What's the dumbest thing you've heard history related? Mine is when a teacher asked who was president in 1956 and someone legitimately answered Lincoln, not as a joke.
Stupid Things you've Heard
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Gospels were written by Jesus.
I'm not trying to start an atheist vs Christian debate shitfling here, but I had a HS teacher in all seriousness tell the class that all 4 gospels were attributed to Jesus of Nazareth, and looked confused when someone asked why they had 4 different names then.
Chick in 9th grade with me didn't know who the Nazis were.
"America won the Civil War."
"real communism has never been tried"
Technically He Ghost write them.
An archeology professor once explained that AD stood for "After the Death of Christ."
Christian friend had never heard of Eastern Orthodoxy nor any pre-Chalcedonian churches.
He was 21 at the time.
Martin Luther King Jr. freed the slaves
"Davy Crockett...that's the guy who went around planting apple trees right?"
It was a moment of brief but incredible stupidity for Jack, who would, in 4 years, go on to get a 5/5 on his AP US history exam.
College student upon hearing that catholics have reliquaries alleged to contain a splinter of the true cross:
"they had wood back then?!"
I'm going to have nightmares with this one.
Kid thought Hitler was still the German leader.
Also this video. Obviously its cherry picking and they probably asked lots of people who didn't give these answers, but the fact that some people did...
> Americans are stupid
>Presented by Australians
I get annoyed by 90% of stuff i hear about history, since its wrong all the fucking time
I hate kids that say this
Where's McCarthy when you need him
In fairness they proved their point.
Why do people still claim this is not true? I mean even if you are retarded just reading wikipedia intro on communism and on SSSR/China/Barma/whatever should make you realize they had nothing in common
6 million repeated from 1900 - 1938
There was once a kid in one of my history classes who said that Abraham's two sons were Jesus and Mohammed
Dead due to liver failure, thankfully
>"The Catholic Church has been around since the creation of Christianity. The idea that it was created later is a Protestant fabrication."
>discussing the battle of britain
>there was a guy who didnt know planes could fly over water in WW2
>where did the bay of pigs invasion force land?
>"the beach"
>>where did the bay of pigs invasion force land?
>>"the beach"
that is entirely, absolutely, 100%, completely correct
Who hired these kind of heathens?!
Literally anything to do with the..."Dark Ages".
Because they want to trigger dumb leftypoletarians who can't distinguish bait from serious posts.
Eh, APUSH was a pushover. Far too easy an exam.
I don't know if this counts, but I had a girl in my masters history tutorial (mandatory part of the course) ask what a 'despot' and 'despotism' meant. She was a native English speaker and somehow managed to be 4 months away from graduating with a ~masters in history~ from a very good school without knowing what fucking despotism was. That one blew my mind.
As for normal stupid shit,
subtle stupid:
>the Catholic church hated and continues to hate science
mid-tier stupid:
>Soviets only fought in World War 2 because Stalin was a brutal dictator who forced them to
Blatant "what the fuck are you even doing" stupid:
>Hitler hated the jews because they were pro-democracy and pro-equality
Catholic just means "universal" according to most Protestant ecclesiology. The term is used in the Nicene Creed which is accepted by all Protestant churches. Only Restorationist movements believe that the catholic (little C) church passed out of existence at one time. All other churches consider themselves catholic or at least part of the catholic or "invisible" church in this sense. The Roman Catholic Church, along with the Orthodox Church (officially the Orthodox Catholic Church, actually) and several other "visible" church organizations claim continuity in succession of bishops all the way back to the original Twelve Apostles.
I'll always remember the one kid at my primary school who thought that things really were black and white in the old days
But it did.
>several other "visible" church organizations claim continuity in succession of bishops all the way back to the original Twelve Apostles.
And Alexander claimed continuity in succession all the way back to Achillies.
It helps that there are historical records going back to the 1st century.
16 year old girl in my history class (I'm 18 guys, don't worry) had no clue when the first world war was, despite the fact that last year we went to Ieper/Ypres to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the start of the first world war.
the fuck your talking about man
That's true. I got a 5 without studying. Then again, after getting only 4/80 questions wrong on my practice test, I realized I wouldn't need to study and could write pretty trashy essays and still be guaranteed a 5. I'm far prouder of my 4 in AP Euro. Especially because they threw in questions about terrorist groups that weren't technically part of the course. Fortunately I knew what Basque Separatists and the Baader Meinhoff gang were, where many of my classmates did not.
>Stalin killed Ukrainians for fun
Why does this meme exist?
I asked a girl to point out Syria to me on a map and she pointed to Jordan... even though the country names were on the globe
>anyone who disagrees with stalin is fascist
yeah, no intelligent person is going to buy that
A girl in high school once said that Christianity was created in Canada.
no intelligent person would ask you to buy that. what intelligent people would ask you to buy is that a lot of the "evidence" of the Holodomor is based in literal Nazi propaganda that has been diluted over time by potentially well-meaning but ultimately poorly informed western scholars whose disciples (read: a lot of other passive, uncritical readers of history) don't interrogate them because of muh Cold War.
My school would let us leave early our AP Exams if we finished before time.
During my AP World test I got bored, left 2 short answers blank, and still made a 4 on the test
My teacher called me a retarded fuck when he found out
>tfw a guy in high school claimed that his dad had lived on a plantation and owned slaves
>Discussing WW1 in an AP World History class
>Teacher asks what would be considered the "end" of the war
>Open my mouth to say "Treaty of Versailles"
>Collective moment of silence in the classroom
>Teacher looks like he's about to throw up
>Shakes his head and steps into his office
This girl literally thought WW1 and WW2 were the same war, no joke, and she had taken an European History course, too.
>Girl keeps insisting India is in South America and not Asia
>tfw she's now in a PhD program
no. no. that's not fucking possible.
classmate of mine, in law school at a top 20 school, bachelors in history from UCLA, worked out in the real world as a realtor for several years in between. I was telling a story about a high school student I had tutored who couldn't even point on a US map to where the Rocky Mountain were, and he revealed he didn't know where they were either. I said to his face that was one of the stupidest things I'd heard a supposedly educated adult person say, and asked how on Earth he got through life without basic geographical literacy. He said "they're in Oregon right", and then "it's not like I ever need to know this shit" when I laughed in his face. It scares me that this is the sort of person who will be not only a citizen but an "educated" "professional" in our country. It amazes me how many people have no sense of geography whatsoever, and just live in their local bubbles and see planes and cars (especially with GPS on phones being so commong now) being "teleporters" that just whisk them to another bubble with no sense of change in landscape, climate, etc.
Another time, I mentioned something about British elections, and this same guy also had no idea a parliamentary system was different from a congressional/senatorial system or how a prime minister was different from a president.
>tfw a Geography teacher said knowing a map of the world isn't important to understanding geography
More like saladin has
I could only think of uganda about the u question.
Technically, the u.s. formal name starts with a t, not a u
>Germany invaded Spain in WWII
I mean I know the guy is a science major or something along those lines, but jesus christ man.
>bay of pigs invasion force
Fun fact: our primary force was funded rebels.
Because they actually tried really fucking hard but it didn't work from day 1 so they had to make some adjustments.
That's so weird. Not even Christians believe that.
There's a lot of semi-stupid stuff in this thread, but this one...good lord
He probably just had a brain fart.
Abraham had Issac and Ismael, with Issac's descendants being the Jews and Ismael's the Arabs.
I refuse to believe you
>16 year old girl in my history class (I'm 18 guys, don't worry)
Someone literally said to me... That Canada invaded America and started World War 1, I literally left the room, and it was a fucking religion class.
>a lot of the "evidence" of the Holodomor is based in literal Nazi propaganda
This is either /pol/ bait, or you're a dumb commie.
Either way, you have the IQ of a /pol/ack
>literally thought WW1 and WW2 were the same war
the fuck
Did she think it's some Pt. 1, Pt.2 bullshit or something? Did she think it was some basketball game, with German politicians saying "TIMEOUT...alright, let's take Adolf off the bench."
He's right. There's absolutely 0 need to know where the rocky mountains are. You're an autist.
Reminds me when I was 12 some girl of my class couldnt say the name of our président ... Or when I was 16 a girl still In my class, said In a test that Leonardo di Caprio painted Mona Lisa.... The teacher which was very cool said that he showed it to his colleague and they all had a good Laugh
Reminds me when I was 12 some girl of my class couldnt say the name of our président ... Or when I was 16 a girl still In my class, said In a test that Leonardo di Caprio painted Mona Lisa.... The teacher which was very cool said that he showed it to his colleague and they all had a good Laugh
I would've slapped your shit then and there, there's no reason to be an asshole over such a trivial thing as that.
Until the parliamentary thing, I thought he was baiting. Who acts that autistic, and then acts proud of it on a Phillipino rugby forum?
Roman Catholics worship saint Mary.
This is more theology than history though
It depends on how you define worship.
Fucking Heretics
I'm not Christian, but get a grip
>"venerating" by getting on your knees
>"venerating" by orientating your hands in front a statue
>"venerating" by asking the person represented by the statue to give you things
Happened at the start of last semester
>explaining my course content to my roommate over lunch
>telling him we are learning about ancient Mesopotamia
>"Oh, we're still learning about the Aztec."
>"We haven't gotten to that yet."
>"You... you do realize we're taking different history courses, right?"
He didn't realize that I was taking a world history course and not US history, even as I was telling him we were going through Mesopotamia and Egypt, and he was learning about the Aztec.
He also didn't know what the Roman Empire was, and had never heard of War and Peace until I brought it up.
When I asked him how he didn't know any of these things, he said "I don't read things like you do."
I make complicated jokes about history and politics around him while faking an expectation for him to get the joke, just so I can see his awkward attempt to look like he knows what I'm talking about.
>I make complicated jokes about history and politics around him while faking an expectation for him to get the joke, just so I can see his awkward attempt to look like he knows what I'm talking about.
What's wrong with you? The fuck did he ever do to you?
>look mom, I said "Chinese cartoon forum" in a funny way again!
I mean, the "communist" countries tried to implement it, but changed it from day 1 because no one wants to live in an actual communist country
>Chinese cartoon forum
Wait, is how that started?
Nothing, but also, if I didn't joke about it with him, I would have no one at all to joke about it with other than you autists, and sometimes I need to say things out loud to another person, even if they don't get it.
But he also uses my stuff without my permission.
*and gets high and comes into the room while high.
>Christianity and the church caused and maintained the dark ages
Fucking fedoras pull this bs everytime.
Well if you want to be technical they did operate a bit right before the war helping the nationalists.
Honestly it's an easy mistake for someone who doesn't look into it, it's really not something to be butthurt about.
>a lot of the "evidence" of the Holodomor is based in literal Nazi propaganda that has been diluted over time by potentially well-meaning but ultimately poorly informed western scholars whose disciples (read: a lot of other passive, uncritical readers of history) don't interrogate them because of muh Cold War.
Are...are you for real?
33 years off the books.
You sound fun.
Hey, I don't like my room reeking of marijuana smoke and him making an absurd amount of noise at 11pm the night before class.
Ok this one hurt me.
A kid once said that 9/11 was the start of world war 2
>The great wall of Dublin
Turns out he meant the Berlin Wall
she is just Isabela of Castille
Honestly, I've heard dumber stuff
>Talking about the French Revolution
>Girl named Heather: "Wait, did they have sex back in those days?"
Conversation between me and an icelandic kid:
>Him: oh you're from italy? Don't worry, I respect all opinions so I don't have anything against fascism or your country, unlike the americans
>Me: Huh? Are you assuming I'm fascist just because I'm italian? The fascist dictatorship sucked, dude
>Him: So you don't like your government?
>Me: What? You're aware we're a democratic nation now, right?
>Him: Oh, really?
>Me: Yeah, since, you know, the whole ww2 thing which we lost. You know about that, right?
>Him: I know about ww2, I just thought you guys were still under fascism. We don't get many news from the rest of the world up here in iceland.
conversation between me and a German guy
>German guy - "I know you Americans steal all your food because you are so poor, but if you steal from me I will kick you in the ass"
>"I buy my food"
>"Oh so you are a rich American, a spoiled sociopath"
>"Then why did you go to an American school and study American humanities?"
>"American schools only teach you how to worship death and have gay sex. You are an uncivilized and stupid spoiled brat"
>Years ago in Uni lecture
>Some blonde bitch literally asked "what was the Soviet Union?"
She was like 21, in a Modern History lecture no excuse
>american schools only teach you how to worship death and have gay sex
he's not wrong. the gays and transfags have made too much noise and the liberals have enabled them too much as well.
But hes right, that sounds like the humanities