Post underrated historical badasses so we can all have new things to read. I'll start: here's Jan Zizka, Czech Hussite General who fought at Tannenberg, then defeated an entire crusade launched against his religious sect to the point that mercernaries would flee the moment they heard they had to fight him. Joan of Arc threatened to start a new crusade against his sect herself just before she was captured. He never lost a battle, was the first to use mass field artillery and peasant flails, slaughtered the fuck out of enemies of the hussites, and was so beloved by his men that when he died they started calling themselves 'the Orphans'.
And yet I never seem to hear about him.
Post underrated historical badasses so we can all have new things to read. I'll start: here's Jan Zizka...
Götz "Iron Hand" von Berlichingen
Mercenary with a mechanical arm. Personal motto: "You can lick my ass."
Yeah, he was a fun guy.
Also the inspiration for Guts from Berserk.
Literally who cares
>One eyed monster wh never lost a battle
That's why.
Wasn't their 'heresy' just drinking wine at communion or some stupid small shit like that?
Hussites were literally medieval ISIS.
Bullshit-- they spent more time fighting each other than other people.
He was a Hussite, basically the forefathers of the protestants.
So taking the money out of the church?
Compared to what, the Catholic Church? Everyone was a wannabe ISIS back then.
>implying ISIS doesn't spend a lot of time fighting other islamists like FSA or Al Qaida
See this
Yes. The Hussites were religious rebels and iconoclasts who destroyed religious symbols all over the place and indulged in mindless raping and pillaging.
>Implying Crusaders didn't do this everywhere they went
The Knights Hospitaller in general due to the fact both the Knights Templar and Teutonic Order are more well known. De Vallette in particular, of course, was the greatest of them all.
>De Vallette
Mah man
Never heard of him. Why is he so great?
The Templars are overrated to fuck just because some royal memer invented a rumor that they worship a goat.
He was there at the siege of Rhodes, and organized the defense of Malta resulting in the great Ottoman defeat.
IIRC he is one of the only Hospitaller grand masters who never returned home.
Peter III of Aragon.
Fought France, Naples, the Pope and his own brother at once and won.
Leper Knights of St Lazarus: Imagine a bunch of dudes who know they're going to die soon anyway, who can't feel pain due to nerve damage, and who are basically walking biological weapons.
Wait, so did they intentionally try to spread the disease to enemies?
I think he didn't just organize but personally fought once his town was basically the last bit left despite being around 70. He was offered a cardinal position after the siege but declined it and instead built up what would become Malta's capital.
Why are czechs such 'muh heritage' fags?
Individual men are nothing
The Great Siege of Malta in general is a hugely underrated and forgotten battle. It was one of the most amazing underdog victories in the history of Europe.
Even Voltaire was impressed with the Hospitallers.
I am unsure as to how they know exactly how to spread disease but healthy knights also fought with the lepers despite their fears so
seems dubious honestly but cool as fuck. reminds me of the Death Guard from 40k but nicer.
Because that's all we have today. We were only Kingdom in HRE, first protestants, our kings ruled over Poland, Hungary and Austria, First republic was last democracy to west of Germany before the war and it was rich as fuck. But today we are just unimportant state ruled by drunk president and lying government, so we need heritage to stay happy.
it's only a select few anons on Veeky Forums who still think it is their 'muh seekrit klub' and shitpost on /int/
řřřřřěěěěěěěěěě get out
Probably because the Hussite wars are largely overlooked in general. Personally I think they're pretty fascinating, even though I myself only recently heard of them.
Robert Guiscard
Born too late to grab up land from his father, not a pussy so he didn't join the Church, went off and carved his own empire out in southern Italy. Inspired at least a generation of born too late noble sons to stake their claim in the world.
Kicked the
Ass and took his turn to sacking Rome. As is tradition for badasses.
Casimir Pulaski, not sure if truly unknown. Anyway, winged hussar who fought in the American Revolution for the Americans. Died in a Cavalry Charge.
Genseric (Skull Knight) is pretty underrated too
But your 'kings' were actually german
We have the holiday in Northern Illinois, he's a bit of a popular folk hero for letting us out of school
Also because of the Sufjan Stevens song of the same title
He basically founded cavalry in the USA.
Also was a Polish rebel before he came to the USA.
Wish there was more about him out there other than the millions of highways named after him.
When is the new chapter coming out?
Total badass. Being Peter the Great before it was cool.
>our kings ruled over Poland
for six years