>Orthodox, not Catholic
>Main language was Greek, not Latin
>Monarchy, not Republic
>People on here insist on calling it the Roman Empire
The Holy Roman Empire was more Roman than the Byzantine Empire was.
>Orthodox, not Catholic
>Main language was Greek, not Latin
>Monarchy, not Republic
>People on here insist on calling it the Roman Empire
The Holy Roman Empire was more Roman than the Byzantine Empire was.
Other urls found in this thread:
>HRE called itself HRE so we shall call it HRE
>ERE called itself The Roman Empire, but we shall call it by the term invented by butthurt german a century after the fall of Constantinople, because reasons
Why do autists care so much about the successor to the Roman Empire
Other than the pope recognizing it there was literally nothing Roman about HRE.
>Monarchy, not Republic
Roman EMPIRE wasn't Republic either.
HRE wasn't even an empire, it was basically the EU of the Middle Ages, but that's the common name so it stuck.
Even during the imperial period, the Romans still upheld republican values.
The government never really fell after the capital of the Roman Empire was changed from Rome to Constantinople. They were a direct continuation of the Roman Empire, and thus roman.
They were by definition an Empire.
> Even during the imperial period, the Romans still upheld republican values.
Yes, they did, until the High Middle Ages:
Which reinforces my point, that the Byzantines weren't Roman.
By your arbitrary, personal definition of what is Roman, perhaps.
>Catholicism was, for most of Rome's history, one faith independent of the Orthodox or Catholic faiths. Both came later, dont confuse your historical periods.
>Main language was Greek?
In part, the common language was Greek, the upper classes spoke Latin, and even under the Roman Empire, it was this way and you had an upper class which spoke both Greek and Roman
>People on here insist on calling it the Roman Empire
maybe because of all states claiming to be Roman, it actually was the literal political continuation?
Rome even before the Principate was an empire from the point of the 1st Punic War, dude.
"...Ever since our rough crusading forefathers first saw Constantinople and met, to their contemptuous disgust, a society where everyone read and wrote, ate delicate food with forks and preferred diplomacy to war, it has been fashionable to pass the Byzantines by with scorn and to use their name as synonymous with decadence and [weakness]."
—Steven Runciman, The Emperor Romanus Lecapenus and His Reign: A Study of Tenth-Century Byzantium,
Why are HREboos so jealous?
>Orthodox, not Catholic
Not till post Great Schism so 500 years after this pic.
>Main language was Greek, not Latin
greek court was after Justian 2 but People did speak latin quite commonly until the muslims reduced the empire in size to where the remaining regions were historically greek
Also if they didn't speak Latin then explain Romania
>Monarchy, not Republic
They still had similar political structure and the republic Rome was obviously plagued by an inefficient democracy which led to Imperial Rome.
>People on here insist on calling it the Roman Empire
Nobody called it the Byzantine Empire until the 17th or 18th century and the only people who called it the greek empire were Catholics after the end of Byzantine papacies because they referred to the Holy Roman empire as the Roman empire and the Holy Roman Emperor as the Roman Emperor.
>my gradually declining imitation of a dead empire was better than your gradually declining imitation of a dead empire
>the byzantines are true romans
>nah only the citizens of the original empire are true romans
>nah only the patricians of the republic are true romans
>nah only the italic tribes on the seven hills are true romans
What's that? Did you say something was more Roman than the Byzantines? Do you mind repeating what it is?
I think the Greek Kingdom better describes them than the Eastern Roman Empire or the Byzantine Empire.
This is bait.
>this entire post