>The alpha male in a group fucks the women
>spreads his genes as much as possible
>the weaker males do not get this opportunity
How do "betas" and weak people still exist?
>The alpha male in a group fucks the women
>spreads his genes as much as possible
>the weaker males do not get this opportunity
How do "betas" and weak people still exist?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because you can't have multiple alphas in the same group.
Because beta males fuck the women when the alphas aren't looking. It's been observed a million times across species.
Because hyperslut culture hasn't always existed. Women used to have to get married instead of getting fucked off of Tinder by a different Chad every night. Monogamy used to actually give men who aren't perfect physical specimens sexual access to women in exchange for working a job. That's what allowed civilization to exist.
Because "alpha" and "beta" are used to describe the social structure of wolf packs, and to use those terms to describe human interactions isn't good analysis.
Hell, I believe that the consensus today is that those terms aren't appropriate descriptions of the pecking order in a wolf pack, either.
>implying alphas didn't have job
Both of these
Development of human civilization is probably based very much around the concept of monogamy / marriage which was the first sexual revolution in a sense.
Veeky Forums topics should be banned on Veeky Forums. Flagrant abuses of scientific terms and concepts for weird political/social theories is always retarded.
The funny thing is that "beta" to describe humans is used in the sense of "omega" to describe wolves. They didn't even bother to understand wolf social hierarchy before the borrowed the terminology.
monogamous marriage is the best option for these men to reproduce and for civilisations, too many chiefs to indians does no good. Otherwise you end up with something like islam where they allow harem scenarios so all the guys who don't get any cull the other guys that didn't get any so that maybe they could get some.
Makes sense. Civilization took the savvy beast-man from the wild and turned him into the cuck in the office.
Of course alphas had jobs. The difference is that today you can be a beta earning $100,000 a year and you might as well not exist as far as women are concerned. Back before the destruction of marriage pretty much every man could expect to get married as long as he could work.
>spend his time satisfying women in bed
OP, you are a full on beta pleb
>Women used to have to get married instead of getting fucked off of Tinder by a different Chad every night.
This 20 yo thinks that women never cheated.
Women are not meant to be prude, stop being a resentful worm.
>"fucks the women"
>Somehow turns into "spend his time satisfying women in bed"
>Using beta unironically
>projecting this hard
Whatever you say, Don Wrong.
cuckoldry is negligible as it is affects all cross-sections in the same way
>The difference is that today you can be a beta earning $100,000 a year and you might as well not exist as far as women are concerned
Only if you're 100% spergy shut-in.
If the only thing you have to offer to woman is that you can hold a job no wonder you're seen as worthless by them, retard as basically everybody(including women) can do it.
feminism gives free contraceptives to women, while they do nothing for those for men, especially they never fought for them to be free of charge
and they never encouraged free drugs to fight against the erectile dysfucntion, as you must have a boner before even putting a condom, while they advocate sexual jouissance for every woman on earth
feminism does nothing to liberate the talk about psychological violence on men from women
feminism does nothing to liberate the talk of raped men inside a household
feminism favorizes the abortion whithout even the requirement to inform the father
feminism does nothing against coerced paternity
feminism does nothing about the inequality favouring women on the dating game
feminists actually do not promote intellectual independance as a men is considered a sexist scumbag as soon as he disagrees with them or even try to nuance their positions
do you still believe that the feminists fight for equality ?
He's also right about how those terms aren't really considered correct anymore for wolves too. It's sad we have a whole generation of lonely autists being taught a completely wrong form of social understanding. No wonder people like Elliot rodger go on killing sprees.
In many species, it's been observed that otherwise unsuccessful males find other ways of getting mates (usually by mating when a more physically capable male isn't around). Humans are no different, and our capacity for abstract reasoning means we get more creative about it.
>it's another thread where user assumes that evolution and the sexual revolution are working against him because he can't talk to girls
It's difficult to be a slut when there's no reliable contraception or access to abortion, or social sanction to do so, and you can't work or get handouts from daddy government to support your own degenerate lifestyle. Of course women have always been whores. The difference is that today's society is designed to facilitate whoredom.
weak men crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible.
The best way for a man to cater his need for approval is to serve some woman (and some of her children) through emotional&financial support.
Men are pleased to contribute to someone else life, to support their family.
Why women are a good way to feel relevant? Because women love to be provided for and each woman will always find a man ready to please her.
[for most men, the best feeling of feeling real is when the girl moans from your cock in her pussy]
THe problem for men is that they are disposable in the eyes of each woman, since all men wish to serve the few women who talk to them.
Men must thus invent several ways to please women, invention and creativity which strengthen their feeling of being worthy, relevant, in touch with reality.
Men are too impotent to find other way to feel real.
Once that the a woman replaces a man by another provider, the man gets very upset and depressed.
THis leads men to think that they are better than women, stronger, smarter and that they must built a life outside women. Some men manage to indeed built an empire, but they will always loos it for some women.
Women give meaning to men and betas, no matter how successful outside women, will always give up everything for some relationship with some woman who claim to fancy them.
>feminism gives free contraceptives to women
No science and medicine did. Society has been trying contraceptives since people figured out fucking makes babies.
Christ, no one was talking about feminism you sperg. No need to get triggered.
And this thread is going to be awful, these threads always do.
Women didn't used to work. Estimation of social competence are a function of physical appearance.
Why no one ever speaks about beta women who have shit genes and give birth to beta kids even if impregnated by alpha?
Today men take pride in getting some girl wet and make her cum, they even take pride in eating pussy.
>whistling through the wheat field
It's a
>intelligent user has something meaningful to say, then goes all-out spaghetti when he infers what was not implied; projects his insecurities onto a thread at the last second
type of post. It's no big, just watch those triggers.
because it's still marrying up which is all things equal eugenic.
Because that's a dumb oversemplification that reflects your retarded vision of reality influenced by browsing pol and r9k 24/7
because those women have an easy life too
>Women give meaning to men and betas,
Pure nonsense
He is right though, it all goes around getting women.
>Women didn't used to work.
If they were the top 5%, materially speaking.
>intelligent user
Why thank you.
Also, it's pretty funny you'd speak of projection when accusing someone of being triggered and spilling their spaghetti, my friend.
But seriously, these threads are a dime a dozen, and they all boil down to "women are evolutionarily predisposed to being whores, and the sexual revolution makes it so they can fuck all the chads they want and this is why I can't get a GF."
Wouldn't mind being the equivalent of a beta wolf.
Oh, me and the miss are the equivalent of the second-in-command to the boss and get the second pick of all the good shit the group gets? Don't mind if i do.
Their are literally entire groups of men who for various reasons (usually religious) completely swear off women. So no, not really.
ease up you may pull something reaching for those cherries
Reminder that that view of human sexuality is objectively wrong.
Not that you'll care...
Doesn't this become meaningless if you have more than a couple women in your life? Not every person you know as a friend falls into a "provider/provided" kind of relationship. You can be friends with a girl without attempting to provide anything.
Again, inferred at the very end something that was never implied.
Where did I say I can't get a GF? Or where did I imply it?
You're still projecting, not-as-intelligent-as-I-thought user.
What about old men? Or gay people? Are they without meaning simply because they are out of the running?
*simply without meaning
Men serving women.
The guy on the far left must still be blessed.
I didn't infer anything about you, friend.
How does this make you feel?
Oh, quite right.
What is the diagram attempting to convey?
old men typically had reproduced, and faggots had to come from somewhere buttsex is sterile, male libido is a fundamental drive, have libtards finally discarded freud once he goes off the reservation?
Is it okay for a man failing to give a woman an orgasm?
Thats such a tiny minority an exception of the rule. inb4 gays still exception, old men? Their test levels are gone they don't get boner anymore.
Well, generally Freud is not really considered all that relevant today in psychology.
Men are fucked
>old men typically had reproduced
So do their lives have meaning after this point or should they just off themselves?
>faggots had to come from somewhere buttsex is sterile
Yes they came from procreation but that happened before they were even conscious. Do their lives lack meaning after their conception?
> male libido is a fundamental drive
It's really important but it doesn't give men their meaning of life in a singular sense. Even if it is really important in a general social sense.
Disregarding the issues with the whole alpha/beta thing, there needs to be followers if you want a leader.
And if the leaders hoarded all the women they'd end up with a hundred inbred bastards and a thousand followers who hate their guts.
Society would just not work properly.
It's in a leader's interest to keep having people who follow him, and therefore to have those people reproduce.
Ever had your normie chad friends try to arrange you something with a girl ? Same concept here.
>The alpha male in a group fucks the woman
use your tongue
>Ever had your normie chad friends try to arrange you something with a girl ? Same concept here.
that's just the courtesy of friendship. Save your ad hoc "but they subconsciously wanted it" and return to
>What is the diagram attempting to convey?
It literally says on the image itself.
they probably did subconsciously want it tho
>be a woman
>be hungry
>go out
>notice that a few men bring you food
>take the food
>notice that the few men are now even happier
>get hungry again
>the same men bring you the same food
>the same men are happy to see you and that you take their food
>get bored with the food
>get hungry again
>new men bring you new food
>first men get upset for taking the food from the new men
>first men call you a fat foodzie
>you did not even wanted to hurt the first men
>the new men make you forget about the firs tones
>the new men bring you food and become happy when you take their food
>carry on the cycle until you die
Tfw most people on thread are probably betas
Tfw normie reddit fags are the modern alpha males
Tfw being 5.5ft was considered tall in the ancient world.
gamma master race
Because "beta" and "alpha", even if conveying something more or less coherent notion of dominance (which is questionable in itself), are relative and are contingent a gorillion environmental factor. In other words, the "beta" of yesteryear is the "alpha" of today, and vice versa. Evolution is just that, a constant process of adaptation; it's not over once you win the golden medal of survival and dissemination for X generations.
Guy on center left looks away from his wife.
Grandfather needs a beard shave and nigger scrammed.
Alpha and beta was invented to describe how wolves behave when feeding, and the author has since called it a simplification.
Alphas and betas don't exist in human society, we are not wolves.
And even among wolves, alpha and beta pairs appear only in captivity, that shit does not exist in the wild.
>How do "betas" and weak people still exist?
/r9k/ still exists because they haven't been kicked out of their parents' basements yet.
Women are property if men. Always were, always will be.
Traditionally women were either communal property of male collective (very old tribals) or dustributed along the rank (most to dominant warlord-aristocrat, some trash for plebs of plebs). Second variant always led to coups and property(+women) seizure betas or mass desperate rise of omega losers like slave uprisings ornjodern ISIS, as a mass of whelps who already had lost their dignity and reproduction chance can st times wresk havoc. Bonobo packs have free sex and zero competition, if apparent female dominance as they distribute sexual favour as currency and power to useful men. Baboon or chimp packs are strictly hierarchicalm with said frequent beta coups and rare omega mutinies. Both are unsuitable for civilization, first lacks direction, competition and ambition, second is too volatile and paranoid for everything except ape pack or arab caliphate.
Strict monogamy is like strict anti-monopoly laws in a market - prevents market failures, to each their own.
So western society is a spineless Bonobo pussycracy importing some Baboon volatility and war for sex. Add welfare state as ultimate alohast male-provider and alimony-enslaver of omegas, if extremely unreliable one.
Capitalism is much better without both monopoly and monopsony. Sex is much healthier without overpowered alphas and womyn. Everything else is destined to chimpout with no survivors.
Also all alphas have standards and will utterly refuse sex with unhealthy, ugly and/or obnoxious womyn, leaving said scrapd to omegas to reproduce and hopefully born sonething better.
The alpha-beta reproduction dichotomy doesn't exist in humans. Take India for example, it's a country full of objectively ugly, small dicket manlets yet they reproduce the most, whereas western birth rates are in the shitter.
They're genetic failures, the same thing happens in the microelectronics industry where the exact same industrial process will produce chips of varying quality with the better ones being sold for more but all of them coming from the same source.
>Women are property if men.
>feminists actually do not promote intellectual independance as a men is considered a sexist scumbag as soon as he disagrees with them or even try to nuance their positions
They aren't much nicer to the women either, don't see why you had to specify man.
>Why no one ever speaks about beta women
They do, they're called feminists.
>Waah I'm being oppressed by the patriarchy because Chad won't call me back!
>people pretending feminists are one person
Why do people do this? Is intellectual exercise too much effort?
>feminists pretending they're all special snowflakes who have absolutely no relationship to each other whatsoever
Why do people do this? Is intellectual exercise too much effort?
>dodging my point and trying to copy my quip
did I strike a nerve?
>that pic
gotta love when blacks put a sweater on their back to look more tame
Unlike some people, I'm happily married with my property. A woman will almost always find a man who'll make her into valuable investment, but will also be happy too suck all blood from a man who's too timid to privatize her yet too stupid to court her waiting to be cucked.
Just my protip to your pitiful ad hominem.
You forget that there's beta women. That's a beta male's opportunity.
what about Japan then? that's a country where every man is "beta", and that's why the birth rate so low, women hate it. they want "alpha" western men
Why don't /pol/ and /r9k/ stay in their own respective boards?
weaker males still mate with weaker females
t. cunthurt femanon
How do i cuck Chad
>country where every man is beta
That would be America and their birth rates aren't that bad
Because they're missionaries of misery.
how did this alpha/beta pseudoscience become so popular among right-wing nerds who are otherwise very rigorous and fact-based in their support of science over feels?
Because of autism.
Right wings promote hierarchy of things aswell.