Why are Ashkenazi Jews so much richer and better educated (by common standards) than Sephardi Jews?
Why are Ashkenazi Jews so much richer and better educated (by common standards) than Sephardi Jews?
Why are Europeans so much richer and better educated (by common standards) than North Africans and Middle Easterners?
it's a conspiracy!!
(majorly) Slavo-Germanic genes
Semito-Moors can't compete with that
Many Sephardi Jews are European though. Pic related.
Because they have Ashkenazi Jews controlling their governments, financial institutions and academia.
tl;dr Ashkenazi jews were able to make the best of Christian stupidity after the destruction of the temple in 70Ad when their populations split. In the early to middle ages in Europe Usury was illegal(no christian could morally take part in it because "rend unto caesar what belongs to caesar, my father's house is not a house of trade" So pretty much jews were forced to take up this position. A side of effect of this was the fact that they were able to make money and live somewhat good lives compared to the regular peasant. This allowed them to actually send their children to get educated and essentially created a feedback loop.
What you're describing is accurate, but it's important to emphasize that education was also an important matter for Jews to begin with (Sephardi as well as Ashkenazi). Many medieval European groups had money, but only among Jews did literacy rise to something like 50% of the population (virtually all males knew how to read and write); this is true for wealthier as well as poorer Jewish communities in the diaspora.
Not really. I mean you do get a few from Spain or places people fleeing Spain wound up, but the overwhelming majority of Sephardi Jews come from places in the Arab world.
Protip 'Sepharadi" means literally "Spaniard" in Hebrew.
They aren't
Ashkenazi Jews perform the best on IQ tests, out of everybody. I really don't know the reason, but given the stereotypical culture of many Western Jews, I'd guess it's because of particular pressure put on academic performance, which then translates into economic success. The other option is maybe that they're just genetically superior to everyone else, when it comes to such things.
You're confusing Sephardic with Mizrahi
Anglicans and Episcopalians outperform Jews on IQ tests.
According to what? Last I knew, Ashkenazi Jews, in particular, were on top. Jews in general, I don't know.
Report I read on IQ by religious denomination in USA. American Jews are mostly Ashkenazim.
Jews have higher frequency of a set of genes that produce neural connections, increasing their spread of both highly intelligent and seriously challenged individuals compared to the general population, and bumping them up by a standard deviation on average. The cost is they're much more predisposed to mental illnesses. Compare this to East Asians who have a much narrower spread but a slightly higher average compared to gen pop, but without the horrific mental illness thing.
Wouldn't that make them Mizrahi
>Report I read on IQ by religious denomination in USA. American Jews are mostly Ashkenazim.
>somewhat good lives
the point of religions is not to dwell in material hedonism, so they do not live better lives when all they do is caring about hedonism.
The Jews don't care for asceticism as much as the Christians. Material wealth is not seen as an evil.
And we could talk about what entails a 'good' life but that wasn't even really what that post was talking about. He was using 'good' in the context of material gain, not necessarily making a value judgement on a properly lived life.
daily reminder: disraeli and spinoza were sephardic
also pic related: first jewish american senator
"Mizrahi" means Eastern. Iraqi Jews and such are mizrahi. Moroccans are Sephardi, for example.
Aren't Cohens Sephardi?
that has nothing to do with nationality. there are cohens spread out everywhere.
same with levy
>The modern Israeli Hebrew definition of Sephardi is a much broader, religious based, definition that generally excludes ethnic considerations. In its most basic form, this broad religious definition of a Sephardi refers to any Jew, of any ethnic background, who follows the customs and traditions of Sepharad. For religious purposes, and in modern Israel, "Sephardim" is most often used in this wider sense which encompasses most non-Ashkenazi Jews who are not ethnically Sephardi, but are in most instances of West Asian origin, but who nonetheless commonly use a Sephardic style of liturgy.
we're talking history here, not modern israeli usage
western jews unlike christians let their religious leaders, which were typically their brightest reproduce outright instead of tending to illegitimacy. This would contribute to the disproportionate verbal aptitudes observed. They had selective pressures on both ends through persecution raising the floor and cognitive trade raising the ceiling.
>So pretty much jews were forced to take up this position
>implying it wasn't jewish influence that banned christians from the most profitable business
Is any of this based in reality? Or just your own personal suspicions? Please provide a source.
oi vey muh shekels?
Because "Sephardic" Jews today are mostly Mizrahi Jews. The actual Sephardic Jews were richer and more intelligent than Ashkenazis, and controlled Spain until their expulsion in 1492. The reason Ashkenazis are now prominent is the Southern European Sephardics intermarried with Ashkenazis, so there is no Sephardim anymore as history knows them. You can still tell that many Ashkenazi Jews have many Semitic and Mediterranean features, though. The most intelligent ones—like Einstein, Bobby Fischer, etc.—look much more Semitic than Northern European.
>so there is no Sephardim anymore as history knows them
Technically speaking there are a few thousands of old Ladino Jews and "Pure Sephardi" Jews living in Israel. But they're number is very low and declining obviously.
Yes, they are just mixing with Ashkenazis. There really is no difference between them anymore. All of the upper-class Jews intermarry and always have. The Mizrahis are much closer to Arabs than the Sephardim/Ashkenazim, though.
Did Seth MacFarlane draw that?
>one of the last of my kind
>fully sephardic, family from morocco, all light skinned and most blue eyed
>the odds of meeting a fully sephardic qt and continuing my noble blood line are incredibly slim
>incidentally there is a qt in one of my college classes that meets that description
>she is into me
>she has a boyfriend
>Blue-eyed pure Sephardic
>Noble bloodline
No, you are posting on Veeky Forums. Let's get real here.
there are gingers and blondes from morocco brah
my family have been there for generations
It's not too uncommon for israeli (definitely not ashkenazi) girls to have blue or green eyes. I don't know if they count as Sephardi or what.
>not ashkenazi
what? maybe you mean russian jews. lots of ashkenazim look like germans. not german jews...germans.
So what? Sephardic Jews didn't have colored eyes. Look at Sigmund Freud, Phillip Roth, Menachem Begin, Michael Chertoff, Meyer Lansky, etc.: they closely represent what Sephardim would have looked like. If you have light skin and blue eyes, you don't look like they did, period. You probably don't even look Jewish unless you share other features.
Northern European admixture, still. Green eyes are especially common. I don't know why—it must be the way that Middle Eastern and Northern European genes mix, or something.
>So what? Sephardic Jews didn't have colored eyes.
obviously some of them do
you might have to revise your pet theory in light of the evidence
According to what I read it used to be the exact opposite. I found an interesting discussion about this on another forum:
>But even YOU must own that there are clearly two different strains exemplified by Oded Fehr and Woody Allen. They're as different as night and day. --As to Fehr, he was actually born in Tel Aviv, Israel. And, no, he isn't "Ashkenazic". There's a laziness in categorization among Jews lately. They use the term "Ashkenazic Jew" and "European Jew" interchangeably.
Take Germany, for an example: The first Jewish communities were Sephardic communities--after Spain expelled the Jews in 1492. They migrated north into France, the Netherlands and then over into Germany. These Sephardic Jews make up the majority of today's "Western European Jews". Ashkenazic Jews only recently poured into Central Europe from Russia and Poland [after the pogroms of the 19th Century]. There was a lot of bad feeling between the two groups--the Sephardic Jews and the Ashkenazic. Karl Kraus [the famous Austrian-Jewish journalist] was horrified by the Eastern Europeans, who refused to assimilate, wore black gaberdine and--in many cases--were illiterate. This struck a discordant note with the original German-Jews (who landed there from Spain hundreds of years earlier). This community was assimilation, they were educated doctors, financiers, jurists.
Oded Fehr and other dark Sephardic types like Jeff Goldblum, Jerry Seinfeld, Fran Drescher came from this original Spanish-Jewish community in Germany. I mean, look at comedian Gilbert Gottfried. He has a "German" surname but looks like a Middle Easterner!
They kept to themselves, and because of the twin factors of genetic isolation and external antisemitism, maintained the lion's share of their original Eastern Meditteranean characteristics--i.e., they're handsome.
The Woody Allen types bumbled into Central Europe from the east, not the west--and their arrival was much more recent.
doesn't askenazi basically mean "german", though?
Very few oriental Jews have blue/green eyes. Maybe if they lived in proximity to non-Arabs like certain communities from N. Africa (who lived close to Berbers) or from Persia.
I mean ones from Israel. Who I don't think are Ashekenazi, due to their copper skin and dark hair, but I could be wrong. I don't know shit about Jews.
That's only in the last 150 or so years. Ashkenazis used to be poorer than dirt aside from a handful of money lenders.
Sephardic Jews don't really exist now, not in the manner they did, anyhow. They were Jewish royalty up until the 16th century. They did not have Northern European features. They do now, but that is due to marrying into gentile families. Look at people like Charles Schumer, Cass Sunstein, Jerry Seinfeld, and Sam Harris, for instance: yes, they have Northern European eyes, but it is obvious they have Semitic blood judging by the rest of their features. Prior to the Protestant Reformation, they had little to no Northern European blood, especially in aristocratic Jewish families. Obviously some Jews lived in Northern Europe and intermarried, but most did not.
israel is really mixed up from intermarriage between different groups. but there are some very german looking german jews.
Well there are plenty of mixed A-S people in Israel.
No. It comes from one of the descendants of Japheth named Ashkenaz. So they're literally Japhethites, not Semites.
my family have been in morcco probably atleast since the expulsion from spain in 1492. if they mixed with gentiles then it would be reasonable to suppose it happened a long time ago. almost all jews have genetic similarity to host population, so the definition of sephardi hinging on lack of similarity makes no sense.
Let me make it easier for you: all of the elite Jewish families moved north, with a few moving east, towards Turkey, after the expulsion. London, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Paris, etc. became the new Jewish cities, just like New York is now in America. Jews came from the Middle East; they didn't have any Northern European features in the beginning.
>Moroccan Jews
ofcourse they didn't have northern european features. a sephardic jew isn't a "pure non mixed israelite" lol, it's a jew of spanish descent. they naturally would resemble their host population to some extent. you think there aren't blue eyed and blonde haired spaniards?
ive seen that like a thousand times
it's great. a ukranian freind showed it to me, actually
Moroccan Jews are the original WE WUZ.
except they actually WUZ the dominant force in the medieval jewish world. all the slave traders and money lenders lol
That is my point. Originally Jews came out of the aristocratic banking families of Babylonia and Sumeria. They picked up traits from everywhere they lived, but Sephardic Jews never lived in Northern Europe prior to the Protestant Reformation. After they started living in Northern Europe, they were no longer Sephardim, but Ashkenazim. It is a useless distinction now, as they've intermarried to a great extent. Some Jews still look heavily Sephardic, though, like I mentioned here ( ).
Yes but those guys refer to the immediate past, like right before 1948 and the big immigration from MENA to Israel. It has all the traits of historical revisionism, complete with making up and appropriating or widely generalizing local traditions.
They still are. The noble bloodlines haven't died out, they have just intermarried with European nobility. The Ashkenazim powerhouses of today were the Sephardim powerhouses of yesterday.
The point is im sephardic. my family did not emigrate to northern europe after the expulsion, they went to morocco. blue eyes are not "northern european", they just predominate more in northern europe.
Why is Europe so much richer and better educated than the Middle East?
It seems like what you're saying can be easily corroborated or rebutted with genetic statistics.
he's right though, it's basic history
and "statistics" would be meaningless since they refer to large anonymous populations. you would have to look at the particular elite families that can actually trace their history back to spain
higher iq and superior culture
I think a significant number of families can actually do it. Recently there was a decision by the Spanish gov to give repatriation visas to descendants of 1492 so a lot of genealogies began to pop up; some of them are obviously bs but a lot of them are legit I reckon.
i wish i could trace my family that far back and apply for citizenship. how many people have genealogies that long?
i don't get along well with american culture or israeli culture (the worse, by far, of the two)
The State of Israel is a containment and security device, not a civilization.
exactly. there are so many scams based out of there it should also legally be declared a pirate colony
Again, they didn't just "forget you." You are delusional; there are no royal Jewish family members waiting for you. Also, Jewish royalty do have genealogies that long—probably longer.
Don't hate the playa, hate the game.
royal? i wasn't serious about the nobility part lol. i was greentexting don't take it that seriously. my family are mostly manual laborers and such in origin. my grandmas father was a diamond merchant though
yes, the memes are real
Yeah, because WASPs are the only ethnic group richer than Jews.
the question is WHICH jews. no one who knew what they were talking about would claim that all jews are high iq. it really only applies to a very active minority of ashkenazi jews (many of which are sephardi in origin). the rest are dumb or mediocre.
>These Sephardic Jews make up the majority of today's "Western European Jews". Ashkenazic Jews only recently poured into Central Europe from Russia and Poland [after the pogroms of the 19th Century]. There was a lot of bad feeling between the two groups--the Sephardic Jews and the Ashkenazic.
This isn't true. There was tension between Jews in Germany and Jews in Eastern Europe, but it was mostly cultural: the German Jews of the 19th century were rich and cultured, and the Eastern Europeans were poor. They were both Ashkenazim, though.
>Oded Fehr and other dark Sephardic types like Jeff Goldblum, Jerry Seinfeld, Fran Drescher came from this original Spanish-Jewish community in Germany. I mean, look at comedian Gilbert Gottfried. He has a "German" surname but looks like a Middle Easterner!
All of these people look much more mixed than Woody Allen. Woody Allen looks much more stereotypically Jewish than any of them.
>19th century Eastern Europe
Back then, Eastern Europe meant just "Russian empire". Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, good chunk of Poland were all a part of the germanosphere.
It's about geograhy more than language though.