Did the allies go too far?

Did the allies go too far?

They didn't go far enough

Germany should have been made into a potato field with nice architecture

Germany still exists, so no


First one? No. Almost all land Germany lost had a nonGeran majority, and Danzig got to remain a free state so you can't say they were oppressed. They even got to elect their own NDSAP party to power.

Versailles wasn't harsh enough of Germany.
IMO dissolving Germany was the best course of action.


germany should be lucky that they weren't completely split apart

Nice try, Henry

>le balkanize germany

Funny meme, but a shit-tier idea.

Considering that they shit europe again nope.
After 1st war it was all UK fault - muh balance.
After 2nd UK and USA - muh commies.
Germany was supposed to be divided into 4 occupation zones and never united - but UK and USA merged their and then add France breaking deal with USSR.

It can't be edgy if it's a position most modern historians would agree on. It's a fact that Versailles wasn't as harsh on Germany as Sevres and Trianon were on A-H and the Ottoman Empire.

Germany, like A-H and the Ottomans, should've been split into lesser German states, something akin to the >H>R>E


Where did I say Versailles was too harsh?
The problem was that it wasn't enforced.

>Germany, like A-H and the Ottomans, should've been split into lesser German states, something akin to the >H>R>E
How are you going to enforce this when you couldn't even enforce the IRL Versailles treaty?
The power of combined Franco-Polish butthurt with a little sprinkle of meme-magic?

I wonder how history would evolve if the Third Reich was split into Prussia, Austria-Bavaria, and a Rheinish state

Why WASN'T Germany dissolved?

Why are liberals such lying sacks of shit?

Capitalist perfidity knows no bounds

There were other powers involved besides ass-blasted France.

Instead of being settled with Poles, Prussia should have been the site of a secular Ashkenazi state

Most Jewish refugees were already within driving distance of the area

Perfidious Albion and the American merchants.
The deceitful anglos turned out to be very helpful to the aryans.

>actually enforce versailles
>if austria/germany behave for 20 years, let them vote on unification

Hey look, I prevented WWII.

You would just be following the steps towards WWII.

>that little piece to Belgium
Too far

Not if you actually enforce the Versailles restrictions.

>The power of combined Franco-Polish butthurt with a little sprinkle of meme-magic?
you stupd piece of shit

WWII happened entirely because France did not enforce the terms of the Treaty and let the Germans do whatever they wanted.

It was that way until 1870...

why, high population countries are always a shade more corrupt than their low population peers, usa vs canada, germany vs denmark, china vs taiwan

not sure what the reasons are, but I think people overstate the importance of centralization as a requirement to get different groups to cooperate, if there is a need to standardize then each unit will see the merits of it and do so on their own

France did everything it could to enforce it. And when the Germans sabotaged their economy, the French occupied the Ruhr until the payment was completed.

The one who didn't bother enforcing Versailles, and just let the Germans do whatever the fuckk they wanted, were the British.

Itz cuz of France, and her shit allies that WWII came

Because most Germans liked unification. Even if they weren't exactly happy with how Prussia had achieved it, they had wanted it to happen for generations at that point. Even the Austrians wanted to join a unified German state in 1918. The only reason it worked in 1945 was because Germany was utterly destroyed and two superpowers were willing to put forth the effort and manpower to enforce it (even then, after almost 50 years, reunification was overwhelmingly popular with the German people).

>The one who didn't bother enforcing Versailles, and just let the Germans do whatever the fuckk they wanted, were the British.
IIRC, it wasn't the British who Hitler was prepared to run away from (with his tail between his legs) if they said "No" to his reoccupation of the Rhineland.
It wasn't the BEF who would've crushed the Nazis within a week if they'd struck during the invasion of Poland (or decided to go to war over the Munich Crisis).


Look, I understand that you're butthurt about the /pol/tard Wehraboos, but "le Gemrany must perish" is an autistic meme, and enforcing it after 1918 was a pipe dream at best.

ah but you are only partially correct - the french did not occupy the ruhr 'until the payment was completed', the germans ultimately only paid a fraction of the reparations, forced payments as in the ruhr included
and even more importantly the french did nothing later on when the germans went against versailles/locarno in the rhineland and kickstarted their remilitarization

Great Britain thought that having counterbalance to France on the continent would make sense.

Why they didn't thought of enforcing some new Eastern European nation(or building some little alliance here, against both French and USSR) is beyond me.

There was a story of Saminite chief who had captured a large roman army. He wasn't sure what to do so he asked a wise old man. He told him the best thing to do would be to let them go and the second best thing would be to kill them all. His reasoning was that letting them go would foster permanent friendship between the Romans and Saminites; killing them would result in Romans being maimed and unable to attack for a whole generation. The chief did not regard this advice and instead let the Romans go only after confiscating all their weapons and making them prostrate themselves.

>behave for 20 years

they did not behave in the meantime is his point

Do you think IRL Germany had behaved between 1918 and 1938?

>Why they didn't thought of enforcing some new Eastern European nation(or building some little alliance here, against both French and USSR) is beyond me.

Because Germany was already a proven military power that had, historically (if one considers Germany a continuation of Prussia) been an ally of Britain and (outside of wartime propaganda) had no real record of being "evil" apart from one edgy, British-interest-threatening king (who had just been deposed in favor of a liberal, republican government)

Nice argument you fucking idiot

We are such nice guys now.
How comes other Europeans still hate us? ;_;
