All ">HOLY >ROMAN >EMPIRE" memes aside, what was this guy's actual philosophy? From what I've read of him, he strikes me more as a social critic than anyone with their own defined philosophical worldview.
Enlighten me Veeky Forums?
All ">HOLY >ROMAN >EMPIRE" memes aside, what was this guy's actual philosophy? From what I've read of him, he strikes me more as a social critic than anyone with their own defined philosophical worldview.
Enlighten me Veeky Forums?
TL; DR Reli(e)gion is DUMB XDXD
Its all about power. He wanted a new European power to rival england and France.
He makes memes and smug faces and he's all out of memes
So you're saying he wanted a new Empire?
>what was this guy's actual philosophy?
Pic related.
I don't know but I have come to hate that picture because I'm sick and tired of the brainless repetition of that meme of the HRE in two or three threads per day.
I guess it will stop when HREboos stop pretending it was anything important.
Voltaire wasn't a philosopher, he was a comic writer. Johnson was better in every way and you should take everything Voltaire says with a pinch of salt.
He is the first reddit fedora atheist XDD
"Byzantium is a worthless repertory of declamations and miracles, a disgrace to the human mind."
>a few
>of snow
He was just a witty hater, which is better than a butthurt hater but doesn't really contribute anything of value. Not clever, or enlightened, or a philosopher.
Candide, as he was returning home, made profound reflections on the Turk’s discourse. “This good old man,” said he to Pangloss and Martin, “appears to me to have chosen for himself a lot much preferable to that of the six kings with whom we had the honor to sup.” … “Neither need you tell me,” said Candide, “that we must take care of our garden.” “You are in the right,” said Pangloss; “for when man was put into the garden of Eden, it was with an intent to dress it: and this proves that man was not born to be idle.” “Work then without disputing,” said Martin; “it is the only way to render life supportable.”
He thought Prussia was pretty okay and he hated Jews. He also thought women were inferior to men.
At least he recognised it as a continuation of Rome unlike
I always question the notion of him being a philosopher, or at least one who left a real contribution.
He's more of like a Christopher Hitchens type figure, all the good and bad that comes with that.
Was Voltaire unique in his smiling for portraits, busts, etc? It seems like most people at the time tried to appear sober and sophisticated in theirs.
Yes, but only if it was, in fact Holy AND Roman.
Yep, that massive collection of nations and an emperor that was crowned by the pope - literally not important at all.
Why should we even talk about it at all? Let's just talk about how great France is! XD
>continuation of Rome
he was a historical bill maher
excrpt Voltaire was actually funny and right
all i know is that he didn't agree with leibniz
For centuries it was the engine driving European politics.
>t. Hun
Voltaire's main deal was that he thought states should generally be more secular, and allow people to speak their mind.
s'not that bad
that's pretty based 2bh
Secular, likes freedom of speech
More of a bantz guy
as we already know, he pratice for Catherine the great with Frederick the great
He was a toy boy of German aristocrats.
Dude was a prophet.
There was literally not a single thing he wasn't wrong about.
>Six acres of snow
>Perfidious Albion