Names you wish you could name your children


Adolf/Adolphus actually sounds pretty good with my last name desu.

shoo shoo Hitler

He'd catch shit on Veeky Forums but I actually like the name Charlemagne

Never reproduce.

Charlemagne is not a given name

Genseric. I don't idolize him, just a neat name.

So Charles/Karl? -magne just means "the great" in this case

>wants to name his kid gayus

you must hate your unborn child

I really like Genghiskhan

Ungern-Sternberg would be a pretty neat name

Would it be too autistic to name my daughter Adelheid? I think it's a really cute name, I'd call her Heidi for short. However, I'm Quebecois, Portuguese and Italian. I don't have a speck of German or Swiss in me.

We have a lot of good names:
I would take one for my son


All perfectly acceptable except Adolf and even that meme will hopefully die soon (I'm not a fascist or naso in any way, the evils of the 3rd Reich are just so overrepresented in popular culture..)

Lots of these name are appropiate in spanish--Julio, Genserico, Adolfo, even maybe Gaius (Cayo in spanish, hypocoristic of Arcadio)



Eh, portos are suebi anyway you can spin it. Besides Germans are white, so they're not going to lose their shit over "cultural appropriation"

I wish I could use most Viking names. In not Icelandic who who doesn't want sons named Ivar and Halfdan
