Post your stiners and spooks
Post your stiners and spooks
Is this wrong if I know this mene mainly from leftypol?
Anybody have some rare Stirners?
I don't get this meme
ask Veeky Forums for stirnposting history
5 pages into the ego and his own and chill, and she starts acting like your property
>she starts acting like your property
Holy shit, I know we're memeing but this actually enrages me about females. The vast majority of them will never be true egoists.
OC comin' atcha, my properties
Neat thread! Why don't you take it over to reddit or some other place where you can share cool memes with other people?
t. Garl Marx
reminds me of SMT Soul Hackers
What is the best translation of Stirner? I want to read his book but there are several editions and apparently his German is pretty peculiar.
the yiddish translation is god tier
Is blingee a spook?
not if you make it your property
Have another one, my dear spooky friend
Hey Marx
that random orange glow was triggering my ocd
best one
can someone shop the caption "oh no, you just fell for a spook!" in an 8-bit font
What's a tl;dr to Stirner's philosophy?
-don't let ideas (spooks) control your life
-use only the ideas that serve you beneficially (ie make them your property), discard useless or harmful ones
-put yourself above everything else first and foremost
the rest gets into anarchy and personal rights (or lack thereof)
>the rest gets into anarchy
Isn't political ideology inherently incompatible with egoism?
>personal rights
I don't understand that property thing that a lot of people use as a meme.
it's not really anarchy as an ideology, at least not in the modern sense, but he just wanted to abolish any form of government.
i guess an analogy to explain it would be comparing literal atheism (the lack of belief in the divine) to today's dawkins cult of fedora tippers.
>he just wanted to abolish any form of government
It doesn't go farther than that? I thought egoist anarchism was pretty much another term for illegalism, but did Stirner have an idea of what kind of system would replace statism?
he would never call it a system, but that's where he wanted the union of egoists to come in. the only requirement to hold it together is the active participation of the egoists respective wills.
if laws or any other fixed ideas are brought into the union, he argues that it's no longer a union of egoists because the egoists are now abiding by a higher ideal, instead of their individual selves.
How would a union of egoists deal with internal disagreements? What are the economic implications of such an association?
2bh the whole thing falls apart pretty quickly in the real world. i mean the guy goes through pains to purify his "system" and defend it, but even he knew it would never happen. i'm pretty sure the only examples he gives of a union of egoists in the real world is small scale circumstances, so definitely no way to run a complex society.
Would someone mind doing the hair?
I don't think it's something he ever envisioned becoming a thing on a large scale. He held the state to be illegitimate, but was of the opinion you were under no obligation to rail against it (you could go with it as it suited your fancy).
There were some anarchists in the 19th century that derived systems from his works by mixing them with Proudhon's Mutualism (Benjamin Tucker is the most iconic here), but more modern philosophers that build upon his works typically envision people living in an anarchistic fashion in the cracks of otherwise hierarchical systems.
Pretty bland. The Ego and Its Own is a fairly dense work, not exactly edgy teen reading level.
>not exactly edgy teen reading level
thats exactly what makes it edgy. while all the other kidz are reading Nietzsche and Marx, he's reorganizing his perception of society from it's most cherished cornerstones. Law, Justice, Honor, ect.