Non-existence is far better than existence, is there any sane man who could disagree?
Non-existence is far better than existence, is there any sane man who could disagree?
existence is a spook
I haven't killed myself yet, so there must be something to this whole existence thing that doesn't suck shit.
where does the "best thing for a man would be to not have existed at all, and the second best thing is to kill himself right now" come from? and i dont mean the greek tales. i mean what's the logic behind that? life is suffering, so in order to avoid suffering it's better to not exist at all?
bitch, i would rather live a hundred years in judas' place at the 9h or so circle of hell getting my ass flayed off by the devil than not have existed at all. atleast while i suffered, i could think about all those pleasurable things in the world that didn't include suffering. who is such a weak little shit that they would forgo all the potential pleasure they can experience just because they're afraid of suffering?
>implying returning to The All is 'nothing'
So God in fact doesn't exist?
Absolutely agreed. When I mention something similar people look weirdly.. fucking plebs
Spotted the user who never experienced a single hardship in his life.
We haven't given non-existent people the chance to speak, so I don't know which is better. Nonexistence could be really fucking fun for all I know.
Non-existence is what you'll find inside your head, Plato.
>spotted the user who never felt love, success or awe in his life
Fucking rekt
Not that guy, but I've experienced plenty of hardship and I'll still take existence over non-existence. I get to experience the beautiful, the sublime, the intoxicating, the base, and the frivolous, and I love it all; suffering is just the price I pay for all of that.
Plato was too busy getting famous for the next 2 and a half millennia to care about this hobo's opinion.
Alexander should have sent this bum to the front lines on his next campaign 2bh
better to be beyond both, famiglia
t. siddhartha
What is the reasoning behind your statement?
>the most useless ''''philosopher'''' in history
>opinion mattering
you can't disagree if you don't exist
>Non-existence is far better than existence, is there any sane man who could disagree?
Wrong, everything wants to live as a residual after effect of non-existence.
That's such a pointless question, non-existance is a very complex misunderstood concept on itself to even attempt to grasp. Better yet contemporary philosophers have the habit of reinterpreting the entire thing time again, many times alluring to the more biased state of mind/ above reality mumbo jumbo.
How do you know what non existence is like?
>These plebs still don't realize that this reality is but one level of existence
>They truly believe they're here for a reason other than pure fun or imprisonment.
The idea that something can be in itself better than another thing is a human concept stemming from the human capability of desiring things. Moreover our preference for existence over nonexistence stems from our instinct of wanting to continue our own existence.
orphic/gnostic/manichean pls go
and what are you doing with your life? Oh right...
Spooky as fuck.
do you have the willpower of a slug?
If I were not Diogenes, I too, would wish to be Diogenes.
This guy gets it
Holy shit. Absolutely barbaric.
There's no such thing as non-existence
>can't get blown by traps
I can't manage to find anyone to blow me (without payment) so your statement is irrelevant.
To be fair, he was highly influential as his work formed the basis of Stoicism, and likely would still be relatively influential if it weren't for the fact all his writings got burned at Alexandria.
kys then loser