Why did racial segregation in the US last for as long as it did?
Why did racial segregation in the US last for as long as it did?
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What kind of question is this? How could we possibly know?
Sociologists/Psychologists I honestly think are the only ones who could have an answer
Because the south fought a war for it and was bent over, making them even more racist.
the question is, why did it stop?
Pillarisation in the Netherlands lasted even longer and it was basically the same thing.
Because niggers are fucking disgusting.
At least that's what they would say back in the day.
I'll attempt to answer this.
During reconstruction, there was a period of 25-30 years where the only people elected to public offices were former veterans of the civil war, and this occured in both the north and the south.
Union veterans did a whole bunch of stuff up north, but this doesn't matter too much to why segregation lasted so long.
The confederate veterans themselves did not actually cause the resurgence of state mandated segregation, they were the biggest supporters of sharecropping which was seen as the only acceptable coexistence in the south between racially minded whites and blacks with living memory of the antebellum.
I'd say the direct reason for lasting so long is because of the children of freedmen, as they were very obsessed with educating themselves to better their lives, while also being biased towards any education criteria that came out of the veteran regime of the southern states, so they turned inwards into their own communities to spread literacy and were among the biggest supporters of segregation in the beginning.
Now once we reach a 2nd generation removal from the antebellum period, blacks discover their sub-optimal school districts are causing serious problems, especially in state legislative offices they are not on the whole educated enough to participate in. They begin to turn from an internal running of their own social institutions to demanding federalized education, which they were entitled to, but was surely going to be paid by the southern whites.
Education was just the precursor to the overlying segregation, and arguably the only one that mattered, so whites were obviously disillusioned when it was found that their wealthier districts were, at behest of the federal government, going to be paying for black schools and their educational benefits while receiving nothing themselves.
This is where we get into ambiguity, did the blacks have the right to demand tax investment from districts they were not even 1% of?
Marxists began to infiltrate American society in order to undermine the strength and well being of the United States and its people.
>Strong ages, noble cultures, all consider pity, "neighbor-love," and the lack of self and self assurance as something contemptible.
>"Equality" as a certain factual increase in similarity, which merely finds expression in the theory of "equal rights," is an essential feature of decline. The cleavage between man and man, status
and status, the plurality of types, the will to be oneself, to stand out — what I call the
pathos of distance, that is characteristic of every strong age.
Because once again the federal government had to force Southern states to not be hypocritical pieces of shit that claim to believe "all men are created equal" while treating certain groups as sub human.
Interesting care to go further into the idea about schooling conditions in the antebellum period.
Because humans are biologically programmed to have an "us versus them" mentality.
Not saying it is right. Just saying this is the way it is. For me morality is a spook, but if you must fight racism an obvious solution would be to educate people about psychology and this behavior so they feel silly falling prey to it.
can you be more specific?
Did southern states even claim to believe "all men where created equal?"
There is no way they believed that, wait for him to post a source.
Considering they agreed to be part of the union during the revolutionary war, I'd say that they should abide by that notion.
Realistically no, every states Civil war succession documents talk about the superiority of the white man.
South were racist shitheads and we beat them the fuck down when they tried to break away from the union to enslave more black people. The problem was that we needed radical reconstructive efforts among the society, not the half-assed pro-confederate horseshit that Andrew Johnson, the worst president in history, tried to pass. Since he was so thoroughly lenient and approving of a pro-white south, he let that fester and now they're too fucking stupid to realize that they should be fixing their state instead of just spitting tobacco and crying about minorities.
>Realistically no, every states Civil war succession documents talk about the superiority of the white man.
iirc they went out of their way to avoid slavery as the apex problem, so I'm not sure I trust this. I'll go look up a random one like Georgia or something.
Lincoln wouldn't have been any better, he'd probably be as lenient as Johnson if not more.
Only a Radical Republican could actually change the South's ass backwards culture.
Go ahead, one of the first paragraph of most succession state documents talk about how they left over the right to keep racially inferior blacks as slaves.
I'll link one in a bit
just read the Georgia secession document and it does indeed talk about their right to keeping slaves. I think this is a proprietary interpretation of slaves though, nothing outright states it is due to their racial inferiority.
>we beat them back
You didn't do jack fucking shit. And your ancestors were just as racist as the average southerner.
racist shitheads? The northerners were as racist if not more in some respects than southerners.
Southerners had field negros they wiped and shit all the time, which is our classical interpretation of slaves, but they had just as many house negros that functioned much more domestically and are repeatedly listed as family members or servants instead of slaves in southern literature.
A freedman had a better attempt at a successful life if he lived in an ambiguous region like Kentucky than a true free state like New York because of their own prejudice.
Don't pretend the war was about the moral question of slavery, the civil war was about eliminating slavery as an economic pillar of society.
Yeah describe to me what kind of problems black education had.
Extreme prejudice?
They essentially had no organized education centers outside of church and households, and in some states, these were outright outlawed.
Blacks, you could say with some confidence, had no real prospects of education as slaves, and even as freedmen.
>Communist Jews
I was reading a non-fiction Steinbeck today and at one point he's called a Commie Jew from New York for suggested they don't lynch blacks.
I thought the Jew-designed race mixing thing was a new deal.
It's strange that they're so fixated with the Jews controlling the fate of blacks and forcing them into their lives
>pro confederate
>worst president in history
Not sure how it's debateable according to the Constitution whether or not they received benefits from taxing of districts they weren't a part of. They were American citizens right? It'd be the same as the wealthy districts paying for poor white communities to have public schools.
I realize that there is an obvious difference between poor blacks and poor whites genetically, but legally and in terms of taxing it shouldn't matter.
The theory of Jew-designed race mixing has been central to fascist racism for centuries. One of these days I'm sure we'll uncover a happy merchant fresco.
>tfw black
>tfw my family is from the south
>tfw they went through this crap even more so than northerners
>racial segregation was abolished only 50 years ago
Feels bad man.
You have absolutely no clue what the fuck you're talking about
Because fear of the black cock
Have you learned nothing from /pol/
Go to bed foner, we tried reconstruction and the nigs proved incompetent
Because blacks made up a huge amount on the southern population. The great migration greatly reduced their numbers allowing whites to be less worried about desegregation.
Also FDR was very pro southern and protected southern states from civil rights activists during he new deal era.
>go to public library
>blacks everywhere talking jive in booming voices and laughing boisterously
>blacks on computers looking up porn
>spitting on floor
>go to get a drink at water fountain
>black in front of me literally wraps his lips around the faucet, the Hawks a loigie in basin
>see black teens rip security tags out of DVDs, shove down pants and walk out
>see black at study cubicle just casually destroying desk surface with switchblade knife while offering to sell heroin to passers by
>homeless blacks sleeping in children's chill out chairs
>one black teen reading a children's book, mouthing the words
Gee I don't know.
Carl the cuck, pls go.
Nice argument
Cause it fucking worked...
It was about States rights versus preservation of the Union fampai. Cotton tariffs and trade. It's like you didn't pass AP U.S. history or something.
*tips fedora*
Because what they really needed to do was deport them all or worse. They just kept putting it off and segregation was a band-aid fix. Then they fell to communist subversion.
Is this bizarro /pol/?
>the side that passed the Fugitive Slave Act and established a heavily centralized government under martial law is talking about states rights
lol exactly what I thought when I read that post
Lay off the a wyatt mann comics newfriend
I think I have figured out a way to get rid of all racial discrimination and ethnic tensions in our societies!
What if we made separate countries for different peoples?
We invented a magical theory of racism to morally justify slavery.
Think about the bathroom sex segregation, it's 100% the same thing. A woman doesn't want to share the bathroom with a stinking, raping man and white back then didn't want to share the bathroom with a stinking, raping nigger.
Because niggers don't know how to behave.
>What if we made separate countries for different peoples?
It's been tried. Went pretty poorly.
You're asking about a country that is currently shitting its pants over who uses what bathroom. There is no logic to human stupidity.
How so?
Because those separate "countries" were not even independent at all let alone the fact that it was forced upon the several Bantustans.
Women washrooms are a total horror.
t. guy who worked as a cleaner during uni summer breaks.
That's brilliant. Let's call them nation-countries.
Well not too surprisingly, the party responsible for any kind of forcible segregation usually is going to go out of their way to give themselves the better end of the deal.
With South Africa, the segregation involved trying to move the black population to territories somewhat similar to American Indian reservations, where the South African government tried to make them internationally recognized as independent states.
Problem was, it generally involved forcing the black majority population off to the less desirable regions of the country while the better areas were left for the white population. Not too surprisingly, this didn't go over well with the black population, and South Africa would gradually transition to a police state during its time under Apartheid in an effort to maintain the status quo and fend off the terrorists.
See, this is why modern politics is silly. Why didn't they stick to time-honoured and effective methods of settling border disputes like war and genocide?
Ida B. Wells used to think that maybe all the constant lynchings were because the Black guy did some crime to justify extrajudicial killings like some backwater central Asian shithole.
Then she realized that many of the lynchings were because the white locals got triggered if a Black was successfully competing/ beating them at something or or questioned society just like that time a mob destroyed the offices of the news article reporting her research and the hateful articles they wrote about her since they thought she was a man or like the time her friend got lynched because he grocery store was outdoing all the others in the area.
You are trying to be witty but it's falling flat.
No, I am being serious.
Ethnic is an unavoidable death sentence, in the long term either one group will destroy the other or they will split off.
*Ethnic diversity
what do you mean by Ethnic?
After Reconstruction in the South, there was an unwritten deal that Rutherford B. Hayes would pull out the troops occupying southern territories (I believe this was to gain support from Southern Democrats, Hayes himself was a Republican). Many politicians and other persons of power were placed back into the positions they occupied pre-Civil War. Even though the laws said negroes were citizens and allowed to vote and etc., the people's opinions didn't change, this starts what is known as the "Jim Crow Era" in the South, which lasts over a 100 years because there's no one to represent negroes in the gubbermint. (You can change laws, but not people's attitudes)