Why does Veeky Forums hate this beautiful country?
Why does Veeky Forums hate this beautiful country?
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They keep invading there neighbors, except that one period where it was cut into pieces and they killed eachother.
Butthurt about /pol/ Wehraboos, so they decided to fight autism with autism.
[spoiler]Everyone loses[/spoiler]
>tfw love the sound of the German language
I've never understood the appeal of French, I feel like the French forced the meme themselves.
Reddit image, but still relevant.
>I feel like the French forced the meme themselves.
Of course they did. French culture has been a forced meme since 1789.
If they are not the best at everything or is someone elseĀ“s fault.
If you dont agree with whatever they claim is cause you are a butthurt frog/Greek/...
>tfw love the sound of the German language
Seek help, German sounds like two cheese graters clanking over each other.
I don't, it's just the eternally buttpained French and Polish posters.
Hello, friend.
The meme of the France language being more beautiful than the German one goes far longer back than the rise of the French might does.
t.Charles "Talk German with my horse" V
Schmetterling looks more aesthetically pleasing, imo.
There's something very charming about (written) Germanic languages.
It's because Veeky Forums tries so hard to be "not-/pol/" that it just ends up on the other end of the autism spectrum.
It's not a country, it's a meme. For now it's a meme with Mohammad's dick in the ass. Germany is dead.
I actually have no problem with Germany at all. I just pretend I do because it triggers /pol/faggots.
They were pretty cool in 19th and early 20th century.
Right now it's pretty dead.
I guess fighting two world wars in a row against the entire world does that to you.
Who you should blame for their retardness? Who is responsible? They fucked up themselves. They are responsible for their own mistakes.
ebin XD
>hey guys let's become the problem we love to complain about
>it totally won't degrade the quality of the board for everyone
>that will show those /pol/tards!
Autism at it's finest.
they managed to come across as the biggest bad guys in a world war where they were fighting against both the British Empire and Stalin's USSR
Germany gets hate because despite being on the wrong side of history in two world wars the Germany today is one of the leading economic powers. Furthermore any attempts at seeking to blame ordinary Germans for the rise of the Nazis is shot down in favour of a historiography which absolves ordinary Germans of their sins by laying the blame on other nations.
Despite being on the wrong side of history in two world wars the Germany today STILL hasn't learned from it's past mistakes and is still on the wrong side of history, as proven by their decisions on the migrant crisis.
> like two cheese graters clanking over each other.
not even close you autist
you've never read goethe
>fourth largest economy in the world
>pretty dead
>/pol/ autism hurt my feelings
>my name is pierre/wladislaw
>muh migrunts
Am I forgetting anything?
Means jack shit when you're letting millions of muslim immigrants into your country and let them roam free and rape your women at will.
Those who say that German sounds like they want to conquer the whole world are those who have only heard German speech in Rammstein music videos.
>anything that isn't economics
Go home Hans
>muh migrants
Number of Muslims =/= international relevance
He's literally a /pol/ack who uses /pol/ memes and your poster name is "leftist". How do you see this going?
>rape your women at will.
Although there were molestations, no rape has been proven so far. Don't believe anything the Russians throw at you,
I don't, and i'm Polish-Greek. Visited Hamburg once, cool place!
lel, probably the most appropriate ethnicity combination to hate Germany the most for WW2.
Anyway lots of people still have living grandparents who experienced WW2 and German atrocities, and their descendants and family usually "inherit" that hate against Germans without really thinking about it.
They have so much potential but they've always, always shot themselves in the foot. They're hated because it's hilarious to make fun of their incompetence
Sorry, I couldn't hear you over this.
>That shitty R pronunciation they have
>Sch fucking everywhere
>ei, eu and other diphtongs
>Consonants galore
Music is obviously good but their language is just ugly. It doesn't sound as bad as Polish but it's pretty close.
Try Austrian.
they were there I suppose
German tourists are loud as hell.
Veeky Forums is full of reactionary mongtards. They hate germany because it inevitably destroyed the old european order and now is on top of europe (for whatever thats worth) while all the other former great powers are becoming more and more irrelevant while the rest of europe dissolves into madness and chaos. Its basically the same idiots proposing a monarchy as a cure for every problems modern nations have.
also: Anti /pol/ autists already mentioned.
Most people don't like it because the only time they've ever heard German being spoken is when someone is yelling and shouting.
>I watch Russia Today
Even the number is wrong.
The English are way, way louder. Nobody can fuck with Australians when it comes to being loud and obnoxious tho.
The picture you choose is in germany itself fag. Also tons of way more obnoxious tourists in this beautiful earth. Russians, Englishmen, Australians to name some.
>it's a german who ruins europe rerun
This triggers Veeky Forumstorians.
Don't hate it personally though, I practically live 6 hours away from the border.
Germans are responsible for countless wars and disasters throughout Europe, they will always be filthy barbarians.
Some nationalistic French and Anglos still have a huge sense of self-importance and Germany's role as the biggest economy of the continent threatens their feelings of grandeur. In the case of France, their complex towards Germany dates back to 1870. Like all nationalists, they're also eager to present their own countries in the most favorable light while vilifying their opponents.
Then there are also many posters from Poland here where anti-German sentiment is the strongest in Europe.
Add some Greeks, American Jews and Polish diaspora and you got a pretty strong anti-German shitposting force.