Worst screw-ups in the history of Western Civilization



Oh god what language is this? It's horrific



I think it's Catalan

>tfw no modern Burgundy-Lotharingia state to have acted as a buffer between France and Germany states


Fucking Franks and their shitty gavelkind succession. Second sons and brothers should eat a dick. Don't ever divide your state unless you have a geographic reason to do so.

Teach the poor Serbian. The French, Italians and Germans killed their faggoty regional identities, Spain, Sputh Slaves and Scandinavians should be embarrassed.

i win lads

God the fourth crusade is the biggest mistake in western history, I don't know if I should blame the venetians, the pope, the ex Byzantian rulers, or the crusaders

Actually there all fucking retarded

Enrico Dandolo was based as fuck though

>yfw you will never lead the sack of one of the greatest cities in history as a 90 year old blind man :(

I don't believe he actually sacked the city, by then I thought he had gone fully blind, but he was a pretty based doge I just don't like the fact he had crusaders invading Croats for his personal interest and literally pissed and confused everyone off, even the pope say "lol wtf" and nearly ex-communicated everyone


>Carl Grünberg founds the institute for social research

I win.

When fission was discovered in 1938. Nukes were a mistake.

What's the other 9


Biggest mistake in human history was that time Charlemagne and Irene didn't get married. They were THIS CLOSE to restarting the Roman Empire in its full and rightful glory. The Pope cucked all of humanity, just because he couldn't tolerate a stinky girl on the Imperial throne. God forbid a female end up on the greatest fucking throne in the world, better get some unwashed Frankish lanklet to get kill my enemies instead!

Biggest fucking error, and what's worse is that everyone's head is too far up their own asses to realize that. Every single problem in this thread could have been avoided by just letting Charlie and Irene get married. Every. Single. One.

this faggot

universal suffrage specifically,

Generally, the rise of representational forms of government.


Trusted Austrians, serves them right.

Holland (Netherlands which means Low Countries), balkanised into three states, whose land (French Flanders/Nord Pas and Frieslands) has been landgrabbed by said powers, check even Danes.

Daily reminder "Belgium" is pretty much a non-country and it's just South Holland (Netherlands).

Because honestly, how can you say one, called after an unrelated Celtic tribes (see - Türks are Hittites) is a genuine state? This is almost as bad as US and A having no proper name themselves [just calling itself after an continent(s) - LOL! Rather than adopting US of Columbia name]
It's as if like Switzerland was called Helvetia or something xD.

t. Nigger Barrage



Goedzo, neger.

Why didn't Alexander conquer Bithynia?

>This is almost as bad as US and A having no proper name themselves [just calling itself after an continent(s) - LOL! Rather than adopting US of Columbia name]

This meme again. "Columbia" also referred to the entire New World discovered by Columbus. Thus the modern country of Colombia in South America and the attempt at creating a South American country of "Gran Colombia" after independence. Yet nobody bitches that Colombia is "stealing" the name of a continent. The USA named itself as such because at the time the former English colonies were the only independent states in all of the Americas. There was no other name to unite the colonies, each with their own name. Perhaps they could have chucked a "British America" in there somewhere, but that would hardly make sense, having just fought a war to escape British control, not to mention the confusions it would create with Canada. There was no reason for them to name themselves "The United States of Mid-latitude Eastern North America" when there were no other independent polities, let alone any unions of states, for them to be confused with in all of the Americas. The fact that decades later other countries would spring up, potentially confusing the name, was not exactly something that could be planned around.


I think his mother was from there

Olympias was from Epirus.

wrong image

Which user's dark secret hides behind that image?

2. League of Nations
3. The Great Leap Forward
3. United Nations
5. Spanish Empire
6. Seleucid Empire
7. Sweden
8. Greece
9. Nazi Germany
10. Carthage

Where does the little peak in northern France/Belgium come ?

Dooesn't exist on all other european maps


Yep, catalan.

Why should he? It was not really in the way to Persia or Egypt.

>South Holland
We already have a South Holland familia ;^)

This one is pretty bad. Still hurts.

I mean, technically the venetians came out on top. They got an islandic empire out of the deal. So I think they can be fairly blamed

>to Russia
But that's wrong

That was the deal, but the commies took power in Russia and exited the war as a defeated side, instead of waiting a few months and being a winner.

This is also why Russia lost all of Eastern Europe. There was a period between Russia leaving the war defeated and Germany capitulating in which the German Empire was fucking huge, since it swallowed all of that. Of course it was taken away to create Poland and all the Baltic states later.

Holland is not synonymous with the low countries, or even the Netherlands

Belgica is by the way

Laughing from the depth of my heart desu, I humbly thank you for it

I would like to know more.

And it's also the most historical name for the entire region since the romans.

>As early as 781, Irene began to seek a closer relationship with the Carolingian dynasty and the Papacy in Rome. She negotiated a marriage between her son Constantine and Rotrude, a daughter of Charlemagne by his third wife Hildegard. During this time Charlemagne was at war with the Saxons, and would later become the new king of the Franks. Irene went as far as to send an official to instruct the Frankish princess in Greek; however, Irene herself broke off the engagement in 787, against her son's wishes. Charlemange responded with the offer of marriage between himself and Irene, but she was disposed before she could accept.

The main goal of the marraige would have been a power sharing agreement in Italy; to prevent ERE intrigues in Frankish northern Italy, and to prevent Frankish conquest of Byzantine southern Italy.