>Languages of the south are born of joy, languages of the north are born of need
>Languages of the south are born of joy, languages of the north are born of need
It's fucking Rousseau. Why even bother.
Rousseau fucking sucks. This is bad linguistics at its finest.
ITT stupid niggers
I think it's something to do with people living in hot countries living comfy lives.
>18th century understanding of linguistics
Just ignore
Nothing we didn't already know. Of course southern europeans are more cultured and human. Can we move on?
Truly the faggiest science
Typical French philosopher, reducing philosophy to a battle of wits.
literally kill youself
Rousseau is terrible and ruined various disciplines for centuries with his bullshit.
>literally kill youself
I won't.
>linguistics of a spoiled country cuckold who thought all languages spontaneously generated
>muh language is a social construct
languages didn't spontaneously generate, they're all evolved from at least one and at most a small number of original languages which human ancestors had before they migrated all around
Evolution IS a spontaneous generation though.
Did your mum drop you as a baby?
user, what is evolution?
>People in England once spoke old English, then one day they decided to speak modern English.
That's not defining evolution.
You both understand that it takes a gradual amount of time but somehow don't see that you both know that??
I think conflates "spontaneous generation" with something like essentialist creationism.
I was explaining to a user that spontaneous generation is not evolution. You could say that evolution is a serious of spontaneous generations, but at that point, why would you not just call it gradual change?
Series, not serious
There is nothing in the notion of spontanous generation which entails immediacy.
>Spontaneous - performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.
>doesn't imply immediacy
Unless there is another definition of spontaneous generation? The only one I found was to do with biology.
>coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency; without effort or premeditation; natural and unconstrained; unplanned.
This definition seems more consistent with the more philosophical discussions of the concept (such as in Hayek).