Why were Britons so useless?
>be shitty uncivilized pagans
>Rome comes and starts developing civilization
>Builds stone fortification
>Introduces Roman innovations
>Rome forced to withdraw
>be shitty barely civilized Christians
>regress to levels of material production even worse than Pre-Roman Britain
>Build fortifications out of mud and wood
>Have to be conquered by fucking barbarians in order to advance
>be modern day Welsh people
Why were Britons so useless?
Other urls found in this thread:
>cheeky cunt detected
They look badass though
>shirtless homos with Guy Fieri hair wearing pajama pants
if flame shirts existed back then, you can bet the briton barbarians would be wearing them too
>my sides
so the britons wore pajama pants into battle?
Someone shop them in.
Check out this crazy briton bard...
Were punk rockers an expression of ancestral memory?
Hill forts were pretty badass, and comfy
someone post hill forts
Lots of Europe was still tribal back then. Since there is very little data explaining their way of life, it is hard to make proper judgments of them
i may have gotten carried away
lol m8
bretty good
Is it true that Celts used cum to style their hair?
They used Clay
Roman scum pls leave
We're all Roman now.
criminally underrated
my sides
Did they really dyed their hair?
Wouldn't you want to be comfy while dying?
>Have to be conquered by fucking barbarians
which ones?
anglo-saxons, normans...
>Anglo saxons
>ANGLO saxons
>mfw I realized that "woman legion" was a typo, and we were going into battle against a Roman legion and about to be slaughtered
The Romano-British invited the Saxons over in order to help provide military support for the country and to help resist Scottish-Irish raids. Saxons eventually ended up overwhelming and absorbing the natives to create the Anglo-Saxons we have today.
fucking kek
>The Romano-British invited the Saxons over in order to help provide military support for the country and to help resist Scottish-Irish raids. Saxons eventually ended up overwhelming and absorbing the natives to create the Anglo-Saxons we have today.
That meme needs to go. That was always the belief but it turns out it was the other way round. The existing population absorbed the Anglo saxons - who contribute heavily to english DNA but aren't the majority.
In areas of the highest Anglo Saxon conentrations modern english are like 30-40% Anglo Saxon but in most regions it's much lower.
Also, the Roman and Norman occupations didn't leave much lasting effect on the DNA at all. Anglo Saxon are the only significant contribution to the ancient DNA.
"anglo-saxon" refers to the hybrid of English and Saxon, not the original saxons. Doesn't have anything to do with your post, I just got triggered
wrong. Hopefully someone else can be bothered to deal with you
Dark Ages Britain is just a shit period. I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would be interested in such a bland and boring era. I'm also biased because I hate that fucking M&B Brytenwalda mod, stupid ass fucking Boringblanda.
>"anglo-saxon" refers to the hybrid of English and Saxon, not the original saxons. Doesn't have anything to do with your post, I just got triggered
Anglo refers to the germanic tribe called the Angles (or something similar... Angli, Anglorum).
With the amount of words you used you could have corrected him yourself, dick.
It's hard to imagine a Europe devoid of Roman and christian influence so they seem extra barbaric. Maybe there was more to the celts than we know but hardly any of it is written down.
Anglo-Saxon refers to the Angles and Saxons, the two tribal groups who immigrated to England alongside the Jutes and Frisians.
Also, Britons is probably the best term for the prior inhabitants of Britain. Modern english are a hybrid of Britons, Angles, Saxons, and Jutes with a smattering of Roman and Norman DNA
They plunder, they slaughter, and they steal: this they falsely name Empire, and where they make a wasteland, they call it peace.
~Briton chief Calgacus
That source is from 2002 when the field was in its infancy, we've gotten a lot better at genetics since then.
>woman legion
*at genomics
t. molecular biologist
what's the difference between genomics and population genetics? Or is genomics just the proper term?
Fuck off mate its a period of strife and manly warfare also you not liking brytenwalda puts your opinion dirvtly into the trashcan.
Genetics studies genes and focuses on their function and associated mechanisms. Population genetics deals with on that on the scale of populations.
Genomics is concerned with genomes, that is the entire DNA sequence of an organism, of which genes are only a subset.
Approaches like Y-chromosomal haplotyping focus on features in non-coding regions, unaffected by selective pressures, which makes them convenient for tracking lineages. As such they are unrelated to genes and in the purview of genomics rather than genetics.
Interesting, thanks.
No problem. The term now gaining traction is "population genomics".
And "genetics" is still sometimes used to refer to the study genomic features in general rather than just genes, but my nitpick was more methodological - we work to retrieve the sequence (genomics) to be able to study its features (genetics), and it's specifically in the methods of retrieval that we have seen the greatest progress over the past decade as the cost of genome sequencing fell enormously.
>tfw there are now people who can say "so your father was a woman?" unironically
So who are the "eternal-anglo" posters anyway? Baguettes and Germs? Slavs?
This needs more replies
he was outed as a t*rk
>implying you're literate
Hello Francis Pryor.
how do we know they used chalk?
we don't know for sure, i'd chalk it up to hearsay