Why does American history treat him so badly? Just because he ruined some suspicious liberals careers?
Why does American history treat him so badly? Just because he ruined some suspicious liberals careers?
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I like to think it is because Americans value free expression, and find the idea of persecution aimed at political affiliation to be repugnant
If that's true, it does seem a bit selective, though
sage. Americans believe in free speech and the like. If some folks happened to be communists, so what? The Cold War might shape things a certain paranoid way, but at the end of the day we have a man claiming nonsense on the basis of a briefcase he won't reveal. I have evidence of traitors of to America and out way of life...
I just won't show it.
McCarthy was lying, intimidating bully.
The Truman administration had done a remarkably good job of weeding out spies and infiltrators.
McCarthy was the dark side of "americanism".
These, not exactly, but kinda.
The funny thing is the guy's right.
America's been infiltrated (I don't really want to use this word but idk what else to use) by communists way before WWII even began, well at least by marxists and the like.
And those marxists and communists are very influential even today, some great examples are the Neocons who were trotskyites back in 30s and George Soros who funds Black Lives Matter.
>The funny thing is the guy's right.
He was horrifically wrong, that list he talked about (which launched his career) which had all those names of communist infiltrators never existed. Just take a look at how many people were actually convicted as a result of them.
The FBI and State Department already knew about the real risk and were working on dealing with communist infiltration in the Government and public at large.
Funnily enough when his 2IC started abusing his power to literally favour his homosexual lover and he was brought to trial on it his defence was that the army was only doing this because they were being run by communists who feared his work
>In 1950 McCarthy assaulted journalist Drew Pearson in the cloakroom of a Washington club, reportedly kneeing him in the groin. McCarthy, who admitted the assault, claimed he merely "slapped" Pearson.[60] In 1952, using rumors collected by Pearson, Nevada publisher Hank Greenspun wrote that McCarthy was a homosexual. The major journalistic media refused to print the story, and no notable McCarthy biographer has accepted the rumor as probable.[61] In 1953, McCarthy married Jean Kerr, a researcher in his office. He and his wife adopted a baby girl, whom they named Tierney Elizabeth McCarthy, in January 1957.
No, you're bullshitting. The list never existed? That's an odd claim, do you have evidence?
We need a word filter to change Soros to Costanza
t. Soros
Why is that, George?
Why? Are you paid by him?
>In what played out to be the most dramatic exchange of the hearings, McCarthy responded to aggressive questioning from Army counsel Joseph Welch. On June 9, 1954, day 30 of the hearings, Welch challenged Cohn to give McCarthy's list of 130 subversives in defense plants to the office of the FBI and the Department of Defense "before the sun goes down".[24] In response to Welch's challenge, McCarthy suggested that Welch should check on Fred Fisher, a young lawyer in Welch's own Boston law firm whom Welch planned to have on his staff for the hearing
Towards the end of it it resulted in him and another senator acusing each others staff of being communists as well.
He was called to produce his list and refused to do so. None of the people who he investigated wound up being convicted either and whats more many actually managed to succesfful sue for the damage caused to their careers by being arbitrarily black listed
Fisher was part of a known communist organization.
Guy ends up being President of the Massachusetts Bar Association.
He's still right, even if it is for the wrong reasons.
Also to add to that was his original list of 205 of communists in the State Department that never turned up.
Here was his quote that catapulted him to fame
> "I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department."[9] This speech resulted in a flood of press attention to McCarthy and established the path that made him one of the most recognized politicians in the United States.
Of course when this didnt turn up they just turned their focus to hollywood and got a whole bunch of people sacked and books banned.
There is a reason why he drunk himself to death at 48 and was ostracized. He created a panic and hysteria rather than actually deal with the threat at hand
>He created a panic and hysteria rather than actually deal with the threat at hand
What was the threat at hand?
And there we go, even after Fisher was removed form the trial -remembering that being a member of that heavily monitored body wasnt actually illegal- he still refused to reveal his list of communist spies in the defence plants. Its a running pattern.
He wasnt and in fact destroyed the credibility of those who had serious concerns about communist espionage. Name any spies in the state department or government who were stopped by him.
>Name any spies in the state department or government who were stopped by him.
What about Hollywood?
>What was the threat at hand?
The CPUSA being heavily funded and controlled by the USSR and general Soviet Espionage which would take advantage of the lax security of Americas Allies to get US information.
Read again, he claimed he had a list of 205 commies in the state department that they or the FBI didnt know about. Yet strangely not *1* was identified. Why do you think this is the case?
>What about Hollywood?
Had nothing to do with his claims, had no links to espionage and was pretty much just ruining the careers of people who weren't conservatives - or for awhile hetrosexuals.
>George Soros funds BLM
>BLM protests at Hillary's and Bernie's events
well, that was easy to disprove
Wasn't he proven right tho?
We now know the Soviets were waging a massive war of infiltration and subversion. We have seen gigantic changes to the West culturally since the 60's, its institutions and traditions destroyed from the inside out.
>Wasn't he proven right tho?
He accused thousands of being communist agents in the government and and couldnt convict one.
He effectivley then went on to be a right wing SJW warrior and start accussing masses of people in hollywood of being spies and agents with simmilar success although the mere stigma of being accused was enough to ruin careers.
>We now know the Soviets were waging a massive war of infiltration and subversion. We have seen gigantic changes to the West culturally since the 60's, its institutions and traditions destroyed from the inside out.
USSR's control over that is massivly overstated at best they funded pacifist groups and stole secrets.
Birth control, military failures and the rise of the welfare and neoliberal states are what produced these changes rather than foreign agents.
Right, but here we are talking about it standing around the smouldering ashes of our civilisation... At his time the fire was just being lit, and he shouted fire, but nobody listened.
How does that disprove anything? Soros is in it for Soros, not for the Democratic party. Just like any oligarch or any capitalist.
I guess we should listen to all conspiracy theorists because one of them might actually be right and not a paranoid schizophrenic.
Yes, no conspiracies exist.
>Right, but here we are talking about it standing around the smouldering ashes of our civilisation... At his time the fire was just being lit, and he shouted fire, but nobody listened.
Are you mad not only did they listen they allowed him to lead the investigation. He got 1000s of people fired+isolated despite them not being agents or spies had books removed from public libraries and for a time was the leader of popular anticommuism in the most powerful nation in the world.
Despite having all this proof, not one single person was able to be convicted. Imagine what it would be like if Anita Sarkeesian or some other SJW was put in charge of a committee tasked with destroying hate crime and you will get an idea of what he was like.
McCarthy cried wolf, that dosesnt mean there weren't wolves only that he lied and wasted time and resources on nothing.
Take another look at the last part of that post you respond to.
He said he had proof when he had none. You seem to be acting as though no one cared about communism until he came along and that the FBI was just chilling and regailing themselves over prohibition stories