How do I convince my STEMfag, anti-philosophy friends that they're basically apes?

How do I convince my STEMfag, anti-philosophy friends that they're basically apes?


By showing them your paycheck.

I think you missed the point. These people aren't apes because they don't think like OP or because they make a certain amount of money. They're apes because they think scientific knowledge has any meaning outside of scientific institutions, and if they reject philosophy, they aren't willing to engage in ethical discourse, practice, or speculation. These people are apes, or at best barbarians.

I am pretty sure they already think like that.

>I can determine how the world works just by thinking at it
eat shit philosofag

>think scientific knowledge has any meaning outside of scientific institutions
But it does!

>because they think scientific knowledge has any meaning outside of scientific institutions
it's the basis for our entire modern way of life you fucking philistine.


In case it's the gif you are calling neat, more of that shit here.

>But it does!
Trivial. If you think that things like that enrich your life, you're an idiot. That would be useful in war, which, again, in the modern world, is tied closely to scientific institutions.
>Voltaireposter calling anyone a Philistine
I don't see the significance of your point, honestly. I don't need to know, scientifically, how TVs work to watch TV. I don't need to know how internal combustion engines work to drive a car. The crew of the Enola Gay did not consist of nuclear physicists.

You can just tell them you're an edgy contrarian and they will probably stop hanging out with you.

Humanities, history, and philosophy has its applications. So does STEM. Things will get along a lot smoother once the both of them kiss and make up.

>don't see the significance of your point, honestly. I don't need to know, scientifically, how TVs work to watch TV
But without it you wouldn't be able to watch tv, and your life would be mostly shit. I also wouldn't be able to call you a faggot from a thousand miles away.

>Trivial. If you think that things like that enrich your life, you're an idiot. That would be useful in war, which, again, in the modern world, is tied closely to scientific institutions.
I don't exactly know what you apply science too, but it is used in a wide range of things such as to make GPSes function ((Theory of relativity due to their bigger speed), making computers work and finding out new ways of getting energy from our all glorious mother the sun.

me on the outermost ring

Scientists are usually perfectly willing and capable of talking about a range of philosophical topics.

however they didn't need to spend 3 years studying it at university lmao

this desu. once the humanities and STEM realize their true love for one another everything will be beautiful

this somewhat desu
most scientific advances arent made on the lab, but by men on their fields tinkering with stuff to find solutions to their problems

but you do know , or at least you should because it will enrich your life and enjoyment, the biological principles of microbes and the ramifications it has for food storage and preparation and the spread of disease.

you would also in the course of your life benefit from having knowledge of newtonian mechanics, heat, light, chemical equilibria and reaction kinetics, probability and statistics.

But, isn't Stem much wider than just the Lab?

>basically apes
Humans aren't "basically" apes.
We are apes. Literally.
That's the superfamily that we are identified as.

Why are philosophy undergrads so smug and elitist?

Long hours at starbucks make them cranky

Don't call them elitist. They'll think it means they are "elite."

shh, dont talk facts
it triggers the philosophy major

It's the kind of subject people take for entirely masturbatory reasons. It's hipster tribalism more than elitism. People are usually fine as long as they don't dive too deeply into the feminist/continental philosophy pool.

>shh, dont talk facts
>it triggers the philosophy major
you might "know" you're a great ape but how can we "know" that we even "know" anything at all?

Why do i care, knowledge is ultimately useless

You don't need to convince us STEM that we are apes, That has been known for more than 100 years.
But i do agree that there is a significant fraction of STEM fags who completely disregard Philosophy, which is quite silly, since we need it to make a few axioms about nature before we can start with the scientific method.
1. It is possible to learn about the world through observation.
2. Our senses are sometimes correct.

After those axioms, all we need is mathematics and we are set.
I tried to think of how philosophy might be useful besides giving us fundamental axioms:
Ethics can help the scientist in predicting which projects you could get grant for. Things that people consider "Immoral" are unlikely to be granted funding.
Political Philosophy might be able to tell the scientist which parties are more likely to grant funding, but besides that, eh.
But i have never experienced a situation where philosophy helped me solve a problem/equation. Would be nice if some of you could come with examples of where philosophy might help besides those cases i mentioned.

It is, in most fields (At least in my field, Physics) the education is around 10% lab or so, 70% exercises, 20% lectures and reading.

I want a STEM-tan and Philosophe-tan making out now.