Germanics have taken over the world. The Germanic mind is considered the normal healthy mind...

Germanics have taken over the world. The Germanic mind is considered the normal healthy mind. Anyone who does not conform to Germanic way of thought is treated as abnormal and in need of correction. Look at all the pain they have caused. Non-Germanics have had to change their culture and society in order to match Germanics level of selfish interest. Those who do not conform are considered irrelevant and worthy of death and colonization.

It is abhorrent that one should force his mindset onto another. Aboriginal Australians do not want to act like "the white man", they have been robbed of their land and way of life just like the countless other peoples whom the Germanics have conquered. When ancient Romans and Greeks invaded lands they would take care of the native populations, building services and roads but they would be mostly left untouched as long as they paid taxes. When Alexander conquered he built schools and library's and the native peoples loved him for it.

We are so ingrained with Germanic perspective that we don't even realize it.

My question is, how did we reach the modern age of colonialism where Germanics have not only taken away from natives their land, but also their souls? It is evil, pure evil.

I actually agree but also we went to the moon and that's fucking glorious, if you ask me.

I, blame the Normans senpai.

Change Germanic to Anglo
>inb4 Anglos are Germanic
no they ain't since 1066

But colonial empires did build schools, hospitals etc in places like Africa.

You could argue that the "Germanic" mind is more Roman than anything else.

Nice meme

Normans are also Germanics.

Germanics got defeated by Russian-Mongol Hordes under Judo-Masonic Control during WW2 proving that they're inferior to them.
t. Adolf Hitler.

Haha no


More like French rape babies

They didn't allow those cultures to flourish in their own native way. They forced upon them Germanic French, British, Dutch, etc way of thinking and acting as the only method to survive. Now Africans can't even hunt a lion or elephant without having millions of people worldwide chastising them for doing it.

Anglo-saxons and French are more much more genetically Celtic than they are Germanic.
As always, OP is a fag

So you think they should be allowed to hunt them to extinction?

France was peaceful until Germanics went there leaving their savage genetic imprint.

France yes, England no.

Your question comes from a Germanic mindset, I refuse to answer you.

Well according to this most of England is in the 30-40% range, meaning Germanic still isn't the majority

what's with Iceland?

What happened to the Eternal Italic?

No towns, I'd imagine.

>It is abhorrent that one should force his mindset onto another.
no it's not and you're doing the same thing right now you big gay baby


I keked


"Germanics" are Hun barbarians and basically Asian.
Much like Asians they are also all nerds, socially awkward and genocidal.

Actual white people like the Americans, French and British are the ones who actually control the world, not filthy krauts. Thank god.

>Judo-Masonic Control
Only Karate-Slavic Rebellion can free the Horde now

>Americans, French and British

we're talking about germanics, not germans.

t. Amerifat

Germanics have literally nothing to do with Huns you fucking autist


So basically you're a child or a troll. Fuck off to tumblr.