drugs were illegal by default.
Only if you're retarded enough to think that laws exist if no institutions are instituting and enforcing them, like you apparently are.
>The question was "WHY are they illegal?"
Right, not "Why were they outlawed?" Different questions.
>It's the only accurate answer.
No, it's an idiotic non answer.
>Why is the sky blue?
>Because the sky is blue.
Maybe you're too stupid to realize why it works.
Less than a hundred years ago the first world nations were taking cocaine for tubucluosus and pure heroin/opium for pain killers.